On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 09:13:35PM +0200, Hans van Kranenburg wrote:
> On 05/13/2017 10:54 PM, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> > Kernel 4.11, btrfs-progs v4.7.3
> > 
> > I run scrub and balance every night, been doing this for 1.5 years on this
> > filesystem.
> What are the exact commands you run every day?
(at the bottom)
every night:
1) scrub
2) balance -musage=0
3) balance -musage=20
4) balance -dusage=0
5) balance -dusage=20

> > How did I get into such a misbalanced state when I balance every night?
> I don't know, since I don't know what you do exactly. :)
Now you do :)

> > My filesystem is not full, I can write just fine, but I sure cannot
> > rebalance now.
> Yes, because you have quite some allocated but unused space. If btrfs
> cannot just allocate more chunks, it starts trying a bit harder to reuse
> all the empty spots in the already existing chunks.

Ok. shouldn't balance fix problems just like this?
I have 60GB-ish free, or in this case that's also >25%, that's a lot

Speaking of unallocated, I have more now:
    Device unallocated:          993.00MiB

This kind of just magically fixed itself during snapshot rotation and
deletion I think.
Sure enough, balance works again, but this feels pretty fragile.
Looking again:
    Device size:                 228.67GiB
    Device allocated:            227.70GiB
    Device unallocated:          993.00MiB
    Free (estimated):             58.53GiB      (min: 58.53GiB)

You're saying that I need unallocated space for new chunks to be
created, which is required by balance.
Should btrfs not take care of keeping some space for me?
Shoudln't a nigthly balance, which I'm already doing, help even more
with this?

> > Besides adding another device to add space, is there a way around this
> > and more generally not getting into that state anymore considering that
> > I already rebalance every night?
> Add monitoring and alerting on the amount of unallocated space.
> FWIW, this is what I use for that purpose:
> https://packages.debian.org/sid/munin-plugins-btrfs
> https://packages.debian.org/sid/monitoring-plugins-btrfs
> And, of course the btrfs-heatmap program keeps being a fun tool to
> create visual timelapses of your filesystem, so you can learn how your
> usage pattern is resulting in allocation of space by btrfs, and so that
> you can visually see what the effect of your btrfs balance attempts is:

That's interesting, but ultimately, users shoudln't have to micromanage
their filesystem to that level, even btrfs.

a) What is wrong in my nightly script that I should fix/improve?
b) How do I recover from my current state?

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Microsoft is to operating systems ....
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