On 2/9/21 1:42 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
Perhaps. Attach strace to journald before --rotate, and then --rotate


I looked to this strace.

in line 115: it is called a ioctl(<BTRFS-DEFRAG>)
in line 123: it is called a ioctl(<BTRFS-DEFRAG>)

However the two descriptors for which the defrag is invoked are never sync-ed 

I was expecting is to see a sync (flush the data on the platters) and then a
ioctl(<BTRFS-defrag>. This doesn't seems to be looking from the strace.

I wrote a script (see below) which basically:
- create a fragmented file
- run filefrag on it
- optionally sync the file             <-----
- run btrfs fi defrag on it
- run filefrag on it

If I don't perform the sync, the defrag is ineffective. But if I sync the
file BEFORE doing the defrag, I got only one extent.
Now my hypothesis is: the journal log files are bad de-fragmented because these
are not sync-ed before.
This could be tested quite easily putting an fsync() before the

Any thought ?



$ cat test.py

import os, time, sys

def create_file(nf):
        Create a fragmented file

    # the data below are from a real case
    data= [(0, 0), (1, 1599), (1600, 1607), (1608, 1689), (1690, 1690),
    (1691, 1693), (1694, 1694), (1695, 1722), (1723, 1723), (1724, 1955),
    (1956, 1956), (1957, 2047), (2048, 2417), (2418, 2420), (2421, 2478),
    (2479, 2479), (2480, 2482), (2483, 2483), (2484, 2523), (2524, 2527),
    (2528, 2598), (2599, 2599), (2600, 2607), (2608, 2608), (2609, 2611),
    (2612, 2612), (2613, 2615), (2616, 2616), (2617, 2691), (2692, 2696)]


    f = os.open(fn, os.O_RDWR+os.O_TRUNC+os.O_CREAT)
    ldata = len(data)
    i = 1
    f = os.open(fn, os.O_RDWR)
    while i < ldata:
        (from_, to_) = data[ldata - i -1]
        l = (to_ - from_  + 1) * blocksize
        pos = from_ * blocksize

        os.lseek(f, pos, os.SEEK_SET)

        os.write(f, b"X"*l)
        i += 2
    print("sleep 5s")

    i = 0
    f = os.open(fn, os.O_RDWR)
    while i < ldata:
        (from_, to_) = data[ldata - i -1]
        l = (to_ - from_  + 1) * blocksize
        pos = from_ * blocksize

        os.lseek(f, pos, os.SEEK_SET)

        os.write(f, b"X"*l)
        i += 2


def test_without_sync(fn):

    print("\nCreated fragmented file")
    os.system("sudo filefrag -v "+fn)
    print("\nStart defrag without sync\n", end="")
    os.system("btrfs fi defra "+fn)
    print("End defrag")
    print("End sync")
    os.system("sudo filefrag -v "+fn)

def test_with_sync(fn):

    print("\nCreated fragmented file")
    os.system("sudo filefrag -v "+fn)
    print("\nStart defrag with sync\n", end="")
    os.system("btrfs fi defra "+fn)
    print("End defrag")
    print("End sync")
    os.system("sudo filefrag -v "+fn)

fn = sys.argv[1]
os.system("sudo true") # to start sudo


$ python3 test.py /mnt/btrfs-raid1/home/ghigo/data.txt
sleep 5s

Created fragmented file
Filesystem type is: 9123683e
File size of /mnt/btrfs-raid1/home/ghigo/data.txt is 11046912 (2697 blocks of 
4096 bytes)
 ext:     logical_offset:        physical_offset: length:   expected: flags:
   0:        0..       0:    1596416..   1596416:      1:
   1:        1..    1599:          0..      1598:   1599:    1596417: 
   2:     1600..    1607:    1597465..   1597472:      8:       1599:
   3:     1608..    1689:          0..        81:     82:    1597473: 
   4:     1690..    1690:    1596854..   1596854:      1:         82:
   5:     1691..    1693:          0..         2:      3:    1596855: 
   6:     1694..    1694:    1596858..   1596858:      1:          3:
   7:     1695..    1722:          0..        27:     28:    1596859: 
   8:     1723..    1723:    1596863..   1596863:      1:         28:
   9:     1724..    1955:          0..       231:    232:    1596864: 
  10:     1956..    1956:    1596864..   1596864:      1:        232:
  11:     1957..    2047:          0..        90:     91:    1596865: 
  12:     2048..    2417:    1648394..   1648763:    370:         91:
  13:     2418..    2420:          0..         2:      3:    1648764: 
  14:     2421..    2478:    1600795..   1600852:     58:          3:
  15:     2479..    2479:          0..         0:      1:    1600853: 
  16:     2480..    2482:    1597473..   1597475:      3:          1:
  17:     2483..    2483:          0..         0:      1:    1597476: 
  18:     2484..    2523:    1600927..   1600966:     40:          1:
  19:     2524..    2527:          0..         3:      4:    1600967: 
  20:     2528..    2598:    1624667..   1624737:     71:          4:
  21:     2599..    2599:          0..         0:      1:    1624738: 
  22:     2600..    2607:    1597476..   1597483:      8:          1:
  23:     2608..    2608:          0..         0:      1:    1597484: 
  24:     2609..    2611:    1599231..   1599233:      3:          1:
  25:     2612..    2612:          0..         0:      1:    1599234: 
  26:     2613..    2615:    1599234..   1599236:      3:          1:
  27:     2616..    2616:          0..         0:      1:    1599237: 
  28:     2617..    2691:    1624738..   1624812:     75:          1:
  29:     2692..    2696:          0..         4:      5:    1624813: 
/mnt/btrfs-raid1/home/ghigo/data.txt: 30 extents found

