There is a division by 2 missing in the code. With that added, the
RAID10 numbers make more sense. See also:

More detail in here:

And if you want to look at allocation in a different way, this might
be interesting:

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 3:34 PM, Marco Lorenzo Crociani
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> as I wrote today in IRCI experienced an issue with 'btrfs filesystem usage'.
> I have a 4 partitions RAID10 btrfs filesystem almost full.
> 'btrfs filesystem usage' reports wrong "Unallocated" indications.
> Linux 4.5.3
> btrfs-progs v4.5.3
> # btrfs fi usage /data/
> Overall:
>     Device size:          13.93TiB
>     Device allocated:          13.77TiB
>     Device unallocated:         167.54GiB
>     Device missing:             0.00B
>     Used:              13.44TiB
>     Free (estimated):         244.39GiB    (min: 244.39GiB)
>     Data ratio:                  2.00
>     Metadata ratio:              2.00
>     Global reserve:         512.00MiB    (used: 0.00B)
> Data,single: Size:8.00MiB, Used:0.00B
>    /dev/sda4       8.00MiB
> Data,RAID10: Size:6.87TiB, Used:6.71TiB
>    /dev/sda4       1.72TiB
>    /dev/sdb3       1.72TiB
>    /dev/sdc3       1.72TiB
>    /dev/sdd3       1.72TiB
> Metadata,single: Size:8.00MiB, Used:0.00B
>    /dev/sda4       8.00MiB
> Metadata,RAID10: Size:19.00GiB, Used:14.15GiB
>    /dev/sda4       4.75GiB
>    /dev/sdb3       4.75GiB
>    /dev/sdc3       4.75GiB
>    /dev/sdd3       4.75GiB
> System,single: Size:4.00MiB, Used:0.00B
>    /dev/sda4       4.00MiB
> System,RAID10: Size:16.00MiB, Used:768.00KiB
>    /dev/sda4       4.00MiB
>    /dev/sdb3       4.00MiB
>    /dev/sdc3       4.00MiB
>    /dev/sdd3       4.00MiB
> Unallocated:
>    /dev/sda4       1.76TiB
>    /dev/sdb3       1.76TiB
>    /dev/sdc3       1.76TiB
>    /dev/sdd3       1.76TiB
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # btrfs fi show /data/
> Label: 'data'  uuid: df6639d5-3ef2-4ff6-a871-9ede440e2dae
>     Total devices 4 FS bytes used 6.72TiB
>     devid    1 size 3.48TiB used 3.44TiB path /dev/sda4
>     devid    2 size 3.48TiB used 3.44TiB path /dev/sdb3
>     devid    3 size 3.48TiB used 3.44TiB path /dev/sdc3
>     devid    4 size 3.48TiB used 3.44TiB path /dev/sdd3
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # btrfs fi df /data/
> Data, RAID10: total=6.87TiB, used=6.71TiB
> Data, single: total=8.00MiB, used=0.00B
> System, RAID10: total=16.00MiB, used=768.00KiB
> System, single: total=4.00MiB, used=0.00B
> Metadata, RAID10: total=19.00GiB, used=14.15GiB
> Metadata, single: total=8.00MiB, used=0.00B
> GlobalReserve, single: total=512.00MiB, used=0.00B
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # df -h
> /dev/sda4                     7,0T  6,8T    245G  97% /data
> Regards,
> --
> Marco Crociani
> Prisma Telecom Testing S.r.l.
> via Petrocchi, 4  20127 MILANO  ITALY
> Phone:  +39 02 26113507
> Fax:  +39 02 26113597
> e-mail:
> web:
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