On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 10:46 AM, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:

> The passive repair works when it's a few bad sectors on the drive. But
> when it's piles of missing data, this is the wrong mode. It needs a
> limited scrub or balance to fix things. Right now you have to manually
> do a full scrub or balance after you've mounted for even one second
> using degraded,rw. That's why you want to avoid it at all costs.

Small clarification on "right now you have to manually do"

I don't mean YOU personally, with your array. I mean, anyone who
happens to have done even the tiniest amount of writes to a Btrfs
volume while mounted in rw,degraded. Once a new device is added and
the bad/missing device deleted, you still have to manually do a scrub
or balance of the entire array. That's the only way to fix up the
array back to normal. It's not automatic.

The way to avoid this is to *immediately* before any new writes, do a
device add and device delete missing*. That prevents any degraded
chunks from being written.

* ON non-raid56 volumes, you can use 'btrfs replace'.

Chris Murphy
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