On 2016-08-05 06:56, Lutz Vieweg wrote:
On 08/04/2016 10:30 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
Keep in mind the list is rather self-selecting for problems. People
who aren't having problems are unlikely to post their non-problems to
the list.

True, but the number of people inclined to post a bug report to
the list is also a lot smaller than the number of people who
experienced problems.

Personally, I know at least 2 Linux users who happened to
get a btrfs filesystem as part of upgrading to a newer Suse
distribution on their PC, and both of them experienced
trouble with their filesystems that caused them to re-install
without using btrfs. They weren't interested in what filesystem
they use enough to bother investigating what happened
in detail or to issue bug-reports.

I'm afraid that btrfs' reputation has already taken damage
from the combination of "early deployment as a root filesystem
to unsuspecting users" and "being at a development stage where
users are likely to experience trouble at some time".
FWIW, the 'early deployment' thing is an issue of the distributions themselves, and most people who have come to me personally complaining about BTRFS have understood this after I explained it to them.

As far as the rest, it's hit or miss whether you have issues. I've been using BTRFS on all my personal systems since about 3.14, and have had zero issues with data loss or filesystem corruption (or horrible performance) since about 3.18 that were actually BTRFS issues (it's helped me ID a lot of marginal hardware though), and in fact, I had more issues trying to use ZFS for a year than I've had in the now multiple years of using BTRFS, and in the case of BTRFS, I was actually able to fix things. I know quite a few people (and a number of big companies for that matter) who have been running BTRFS for longer and had fewer issues too. The biggest issue is that the risks involved aren't well characterized, although most filesystems have that same issue.

If you stick to single disk or raid1 mode, don't use quota groups (which at least SUSE does by default now), stick to reasonably sized filesystems (not more than a few TB), and avoid a couple of specific unconventional storage configurations below it, BTRFS works fine. The whole issue with databases is often a non-issue for desktop users in my experience, and if you think VM image performance is bad, you should really be looking at using real block storage instead of a file (seriously, this will usually get you a bigger performance boost than using ext4 or XFS over BTRFS as an underlying filesystem will).

c. Take some risk and use 4.8 rc1 once it's out. Just make sure to
keep backups.

We sure do - actually, the possibility to "run daily backups from a
snapshot while write performance remains acceptable" is the one and
only reason for me to use btrfs rather than xfs for those $HOME dirs.
In every other aspect (stability, performance, suitability for
storing VM-images or database-files) xfs wins for me.
And the btrfs advantage "file system based snapshot being more
performant than block device based snapshot" may fade away
with the replacement of magnetic disks with SSDs in the long run.
I'm going to respond to the two parts of this separately:
1. As far as snapshot performance, you'd be surprised. I've got pretty good consumer grade SSD's that can do a sustained 250MB/s write speed, which means that to be as fast as a snapshot, the data set would have to be less than 25MB (and that's being generous, snapshots usually take less than 0.1s to create on my system). Where the turnover point occurs varies of course based on storage bandwidth, but I don't see it being very likely that SSD's will obsolete snapshotting any time soon. Even if disks suddenly get the ability to run at full bandwidth of the link they're on, a SAS3 disk (12Gbit/s signaling, practical bandwidth of about 1GB/s) would have a turn over point of about 100MB, and a NVMe device on a PCIe 4.0 X16 link (3.151GB/s theoretical bandwidth) would have a turn over point of 3.1GB. In theory, a high-end NVDIMM might be able to do better than a snapshot, but it probably couldn't get much faster right now than twice the speed of a PCIe 4.0 X16 link, which means that it would likely have a turn over point of about 6.2GB. In comparison, it's not unusual to need a snapshot of a data set in excess of a terabyte in size. 2. As far as snapshots being the only advantage of BTRFS, that's just bogus. XFS does have metadata checksumming now, but that provides no protection for data, just metadata. XFS also doesn't have transparent compression support, filesystems can't be shrunk, and it stores no backups of any metadata except super-blocks. While the compression and filesystem shrinking may not be needed in your use case, the data integrity features are almost certainly an advantage.
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