Test script to create file with specific data-stripe layout and pre-computed 
parity values.
Inject corruption into data-stripe and verify scrubbing process fixes corrupted 
It also attempts to validate the corresponding parity block value.

Signed-off-by: Lakshmipathi.G <lakshmipath...@giis.co.in>
 .../020-raid5-datastripe-corruption/test.sh        | 275 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 275 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tests/misc-tests/020-raid5-datastripe-corruption/test.sh

diff --git a/tests/misc-tests/020-raid5-datastripe-corruption/test.sh 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3c743eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/misc-tests/020-raid5-datastripe-corruption/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+# Raid5: Inject data stripe corruption and fix them using scrub.
+# Script will perform the following:
+# 1) Create Raid5 using 3 loopback devices.
+# 2) Ensure file layout is created in a predictable manner. 
+#    Each data stripe(64KB) should uniquely start with 'DNxxxx',   
+#    where N represents the data stripe number.(ex:D0xxxx,D1xxxx etc)
+# 3) Once file is created with specific layout, gather data stripe details 
+#    like devicename, position and actual on-disk data.
+# 4) Now use 'dd' to verify the data-stripe against its expected value.
+# 5) At this stage, gather possible parity location for this specific data
+#    stripe. The parity values is pre-computed for known data-stripes.
+# 6) Inject corruption into given data-stripe by zero'ing out its first 4 
+# 7) After injecting corruption, running online-scrub is expected to fix 
+#    the corrupted data stripe with the help of parity block and 
+#    corresponding data stripe. 
+# 8) If scrub successful, verify the data stripe has original un-corrupted 
+# 9) If scrub successful, re-generate list of possible parity blocks, this
+#    list must match one prepared in step 5. Otherwise report it as possible 
+#    bug issue.
+# 10) If no issues found, cleanup files and devices. Repeat the process for 
+#    different file size and data-stripe.
+#  Note: This script doesn't handle parity block corruption.
+source $TOP/tests/common
+check_prereq btrfs
+check_prereq mkfs.btrfs
+prepare_test_dev 512M
+declare -a devs
+LAYOUT_TMP=$(mktemp --tmpdir btrfs-progs-raid5-file.layoutXXXXXX)
+STRIPEINFO_TMP=$(mktemp --tmpdir btrfs-progs-raid5-file.infoXXXXXX)
+PARITYINFO1_TMP=$(mktemp --tmpdir btrfs-progs-raid5-initial.parityXXXXXX)
+PARITYINFO2_TMP=$(mktemp --tmpdir btrfs-progs-raid5-end.parityXXXXXX)
+       for i in `seq $ndevs`; do
+               touch img$i
+               chmod a+rw img$i
+               truncate -s0 img$i
+               truncate -s512M img$i
+               devs[$i]=`run_check_stdout $SUDO_HELPER losetup --find --show 
+       done
+       for dev in ${devs[@]}; do
+               run_check $SUDO_HELPER losetup -d $dev
+       done
+       for i in `seq $ndevs`; do
+               truncate -s0 img$i
+       done
+       run_check $SUDO_HELPER losetup --all
+       run_check $SUDO_HELPER $TOP/mkfs.btrfs -f       \
+               $@
+       test_do_mkfs $@ ${devs[@]}
+#$1 Filename
+#$2 Expected no.of data stripes for the file.
+       fname=$1
+       size=$(( $2 * 65536 ))
+       n=0
+       bs_value=1
+       stripe=0
+       while (( $n < $size ))
+       do
+               if [ $(( $n % 65536 )) -eq 0 ]; then
+                       val='D'$stripe
+                       echo -n $val
+                       stripe=$(( $stripe+1 ))
+                       # ensure proper value           
+                       bs_value=`echo "${#val}"` 
+               else
+                       echo -n 'x'
+                       bs_value=1
+               fi
+        n=$(( $n+$bs_value ))
+       done | dd of="$TEST_MNT"/$fname bs=$bs_value conv=notrunc &> /dev/null
+       for dev in ${devs[@]}; do
+               echo $dev >> $LAYOUT_TMP
+               $SUDO_HELPER cat $dev | hexdump -e '"%010_ad|" 16/1 "%_p" 
"|\n"' |
+               grep -P 'D[0-9]+xx'  >> $LAYOUT_TMP
+       done
+#$1 - file to save possible parity locations
+       PARITY_COUNT=$1
+       for dev in ${devs[@]}; do
+               echo "Possible parity stripes locations on device: $dev" >> 
+               $SUDO_HELPER cat $dev | hexdump -e '"%010_ad|" 16/1 "%02X" 
"\n"' |
+               grep $known_parity_value >> $PARITY_COUNT
+       done
+#Collect data stripe information in a readable manner.
+       devname=""
+       for entry in `cat $LAYOUT_TMP`; do  
+               echo $entry | grep -q '^\/dev\/loop' > /dev/null
+               if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+                       devname=$entry  
+               else
+                       echo $devname"|"$entry >> $STRIPEINFO_TMP
+               fi
+       done
+       #sorting is not mandatory
+       sort -t'|' -n -k3 $STRIPEINFO_TMP -o $STRIPEINFO_TMP
+#Setup current known parity value
