On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 8:21 AM, Austin S. Hemmelgarn
<ahferro...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> The cache is in a separate location from the profiles, as I'm sure you
>> know.  The reason I suggested a separate BTRFS subvolume for
>> $HOME/.cache is that this will prevent the cache files for all
>> applications (for that user) from being included in the snapshots. We
>> take frequent snapshots and (afaik) it makes no sense to include cache
>> in backups or snapshots. The easiest way I know to exclude cache from
>> BTRFS snapshots is to put it on a separate subvolume. I assumed this
>> would make several things related to snapshots more efficient too.
> Yes, it will, and it will save space long-term as well since $HOME/.cache is
> usually the most frequently modified location in $HOME. In addition to not
> including this in the snapshots, it may also improve performance.  Each
> subvolume is it's own tree, with it's own locking, which means that you can
> generally improve parallel access performance by splitting the workload
> across multiple subvolumes.  Whether it will actually provide any real
> benefit in that respect is heavily dependent on the exact workload however,
> but it won't hurt performance.

I'm going to make this change now. What would be a good way to
implement this so that the change applies to the $HOME/.cache of each

The simple way would be to create a new subvolume for each existing
user and mount it at $HOME/.cache in /etc/fstab, hard coding that
mount location for each user. I don't mind doing that as there are
only 4 users to consider. One minor concern is that it adds an
unexpected step to the process of creating a new user. Is there a
better way?
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