On 2017-01-28 13:15, MegaBrutal wrote:

Of course I can't retrieve the data from before the balance, but here
is the data from now:

root@vmhost:~# btrfs fi show /tmp/mnt/curlybrace
Label: 'curlybrace'  uuid: f471bfca-51c4-4e44-ac72-c6cd9ccaf535
     Total devices 1 FS bytes used 752.38MiB
     devid    1 size 2.00GiB used 1.90GiB path

root@vmhost:~# btrfs fi df /tmp/mnt/curlybrace
Data, single: total=773.62MiB, used=714.82MiB
System, DUP: total=8.00MiB, used=16.00KiB
Metadata, DUP: total=577.50MiB, used=37.55MiB
GlobalReserve, single: total=512.00MiB, used=0.00B
root@vmhost:~# btrfs fi usage /tmp/mnt/curlybrace
     Device size:           2.00GiB
     Device allocated:           1.90GiB
     Device unallocated:         103.38MiB
     Device missing:             0.00B
     Used:             789.94MiB
     Free (estimated):         162.18MiB    (min: 110.50MiB)
     Data ratio:                  1.00
     Metadata ratio:              2.00
     Global reserve:         512.00MiB    (used: 0.00B)

Data,single: Size:773.62MiB, Used:714.82MiB
    /dev/mapper/vmdata--vg-lxc--curlybrace     773.62MiB

Metadata,DUP: Size:577.50MiB, Used:37.55MiB
    /dev/mapper/vmdata--vg-lxc--curlybrace       1.13GiB

System,DUP: Size:8.00MiB, Used:16.00KiB
    /dev/mapper/vmdata--vg-lxc--curlybrace      16.00MiB

    /dev/mapper/vmdata--vg-lxc--curlybrace     103.38MiB

So... if I sum the data, metadata, and the global reserve, I see why
only ~170 MB is left. I have no idea, however, why the global reserve
sneaked up to 512 MB for such a small file system, and how could I
resolve this situation. Any ideas?


Total amateur here just jumping in, so feel free to ignore me, but what caught my eye was the small device size.

I've had issues with BTRFS on small devices (4GiB & 8GiB), forcing me to use other filesystems on them (like EXT4, which has a smaller allocation size). Issues being both ENOSPC and miscellaneous other strange errors (which may have been fixed by now).

My theory being that the 1GiB data and 256MiB metadata chunk sizes are significant on such small devices.

I don't know if there is an official recommended minimum device size, but keeping 4GiB or more free seems to work most of the time for my usage patterns.

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