On 06/03/2016 09:39 PM, Justin Brown wrote:
Here's some thoughts:

Assume a CD sized (680MB) /boot

Some distros carry patches for grub that allow booting from Btrfs,
so no separate /boot file system is required. (Fedora does not;
Ubuntu -- and therefore probably all Debians -- does.)

OTOH, a separate /boot keeps all possible future options open, and
reduces complexity. e.g. unwinding a /boot from within /, later.
Regardless, no harm in having separate /boot. (Assuming not worried
about partition presence detection.)

perhaps a 200MB (?) sized EFI partition

Way bigger than necessary. It should only be 1-2MiB, and IIRC 2MiB
might be the max UEFI allows.

Thanks for that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EFI_system_partition,
which I stupidly didn't think to look at at the time, doesn't speak to
size, but does note, for Gummiboot, "Configuration file fragments, kernel images and initrd images are required to reside on the EFI System
partition, as Gummiboot does not provide support for accessing files on
other partitions or file systems." So I'm not sure that 2MB is large
enough, and I suspect exceeding 2MB, reasonably, should do no harm
except waste some space.

then creates another partition for mirroring, later. IIUC, btrfs
add device /dev/sda4 / is appropriate, then. Then running a balance
seems recommended.

Don't do this. It's not going to provide any additional protection
that you can't do in a smarter way. If you only have one device and
want data duplication, just use the `dup` data profile (settable via
`balance`). In fact, by default Btrfs uses the `dup` profile for
metadata (and `single` for data). You'll get all the data integrity
benefits with `dup`.

Thank you for that. So a data dup'ed fs will overwrite a checksum failing file with the (checksum succeeding) 2nd copy, and the weekly scrub will ensure the reverse won't happen (likely). Cool!

I wonder if a separate physical partition brings anything to the party.
OTOH, a botched partition, duplicated, is still botched. Hmm.

Having a btrfs partition currently, with / even, can the partition be
grown and dup added after the fact?

One of the best features and initally confusing things about Btrfs
is how much is done "within" a file system. (There is a certain "the
Btrfs way" to it.)

Yep. Thus the questions. And thank you, list, for being here.

Confusing, however, is having those (both) partitions encrypted.
Seems some work is needed beforehand. But I've never done

(This is moot if you go with `dup`.) It's actually quite easy with
every major distro. If we're talking about a fresh install, the
distro installer probably has full support

... don't we wish. Just tried a Kubuntu 16.04 LTS install ... passphrase request hidden and broken. Some googling suggests staying away from K/Ubuntu at the moment for crypt installs. Installer broken.

So switched to Debian 8, which is bringing its own problems. e.g. network can ping locally but not outside. Set static address and it's fine - go figure. Broken video and updates, and more. This, I expect, has more to do with getting back into the Debian way.

for passphrase-based
dm-crypt LUKS encryption, including multiple volumes sharing a

... and you're back to why I posted the OP. Just sinking into such, and the water is murky. No doubt, like so many other things Linux, in a few years in will be old hat. Not there yet, though.

An existing install should be convertable without much
trouble. It's ususally just a matter of setting up the container with
`cryptsetup`, populating `/etc/crypttab`, possibly adding crypto
modules to your initrd and/or updating settings, and rebuilding the
initrd. (I have first-hand experience doing this on a Fedora install
recently, and it took about half an hour and I knew nothing about
Fedora's `dracut` initrd generator tool.)

Hmmm. Interesting thought. Perhaps I should clone a current install, and go through the exercise. Then trying to do it all at once on a new install should have a lower learning curve / botch risk.

If you do need multiple encrypted file systems, simply use the same
passphrase for all volumes (but never do this by cloning the LUKS
headers). You'll only need to enter it once at boot.

Good to know, thank you. That's not obvious / made readily apparent when googling.

Let alone, if trying to reduce complexity by ignoring LVM, it isn't readily apparent that dmcrypt involves LUKS. Too many terms and technologies flying by, cross-pollinating, even.

The additional problem is most articles reference FDE (Full Disk
Encryption) - but that doesn't seem to be prudent. e.g. Unencrypted
/boot. So having problems finding concise links on the topics, -FDE
-"Full Disk Encryption".

Yeah, when it comes to FDE, you either have to make your peace with
trusting the manufacturer, or you can't. If you are going to boot
your system with a traditional boot loader, an unencrypted partition
is mandatory. That being said, we live in a world with UEFI Secure

Another learning curve (UEFI) to swallow at the same time as all the other here. Current install is the first time it has occurred to me to try to incorporate SecureBoot, UEFI, crypt, and all such 'goodness' on a fresh (raw) install. Debian is bringing apt-secure along for the ride on me, too.

While your EFI parition must be unencrypted vfat, you can sign
the kernels (or shims), and the UEFI can be configured to only boot
signed executables, including only those signed by your own key. Some
distros already provide this feature, including using keys probably
already trusted by the default keystore.

mirror subvolumes (or it inherently comes along for the ride?)

Yes, that is correct. Just to give some more background: the data
and metadata profiles control "mirroring," and they are set at the
file system level. Subvolumes live entirely within one file system,
so whatever profile is set in the FS applies to subvolumes.

Gotcha, thus your dup observation.

