On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 2:07 PM, Jon <jmoro...@hawaii.edu> wrote:
> So, I had a raid 1 btrfs system setup on my laptop. Recently I upgraded
> the drives and wanted to get my data back. I figured I could just plug
> in one drive, but I found that the volume simply would not mount. I
> tried the other drive alone and got the same thing. Plugging in both at
> the same time and the volume mounted without issue.

Requires mount option degraded.

If this is a boot volume, this is difficult because the current udev
rule prevents a mount attempt so long as all devices for a Btrfs
volume aren't present.

> I used raid 1 because I figured that if one drive failed I could simply
> use the other. This recovery scenario makes me think this is incorrect.
> Am I misunderstanding btrfs raid? Is there a process to go through for
> mounting single member of a raid pool?

mount -o degraded

Chris Murphy
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