On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 9:31 AM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
> Dave posted on Tue, 31 Oct 2017 17:47:54 -0400 as excerpted:
>> 6. Make sure Firefox is running in multi-process mode. (Duncan's
>> instructions, while greatly appreciated and very useful, left me
>> slightly confused about pulseaudio's compatibility with multi-process
>> mode.)
> Just to clarify:
> There's no problem with native pulseaudio and firefox multi-process
> mode.

Thank you for clarifying. And I appreciate your detailed explanation.

> Back when I posted that, a not e10s-enabled extension was actually quite
> likely, as e10s was still rather new.  It's probably somewhat less so
> now, and firefox is of course on to the next big change, dropping the old
> "legacy chrome" extension support, in favor of the newer and generally
> Chromium-compatible WebExtensions/WE API, with firefox 57, to be released
> mid-month (Nov 14).

I am now running Firefox 57 beta and I'll be doing my testing with
that using only WebExtensions.
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