I would like to use this thread to ask few questions: 

If we have 2 devices dying on us and we run RAID6 - this theoretically will 
still run (despite our current problems). Now let’s say that we booted up raid6 
of 10 disk and 2 of them dies but operator does NOT know what are dev ID of 
disk that died, How does one removes those devices other than using “-missing” 
??? I ask because it’s in multiple places stated to use “replace” when your 
device dies but nobody ever states how to find out which /dev/ node is actually 
missing  …. so when I want to use a replace, I don’t know what to use within 
command :/ … This whole thing might have an additional complication - if FS is 
fool, than one would need to add disks than remove missing. 

> On 10 Jan 2017, at 21:49, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 2:07 PM, Vinko Magecic
> <vinko.mage...@construction.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I set up a raid 1 with two btrfs devices and came across some situations in 
>> my testing that I can't get a straight answer on.
>> 1) When replacing a volume, do I still need to `umount /path` and then 
>> `mount -o degraded ...` the good volume before doing the `btrfs replace 
>> start ...` ?
> No. If the device being replaced is unreliable, use -r to limit the
> reads from the device being replaced.
>> I didn't see anything that said I had to and when I tested it without 
>> mounting the volume it was able to replace the device without any issue. Is 
>> that considered bad and could risk damage or has `replace` made it possible 
>> to replace devices without umounting the filesystem?
> It's always been possible even before 'replace'.
> btrfs dev add <dev3>
> btrfs dev rem <dev1>
> But there are some bugs in dev replace that Qu is working on; I think
> they mainly negatively impact raid56 though.
> The one limitation of 'replace' is that the new block device must be
> equal to or larger than the block device being replaced; where dev add
>> dev rem doesn't require this.
>> 2) Everything I see about replacing a drive says to use `/old/device 
>> /new/device` but what if the old device can't be read or no longer exists?
> The command works whether the device is present or not; but if it's
> present and working then any errors on one device can be corrected by
> the other, whereas if the device is missing, then any errors on the
> remaining device can't be corrected. Off hand I'm not sure if the
> replace continues and an error just logged...I think that's what
> should happen.
>> Would that be a `btrfs device add /new/device; btrfs balance start 
>> /new/device` ?
> dev add then dev rem; the balance isn't necessary.
>> 3) When I have the RAID1 with two devices and I want to grow it out, which 
>> is the better practice? Create a larger volume, replace the old device with 
>> the new device and then do it a second time for the other device, or 
>> attaching the new volumes to the label/uuid one at a time and with each one 
>> use `btrfs filesystem resize devid:max /mountpoint`.
> If you're replacing a 2x raid1 with two bigger replacements, you'd use
> 'btrfs replace' twice. Maybe it'd work concurrently, I've never tried
> it, but useful for someone to test and see if it explodes because if
> it's allowed, it should work or fail gracefully.
> There's no need to do filesystem resizes when doing either 'replace'
> or 'dev add' followed by 'dev rem' because the fs resize is implied.
> First it's resized/grown with add; and then it's resized/shrink with
> remove. For replace there's a consolidation of steps, it's been a
> while since I've looked at the code so I can't tell you what steps it
> skips, what the state of the devices are in during the replace, which
> one active writes go to.
> -- 
> Chris Murphy
> --
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