On 2017-04-28 19:41, Chris Murphy wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Goffredo Baroncelli
> <kreij...@inwind.it> wrote:
>> In the past I faced the same problems; I collected some data here 
>> http://kreijack.blogspot.it/2014/06/btrfs-and-systemd-journal.html.
>> Unfortunately the journald files are very bad, because first the data is 
>> written (appended), then the index fields are updated. Unfortunately these 
>> indexes are near after the last write . So fragmentation is unavoidable.
>> After some thinking I adopted a different strategies: I used journald as 
>> collector, then I forward all the log to rsyslogd, which used a "log append" 
>> format. Journald never write on the root filesystem, only in tmp.
> The gotcha though is there's a pile of data in the journal that would
> never make it to rsyslogd. If you use journalctl -o verbose you can
> see some of this. 

You can send *all the info* to rsyslogd via imjournal


In my setup all the data are stored in json format in the /var/log/cee.log file:

$ head  /var/log/cee.log
2017-04-28T18:41:41.931273+02:00 venice liblogging-stdlog: @cee: { "PRIORITY": 
"6", "_BOOT_ID": "a86d74bab91f44dc974c76aceb97141f", "_MACHINE_ID": 
"e84907d099904117b355a99c98378dca", "_HOSTNAME": "venice.bhome", 
"_SYSTEMD_SLICE": "system.slice", "_UID": "0", "_GID": "0", "_CAP_EFFECTIVE": 
"3fffffffff", "_TRANSPORT": "syslog", "SYSLOG_FACILITY": "23", 
"SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER": "liblogging-stdlog", "MESSAGE": " [origin 
software=\"rsyslogd\" swVersion=\"8.24.0\" x-pid=\"737\" 
x-info=\"http:\/\/www.rsyslog.com\"] rsyslogd was HUPed", "_PID": "737", 
"_COMM": "rsyslogd", "_EXE": "\/usr\/sbin\/rsyslogd", "_CMDLINE": 
"\/usr\/sbin\/rsyslogd -n", "_SYSTEMD_CGROUP": 
"\/system.slice\/rsyslog.service", "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "rsyslog.service", 
"_SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID": "18b9a8b27f9143728adef972db7b394c", 
"_SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP": "1493397701931255", "msg": "[origin 
software=\"rsyslogd\" swVersion=\"8.24.0\" x-pid=\"737\" 
x-info=\"http:\/\/www.rsyslog.com\"] rsyslogd was HUPed" }
2017-04-28T18:41:42.058549+02:00 venice liblogging-stdlog: @cee: { "PRIORITY": 
"6", "_BOOT_ID": "a86d74bab91f44dc974c76aceb97141f", "_MACHINE_ID": 
"e84907d099904117b355a99c98378dca", "_HOSTNAME": "venice.bhome", 
"_SYSTEMD_SLICE": "system.slice", "_UID": "0", "_GID": "0", "_CAP_EFFECTIVE": 
"3fffffffff", "_TRANSPORT": "syslog", "SYSLOG_FACILITY": "23", 
"SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER": "liblogging-stdlog", "MESSAGE": " [origin 
software=\"rsyslogd\" swVersion=\"8.24.0\" x-pid=\"737\" 
x-info=\"http:\/\/www.rsyslog.com\"] rsyslogd was HUPed", "_PID": "737", 
"_COMM": "rsyslogd", "_EXE": "\/usr\/sbin\/rsyslogd", "_CMDLINE": 
"\/usr\/sbin\/rsyslogd -n", "_SYSTEMD_CGROUP": 
"\/system.slice\/rsyslog.service", "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "rsyslog.service", 
"_SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID": "18b9a8b27f9143728adef972db7b394c", 
"_SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP": "1493397702058441", "msg": "[origin 
software=\"rsyslogd\" swVersion=\"8.24.0\" x-pid=\"737\" 
x-info=\"http:\/\/www.rsyslog.com\"] rsyslogd was HUPed" }

All the info are stored with the same keys/values as journald does.

I developed an utility (called clp), which allow to query the log by key, 
filtering by boot nr, by date....

For example to show all the log related to rsyslog

$ clp log -t full-details _SYSTEMD_CGROUP=/system.slice/rsyslog.service 

2017-04-21 19:12:29.579748 MESSAGE= [origin software="rsyslogd" 
swVersion="8.24.0" x-pid="804" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com";] rsyslogd was 
                           _CMDLINE=/usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n
venice liblogging-stdlog: 
                           msg=[origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.24.0" 
x-pid="804" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com";] rsyslogd was HUPed

2017-04-21 19:12:29.669637 MESSAGE= [origin software="rsyslogd" 
swVersion="8.24.0" x-pid="804" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com";] rsyslogd was 

> There's a bunch of extra metadata in the journal.
> And then also filtering based on that metadata is useful rather than
> being limited to grep on a syslog file. Which, you know, it's fine for
> many use cases. 

With imjournal you don't loose any metadata or data. Unfortunately there no is 
an utility to query the log. In my case I developed a my own

> I guess I'm just interested in whether there's an
> enhancement that can be done to make journals more compatible with
> Btrfs or vice versa. It's not a huge problem anyway.

I am still inclined to think that a text file format "append only" would be 
better than the pseudo database which journald uses. However I have to collect 
some data to be sure that the perfomance would not be worse. To do that I need 
some megabytes of log, which I don't have because I don't use the journald file 
format. Someone would share with me its logs :-) ?

>> The think became interesting when I discovered that the searching in a 
>> rsyslog file is faster than journalctl (on a rotational media). 
>> Unfortunately I don't have any data to support this.
> Yes on drives all of these scattered extents cause a lot of head
> seeking. And I also suspect it's a lot of metadata spread out
> everywhere too, to account for all of these extents. That's why they
> moved to chattr +C to make them nocow. An idea I had on systemd list
> was to automatically make the journal directory a Btrfs subvolume,
> similar to how systemd already creates a /var/lib/machines subvolume
> for nspawn containers. This prevents the journals from being caught up
> in a snapshot of the parent subvolume that typically contains the
> journals (root fs). There's no practical use I can think of for
> snapshotting logs. You'd really want the logs to always be linear,
> contiguous, and never get rolled back. Even if something in the system
> does get rolled back, you'd want the logs to show that and continue
> on, rather than being rolled back themselves.
> So the super simple option would be continue with +C on journals, and
> then a separate subvolume to prevent COW from ever happening
> inadvertently.
> The same behavior happens with NTFS in qcow2 files. They quickly end
> up with 100,000+ extents unless set nocow. It's like the worst case
> scenario.

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