On Mon, 13 Nov 2017 22:39:44 -0500
Dave <davestechs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have my live system on one block device and a backup snapshot of it
> on another block device. I am keeping them in sync with hourly rsync
> transfers.
> Here's how this system works in a little more detail:
> 1. I establish the baseline by sending a full snapshot to the backup
> block device using btrfs send-receive.
> 2. Next, on the backup device I immediately create a rw copy of that
> baseline snapshot.
> 3. I delete the source snapshot to keep the live filesystem free of
> all snapshots (so it can be optimally defragmented, etc.)
> 4. hourly, I take a snapshot of the live system, rsync all changes to
> the backup block device, and then delete the source snapshot. This
> hourly process takes less than a minute currently. (My test system has
> only moderate usage.)
> 5. hourly, following the above step, I use snapper to take a snapshot
> of the backup subvolume to create/preserve a history of changes. For
> example, I can find the version of a file 30 hours prior.

Sounds a bit complex, I still don't get why you need all these snapshot
creations and deletions, and even still using btrfs send-receive.

Here is my scheme:
/mnt/dst <- mounted backup storage volume
/mnt/dst/backup  <- a subvolume 
/mnt/dst/backup/host1/ <- rsync destination for host1, regular directory
/mnt/dst/backup/host2/ <- rsync destination for host2, regular directory
/mnt/dst/backup/host3/ <- rsync destination for host3, regular directory

Self explanatory. All regular directories, not subvolumes.

/mnt/dst/snaps/backup <- a regular directory
/mnt/dst/snaps/backup/2017-11-14T12:00/ <- snapshot 1 of /mnt/dst/backup
/mnt/dst/snaps/backup/2017-11-14T13:00/ <- snapshot 2 of /mnt/dst/backup
/mnt/dst/snaps/backup/2017-11-14T14:00/ <- snapshot 3 of /mnt/dst/backup

Accessing historic data:
/bin/bash for host1 as of 2017-11-14 12:00 (time on the backup system).

No need for btrfs send-receive, only plain rsync is used, directly from
hostX:/ to /mnt/dst/backup/host1/;

No need to create or delete snapshots during the actual backup process;

A single common timeline is kept for all hosts to be backed up, snapshot count
not multiplied by the number of hosts (in my case the backup location is
multi-purpose, so I somewhat care about total number of snapshots there as

Also, all of this works even with source hosts which do not use Btrfs.

With respect,
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