OK, according to that - it means 423.13GiB out of total available space, 423.13GiB, has been allocated.

Is it good? Is it bad? Is it why I'm getting "No space left" issues?

Why has it allocated all available space, if only around 1/3 of space is in use, according to other tools (less than 140 GB out of 423 GB is in use)?

On other systems, I see that "used" from "btrfs fi show" more or less matches the output of "btrfs fi df"; here - everything is allocated.

Tomasz Chmielewski

On 2016-09-20 15:58, Hugo Mills wrote:
On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 03:47:14PM +0900, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
How to understand the following "btrfs fi show" output?

This gives a write-up (and worked example) of an answer to your question:


   If you've got any follow-up questions after reading it, please do
come back and we can try to improve the FAQ entry. :)


# btrfs fi show /var/lib/lxd
Label: 'btrfs'  uuid: f5f30428-ec5b-4497-82de-6e20065e6f61
        Total devices 2 FS bytes used 136.18GiB
        devid    1 size 423.13GiB used 423.13GiB path /dev/sda3
        devid    2 size 423.13GiB used 423.13GiB path /dev/sdb3

Why is it "size 423.13GiB used 423.13GiB"? Is it full?

I had "No space left" on this filesystem just yesterday (running
kernel 4.7.4). This is btrfs RAID-1 on SSD disks. This filesystem is
used for 20-30 LXD containers with different roles (mongo, mysql,
postgres databases, webservers etc.), around 150 read-only
snapshots, btrfs compression is disabled.

Both "btrfs fi df" and "df -h" show plenty of space:

# btrfs fi df /var/lib/lxd
Data, RAID1: total=417.12GiB, used=131.33GiB
System, RAID1: total=8.00MiB, used=80.00KiB
Metadata, RAID1: total=6.00GiB, used=4.86GiB
GlobalReserve, single: total=512.00MiB, used=0.00B

# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3       424G  137G  286G  33% /var/lib/lxd

Tomasz Chmielewski
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