On Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 07:27:22AM +0800, Qu Wenruo wrote:
> > I can't drop all the snapshots since at least two is used for btrfs
> > send/receive backups.
> > However, if I delete more snapshots, and do a full balance, you think
> > it'll free up more space?
> No.
> You're already too worried about an non-existing problem.
> Your fs looks pretty healthy.

Thanks both for the answers. I'll go back and read them more carefully
later to see how I can adjust my monitoring but basically I hit the 90%
space used in df alert, and I know that once I get close to full, or
completely full, very bad things happen with btrfs, making the system
sometimes so unusable that it's very hard to reclaim space and fix the
issue (not counting that if you have btrfs send snapshots, you're forced
to break the snapshot relationship and start over since deleting data
does not reclaim blocks that are obviously still marked as used by the
last snapshot that was sent to the backup server).

Long story short, I try very hard to not ever hit this problem again :)

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