On 11/18/2016 12:43 PM, Zygo Blaxell wrote:
On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 10:42:23AM +0800, Qu Wenruo wrote:

At 11/18/2016 09:56 AM, Hugo Mills wrote:
On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 09:19:11AM +0800, Qu Wenruo wrote:

At 11/18/2016 07:13 AM, Zygo Blaxell wrote:
On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 10:50:22AM +0800, Qu Wenruo wrote:
Fix the so-called famous RAID5/6 scrub error.

Thanks Goffredo Baroncelli for reporting the bug, and make it into our
(Yes, without the Phoronix report on this,
I won't ever be aware of it)

If you're hearing about btrfs RAID5 bugs for the first time through
Phoronix, then your testing coverage is *clearly* inadequate.

I'm not fixing everything, I'm just focusing on the exact one bug
reported by Goffredo Baroncelli.

Although it seems that, the bug reported by him is in fact two bugs.
One is race condition I'm fixing, another one is that recovery is
recovering data correctly, but screwing up parity.

I just don't understand why you always want to fix everything in one step.

  Fix the important, fundamental things first, and the others
later. This, from my understanding of Zygo's comments, appears to be
one of the others.

  It's papering over the missing bricks in the wall instead of
chipping out the mortar and putting new bricks in. It may need to be
fixed, but it's not the fundamental "OMG, everything's totally broken"
problem. If anything, it's only a serious problem *because* the other
thing (write hole) is still there.

  It just seems like a piece of mis-prioritised effort.

It seems that, we have different standards on the priority.

My concern isn't priority.  Easier bugs often get fixed first.  That's
just the way Linux development works.

I am very concerned by articles like this:


with headlines like "btrfs RAID5/RAID6 support is finally fixed" when
that's very much not the case.  Only one bug has been removed for the
key use case that makes RAID5 interesting, and it's just the first of
many that still remain in the path of a user trying to recover from a
normal disk failure.

Admittedly this is Michael's (Phoronix's) problem more than Qu's, but
it's important to always be clear and _complete_ when stating bug status
because people quote statements out of context.  When the article quoted
the text

        "it's not a timed bomb buried deeply into the RAID5/6 code,
        but a race condition in scrub recovery code"

the commenters on Phoronix are clearly interpreting this to mean "famous
RAID5/6 scrub error" had been fixed *and* the issue reported by Goffredo
was the time bomb issue.  It's more accurate to say something like

        "Goffredo's issue is not the time bomb buried deeply in the
        RAID5/6 code, but a separate issue caused by a race condition
        in scrub recovery code"

Reading the Phoronix article, one might imagine RAID5 is now working
as well as RAID1 on btrfs.  To be clear, it's not--although the gap
is now significantly narrower.

For me, if some function on the very basic/minimal environment can't work
reliably, then it's a high priority bug.

In this case, in a very minimal setup, with only 128K data spreading on 3
devices RAID5. With a data stripe fully corrupted, without any other thing
Scrub can't return correct csum error number and even cause false
unrecoverable error, then it's a high priority thing.

If the problem involves too many steps like removing devices, degraded mode,
fsstress and some time. Then it's not that priority unless one pin-downs the
root case to, for example, degraded mode itself with special sequenced

There are multiple bugs in the stress + remove device case.  Some are
quite easy to isolate.  They range in difficulty from simple BUG_ON
instead of error returns to finally solving the RMW update problem.

Run the test, choose any of the bugs that occur to work on, repeat until
the test stops finding new bugs for a while.  There are currently several
bugs to choose from with various levels of difficulty to fix them, and you
should hit the first level of bugs in a matter of hours if not minutes.

Using this method, you would have discovered Goffredo's bug years ago.
Instead, you only discovered it after Phoronix quoted the conclusion
of an investigation that started because of problems I reported here on
this list when I discovered half a dozen of btrfs's critical RAID5 bugs
from analyzing *one* disk failure event.

Nope, I don't want to touch anything related to degraded mode if any fundamental function is broken, and the bug Goffredo reported has nothing to do with any steps you mentioned.

How I find the problem is never related to the bug fix.
Yeah, I found it in Phoronix or whatever other source, then does it have anything related to the fix?

You can continue your test or fix or report. But that has nothing related to the problem I'm fixing.

Write the blahblah in another thread or open it as BZ, you are not helping reviewing the bug but showing off how quickly you find a bug.

I'm already frustrated of your complain about words like "you could have found the problem years ago".

This is never a fair thing to be blamed for just fixing a bug that one guy reported earlier.

Yes, in fact sometimes our developers are fixing such bug at high priority,
but that's because other part has no such obvious problem.
But if we have obvious and easy to reproduce bug, then we should start from

To be able to use a RAID5 in production it must be possible to recover
from one normal disk failure without being stopped by *any* bug in
most cases.  Until that happens, users should be aware that recovery
doesn't work yet.

So I don't consider the problem Zygo written is a high priority problem.

I really don't care about the order the bugs get fixed.  Just please
don't say (or even suggest through omission) that you've fixed the
*last* one until you can pass a test based on typical failure modes
users will experience.

I never think RAID5/6 is stable and will never use it(in fact, the whole btrfs, in any of my working boxes). If you think I'm expressing thing like whatever you think, that's just your misunderstanding.


And forget to mention, we don't even have an idea on how to fix the generic
RAID56 RMW problem, even for mdadm RAID56.

It can be solved in the extent allocator if we can adjust it to prevent
allocation patterns that result in RMW writes.  Btrfs CoW logic will
take care of the rest.  I've written about this already on this list.

BTW, for mdadm RAID56, they just scrub the whole array after every power
loss, we could just call user to do that, and btrfs csum can assist scrub to
do a better job than mdadm raid56.

mdadm did properly solve the RMW problem recently, so mdadm is currently
ahead of btrfs.  Btrfs can even solve the RMW problem two different ways.
One of these could massively outperform mdadm's brute-force solution.

Although, we must make sure btrfs scrub on raid56 won't cause false
alert(the patchset) and no screwed up parity(I'll fix soon) first.

With a raid5 data + raid1 metadata array this would result in a tolerable
level of data loss.  This is where I *thought* btrfs RAID5 was a year
ago when I started using it (and eight months before I started *reading*
the code), but the btrfs code at the time failed miserably when writing
to block groups in degraded mode, and I had to patch the kernel to make
any serious attempt at recovery at all.




The problem is not found because normal mirror based profiles aren't
affected by the race, since they are independent with each other.


Although this time the fix doesn't affect the scrub code much, it should
warn us that current scrub code is really hard to maintain.

This last sentence is true.  I found and fixed three BUG_ONs in RAID5
code on the first day I started testing in degraded mode, then hit
the scrub code and had to give up.  It was like a brick wall made out
of mismatched assumptions and layering inversions, using uninitialized
kernel data as mortar (though I suppose the "uninitialized" data symptom
might just have been an unprotected memory access).

Abuse of workquque to delay works and the full fs scrub is race prone.

Xfstest will follow a little later, as we don't have good enough tools
to corrupt data stripes pinpointly.

Qu Wenruo (2):
btrfs: scrub: Introduce full stripe lock for RAID56
btrfs: scrub: Fix RAID56 recovery race condition

fs/btrfs/ctree.h       |   4 ++
fs/btrfs/extent-tree.c |   3 +
fs/btrfs/scrub.c       | 192 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 199 insertions(+)

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