However ... the question was aimed at a crypto sda3, thus containing @, and probably @home, sda4 created ... how might one kick in to (btrfs) mirror sda3 in sda4, including @ and @home.

I would guess, from your comment, once one adds sda4 to the sda3 set, all that (sda3) profile applies, gets applied to sda4, and all the btrfs magic goodness ... just happens.

Particularly after running balance to force all that goodness to happen at once / now, rather than upon next write.

So, I could take an HD, create partitions as above (how? e.g. Set
up encryption / btrfs mirror volumes), then clonezilla (?)
partitions from a current machine in.

Are you currently using Btrfs? If so, use Btrfs' `send` and
`receive` commands.

Yeah. Ick. :-) Have had better luck in the past just cloning or mounting and cp -a. Likely, my lack of experience was the issue.

In any case, here, the question was pointed at a new install.

> That should be lot friendlier to your SSD. (I'll
take this opportunity to say that you need to consider the `discard`
mount *and* `/etc/crypttab` options. Discard -- or scheduling
`fstrim` -- is extremely important to maintain optimal performance of
a SSD, but there are some privacy trade-offs on encrypted systems.)
If not, then `cp -a` or similar will work.

SSD not yet in play here, but I do take your point. I had to work through all that on the SSD I do have, so I do know to peek at such whenever an SSD come into play.

Didn't know about the /etc/crypttab options, thanks for that. Heck, hadn't gotten as far as knowing there was an /etc/crypttab.

- thus, I think part of my OP question is what all am I attempting to swallow in one go on a fresh install here? I get dmcrypt and uefi is involved, so I can start to break down the googling into component pieces. Thus, I think, the request for an appropriate link. Something that does it all on a fresh install in one go would be good, particularly if it identifies the major sub-topics, and has 'links to more info'.

Obviously, you'll have to
get your boot mechanism and file system identifiers updated in
addition to `/etc/crypttab` described above.

Lastly, strongly consider `autodefrag` and possibly setting some
highly violatile -- but *unimportant* -- directories to `nodatacow`
via purging and `chattr +C`. (I do this for ~/.cache and

Yep, autodefrag is in the mount options. I have a number of home systems running btrfs for some years now. Started with Kubuntu 12.04 LTS (since running hwe kernels to get later btrfs tools), and a couple of 14.04's. GB rsyncs and mondoarchives fly all about the house in cascading archives, nightly.

A recent 4TB HD failure is part of the reason for the OP questions. A scrub at the time revealed many failures, and dealing with that and figuring out which files to fetch from secondary archives was a challenge. BUT, FANTASTICALLY, for the first time (pre-btrfs days), at least btrfs / something specifically identified WHICH files were botched. I wasn't left wondering what botched file will reveal itself months from now ... after the botched file had cascaded to all backups!

Having been bitten, and facing a new install, thought I'd better OP.

Yet not looking to put in a 2nd HD

If you change your mind and decide on a backup device, or even if
you just want local backup snapshots, one of the best snapshot
managers is btrfs-sxbackup (no association with the FS project).

Thank you for that!

Thus far, keeping only the OS on / and mondoarchiving it nightly, and rsync'ing /everythingelse seems to be doing the job. Perhaps even keeping the 'after the failure' complexity level down.

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 3:30 PM, B. S. <bs27...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hallo. I'm continuing on sinking in to btrfs, so pointers to
concise help articles appreciated. I've got a couple new home
systems, so perhaps it's time to investigate encryption, and given
the bit rot I've seen here, perhaps time to mirror volumes so the
wonderful btrfs self-healing facilities can be taken advantage of.

Problem with today's hard drives, a quick look at Canada Computer
shows the smallest drives 500GB, 120GB SSDs, far more than the 20GB
or so an OS needs. Yet not looking to put in a 2nd HD, either. It
feels like mirroring volumes makes sense.

(EFI [partitions] also seem to be sticking their fingers in here.]

Assume a CD sized (680MB) /boot, and perhaps a 200MB (?) sized EFI
partition, it seems to me one sets up / as usual (less complex
install), then creates another partition for mirroring, later.
IIUC, btrfs add device /dev/sda4 / is appropriate, then. Then
running a balance seems recommended.

Confusing, however, is having those (both) partitions encrypted.
Seems some work is needed beforehand. But I've never done
encryption. I have come across
https://github.com/gebi/keyctl_keyscript, so I understand there
will be gotchas to deal with - later. But not there yet, and not
real sure how to start.

The additional problem is most articles reference FDE (Full Disk
Encryption) - but that doesn't seem to be prudent. e.g. Unencrypted
/boot. So having problems finding concise links on the topics, -FDE
-"Full Disk Encryption".

Any good links to concise instructions on building / establishing
encrypted btrfs mirror volumes? dm_crypt seems to be the basis, and
not looking to add LVM, seems an unnecessary extra layer of

It also feels like I could mkfs.btrfs /dev/sda3 /dev/sda4, then
mirror subvolumes (or it inherently comes along for the ride?) - so
my confusion level increases. Especially if encryption is added to
the mix.

So, I could take an HD, create partitions as above (how? e.g. Set
up encryption / btrfs mirror volumes), then clonezilla (?)
partitions from a current machine in. I assume mounting a live cd
then cp -a from old disk partition to new disk partition won't
'just work'. (?)

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