> I have /dev/sdb , /dev/sdc. Using wipefs -fa I cleared both devices and
> created btrfs on /dev/sdb. Mounted and written some files and unmounted it.
> Then I ran btrfs-image /dev/sdc /img1.img and got the dump.

It looks like you imaged the wrong device, that might clarify the IO
errors later on

> Once image created I again ran wipefs -fa /dev/sdb.
> Then I ran btrfs-image -r /img1.img /dev/sdc and mounted /dev/sdc.
> ls to dumped filesystem shows the file size as original and no file content.
> I guess btrfs-image doesn't modify files stat so i feel it is showing size
> as original.
> However running cat on some of files give i/o error
> qd67:/btrfs1 # cat shadow.h
> cat: shadow.h: Input/output error
> These errors are not on all files on other files, since dump doesn't
> contains any data it just prompts for cat as below.
> qd67:/btrfs1 # cat stab.h
> qd67:/btrfs1 # cat stdio_ext.h
> Not sure why i/o errors are coming.
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