+#$1 - integer to identify data-stripe range
+       num_digits=$1
+       case $num_digits in
+       1) #parity for D0xxxx to D9xxxx
+         known_parity_value="00010000000000000000000000000000"
+         ;;
+       2) #parity for D10xxx to D99xxx
+         known_parity_value="00000100000000000000000000000000"
+         ;;
+       esac
+#Corrupt given data stripe
+       data_stripe_num=$1
+       data_stripe_entry="D"${data_stripe_num}"xxxx"
+       stripe_entry=`grep "${data_stripe_entry}" $STRIPEINFO_TMP`
+       #Each entry will have format like "device|position|16-byte content"
+       #Example: /dev/loop1|0063176704|D0xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
+       device_name=$(echo $stripe_entry | awk -F"|" '{print $1}')
+       stripe_offset=$(echo $stripe_entry | awk -F"|" '{print $2}')
+       #Remove leading zeros
+       stripe_offset=$(echo $stripe_offset | sed 's/^0*//')
+       stripe_content=$(echo $stripe_entry | awk -F"|" '{print $3}')
+       echo "Corrupting $device_name at position $stripe_offset \
+       which has $stripe_content" >> "$RESULTS"
+       #verify the value at this position 
+       original_value=$($SUDO_HELPER dd 2>/dev/null if=$device_name bs=1 \
+       count=16 skip=$stripe_offset)
+       if [ $original_value != $stripe_content ];then
+                echo "$original_value != $stripe_content"
+               _fail "Data stripe mismatch. Possible use of incorrect block."
+       else
+               echo "Found on-disk value: $original_value " >> "$RESULTS"
+       fi
+       num_digits=$(echo $original_value | grep -o "[0-9]" | grep -c "")
+       set_parity_value $num_digits
+       find_parity_stripe_count $PARITYINFO1_TMP
+       #Corrupt the given data stripe
+       $SUDO_HELPER dd if=/dev/zero of=$device_name bs=1 count=4 \
+       seek=$stripe_offset conv=notrunc &> /dev/null
+       #Fetch value again.
+       corrupted_value=$($SUDO_HELPER dd 2>/dev/null if=$device_name \
+       bs=1 count=16 skip=$stripe_offset)
+       if [ $corrupted_value == $original_value ];then
+                echo "original:$original_value corrupted:$corrupted_value"
+               _fail "Corruption failed. Possible use of incorrect block."
+       else
+               echo "Corruption completed at $stripe_offset" >> "$RESULTS"
+       fi
+#Verify data stripe after scrub
+       value_after_scrub=$($SUDO_HELPER dd 2>/dev/null if=$device_name bs=1 \
+       count=16 skip=$stripe_offset)
+       if [ $value_after_scrub != $stripe_content ];then
+               echo  "Found on-disk value: $value_after_scrub" >> "$RESULTS"
+               _fail "Scrub failed to fix data stripe corruption."
+       else
+               echo "Scrub corrected value: $value_after_scrub" >> "$RESULTS"
+       fi
+#Verify parity stripe count after scrub
+       find_parity_stripe_count $PARITYINFO2_TMP
+       parity_stripe_count_before=$(md5sum $PARITYINFO1_TMP | cut -f1 -d' ')
+       parity_stripe_count_after=$(md5sum $PARITYINFO2_TMP  | cut -f1 -d' ')
+       if [ "$parity_stripe_count_before" != "$parity_stripe_count_after" 
+               echo "Mismatch between $PARITYINFO1_TMP $PARITYINFO2_TMP, 
please check."
+               diff $PARITYINFO1_TMP $PARITYINFO2_TMP
+               _fail "Scrub corrupted parity stripe."
+       else
+               echo "Parity stripe check passed." >> "$RESULTS"
+       fi
+#$1 Filename
+#$2 File with 'n' no.of data stripes
+#$3 Data stripe to corrupt
+       filename=$1
+       stripe_num=$2
+       test_stripe=$3
+       prepare_devices
+       dev1=${devs[1]}
+       dev2=${devs[2]}
+       dev3=${devs[3]}
+       test_mkfs_multi -d raid5 -m raid5
+       run_check $SUDO_HELPER mount $dev1 $TEST_MNT
+       create_layout $filename $stripe_num
+       run_check $SUDO_HELPER umount "$TEST_MNT"
+       #Gather data stripe informations like specific device,offset 
+       find_data_stripe_details
+       save_data_stripe_details
+       corrupt_data_stripe $test_stripe
+       #Mount the device and start scrub
+       run_check $SUDO_HELPER mount $dev1 $TEST_MNT
+       run_check $SUDO_HELPER btrfs scrub start $TEST_MNT
+       #Introduce delay, hopefully scrubbing will be finished.
+       sleep 10 
+       #Validate 
+       verify_data_stripe
+       verify_parity_stripe
+       #cleanup
+       run_check $SUDO_HELPER umount "$TEST_MNT"
+       cleanup_devices
+       rm -f $LAYOUT_TMP
+       rm -f $STRIPEINFO_TMP
+test_raid5_datastripe_corruption file128k.txt 2 1 #file with 2 stripe,corrupt 
+test_raid5_datastripe_corruption file192k.txt 3 2 #file with 3 stripe,corrupt 
+test_raid5_datastripe_corruption file256k.txt 4 3
+test_raid5_datastripe_corruption file512k.txt 8 6
+test_raid5_datastripe_corruption file768k.txt 12 10
+test_raid5_datastripe_corruption file1m.txt 16 14 #1MB file, corrupt 14th 
+test_raid5_datastripe_corruption file2m.txt 32 23 #2MB file, corrupt 23rd 

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