Thanks for the responses all. I'm on Gentoo as well for what that
matters. I think what i'm going to do (if i don't abandon EFI
entirely) is just to get a small (16gb), $25 m.2 since my board
supports that, and use that as my boot drive. Then mkfs other all
discs to be partitionless and away i go.

Not sure what i'll use the extra 15g on that m.2 for.

I learned a lot from your long response Chris. Thank you.

On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 8:19 PM, Duncan <> wrote:
> Chris Murphy posted on Sat, 20 Aug 2016 18:36:21 -0600 as excerpted:
>> FAT leaves a lot to be desired but it's pretty universally supported and
>> almost trivial to repair *if* the volume is repairable in the first
>> place. The much bigger issue with ESP on Linux is this neurotic tendency
>> of distros to persistently mount shit that does not need to be mounted.
>> Like the ESP, and even the dedicated boot volume. They only need to be
>> mounted when being updated and then should be umounted. And worse the
>> convention is to do nested mount with /boot and then /boot/efi for the
>> ESP so it's twice as bad a practice. By virtue of mounting the ESP the
>> dirty bit is set, so any crash means it must be fsck'd and if that
>> doesn't work, it's game over for that volume. Fragile setup.
> Depends on the distro.  On gentoo, you set it up the way you want of
> course, but the recommendation has always been /boot, and now the ESP,
> not mounted by default.
> But that would be /expected/ on gentoo, since being able to configure it
> the way you want is the whole /point/ of running gentoo in the first
> place.  Sort of like arch, only much more so.
> Meanwhile, I'm kinda partial to booting in legacy mode in grub2, with
> grub2 installed to the legacy-BIOS partion on multiple gpt-partitioned
> devices, which each one having its own /boot as well, setup so the
> firmware boot device selector can choose which device and thus which
> grub2 installation on that device, I boot from.  That gives me as many
> backup grub2 installations on the legacy BIOS partitions, pointing at as
> many backup /boots on the same device by default, as I care to setup.  Of
> course what's extra nice about that is that you can switch to the /boot
> on another device direct from the grub2 prompt, emergency mode if it
> can't load the /boot off that device, if you like.
> --
> Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman
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