On 04/04/2017 12:02 AM, Robert Krig wrote:
> My storage array is BTRFS Raid1 with 4x8TB Drives.
> Wouldn't it be possible to simply disconnect two of those drives, mount
> with -o degraded and still have access (even if read-only) to all my data?
Just jumping on this point: my understanding of BTRFS "RAID1" is that
each file (block?) is randomly assigned to two disks of the array (no
matter how many disks are in the array).  So if you remove two disks,
you will probably have files that were "assigned" to both of those
disks, and will be missing.

In short, you can't remove more than one disk of a BTRFS RAID1 and still
have all of your data.

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