
On 2016-08-25 20:26, Justin Kilpatrick wrote:

I'm not sure why you want to avoid a balance,
I didn't check, but I imagined it would slow down my rsync significantly.

Once you start this command all the new data should follow the new rules.
Ah, now that's interesting.
When the balance is running, df shows 4TB free space; when I cancel the balance, the free space goes back to a few 100GB.

But if the balancing only happens when the disk would otherwise be idle, and the mere fact that there is a balance process running will cause the new data to be written in single mode, I'm all set. I would not even have to wait for the balance to finish after the rsync is done; I could just cancel it and unmount the disks. A bit hacky, but in this case totally acceptable.

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