On 11/04/2016 03:13 PM, E V wrote:
> After the system panic'd yesterday I booted back into 4.8.4 and
> restarted the rsync's. I'm away on vacation next week, so when I get
> back I'll get rc4 or rc5 and try again. In the mean time here's data
> from the system running 4.8.4 without problems for about a day. I'm
> not familiar with xxd and didn't see a -e option, so used -E:
> xxd -E -g8 -c8 /proc/kpagecount | cut -d" " -f2 | sort | uniq -c
> 8258633 0000000000000000
>  216440 0100000000000000

The lack of -e means it's big endian, which is not a big issue. So here
most of memory is free, some pages have just one pin, and only
relatively few have more. The vmstats also doesn't show anything bad, so
we'll have to wait if something appears within the week, or after you
try 4.9 again. Thanks.
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