Start defrag without sync
End defrag
End sync
Filesystem type is: 9123683e
File size of /mnt/btrfs-raid1/home/ghigo/data.txt is 11046912 (2697 blocks of 
4096 bytes)
 ext:     logical_offset:        physical_offset: length:   expected: flags:
   0:        0..       0:    1596416..   1596416:      1:
   1:        1..    1599:  163433285.. 163434883:   1599:    1596417:
   2:     1600..    1607:    1597465..   1597472:      8:  163434884:
   3:     1608..    1689:    1604137..   1604218:     82:    1597473:
   4:     1690..    1690:    1596854..   1596854:      1:    1604219:
   5:     1691..    1693:    1599237..   1599239:      3:    1596855:
   6:     1694..    1694:    1596858..   1596858:      1:    1599240:
   7:     1695..    1722:    1599557..   1599584:     28:    1596859:
   8:     1723..    1723:    1596863..   1596863:      1:    1599585:
   9:     1724..    1955:    1651669..   1651900:    232:    1596864:
  10:     1956..    1956:    1596864..   1596864:      1:    1651901:
  11:     1957..    2047:    1850859..   1850949:     91:    1596865:
  12:     2048..    2417:    1648394..   1648763:    370:    1850950:
  13:     2418..    2420:    1599240..   1599242:      3:    1648764:
  14:     2421..    2478:    1600795..   1600852:     58:    1599243:
  15:     2479..    2479:    1596981..   1596981:      1:    1600853:
  16:     2480..    2482:    1597473..   1597475:      3:    1596982:
  17:     2483..    2483:    1597038..   1597038:      1:    1597476:
  18:     2484..    2523:    1600927..   1600966:     40:    1597039:
  19:     2524..    2527:    1599290..   1599293:      4:    1600967:
  20:     2528..    2598:    1624667..   1624737:     71:    1599294:
  21:     2599..    2599:    1597045..   1597045:      1:    1624738:
  22:     2600..    2607:    1597476..   1597483:      8:    1597046:
  23:     2608..    2608:    1597056..   1597056:      1:    1597484:
  24:     2609..    2611:    1599231..   1599233:      3:    1597057:
  25:     2612..    2612:    1597059..   1597059:      1:    1599234:
  26:     2613..    2615:    1599234..   1599236:      3:    1597060:
  27:     2616..    2616:    1597100..   1597100:      1:    1599237:
  28:     2617..    2691:    1624738..   1624812:     75:    1597101:
  29:     2692..    2696:    1599294..   1599298:      5:    1624813: last,eof
/mnt/btrfs-raid1/home/ghigo/data.txt: 30 extents found
sleep 5s

Created fragmented file
Filesystem type is: 9123683e
File size of /mnt/btrfs-raid1/home/ghigo/data.txt is 11046912 (2697 blocks of 
4096 bytes)
 ext:     logical_offset:        physical_offset: length:   expected: flags:
   0:        0..       0:    1597109..   1597109:      1:
   1:        1..    1599:          0..      1598:   1599:    1597110: 
   2:     1600..    1607:    1599299..   1599306:      8:       1599:
   3:     1608..    1689:          0..        81:     82:    1599307: 
   4:     1690..    1690:    1597124..   1597124:      1:         82:
   5:     1691..    1693:          0..         2:      3:    1597125: 
   6:     1694..    1694:    1597129..   1597129:      1:          3:
   7:     1695..    1722:          0..        27:     28:    1597130: 
   8:     1723..    1723:    1597134..   1597134:      1:         28:
   9:     1724..    1955:          0..       231:    232:    1597135: 
  10:     1956..    1956:    1597137..   1597137:      1:        232:
  11:     1957..    2047:          0..        90:     91:    1597138: 
  12:     2048..    2417:   88373891..  88374260:    370:         91:
  13:     2418..    2420:          0..         2:      3:   88374261: 
  14:     2421..    2478:    1600987..   1601044:     58:          3:
  15:     2479..    2479:          0..         0:      1:    1601045: 
  16:     2480..    2482:    1599585..   1599587:      3:          1:
  17:     2483..    2483:          0..         0:      1:    1599588: 
  18:     2484..    2523:    1601650..   1601689:     40:          1:
  19:     2524..    2527:          0..         3:      4:    1601690: 
  20:     2528..    2598:    1625881..   1625951:     71:          4:
  21:     2599..    2599:          0..         0:      1:    1625952: 
  22:     2600..    2607:    1600717..   1600724:      8:          1:
  23:     2608..    2608:          0..         0:      1:    1600725: 
  24:     2609..    2611:    1599692..   1599694:      3:          1:
  25:     2612..    2612:          0..         0:      1:    1599695: 
  26:     2613..    2615:    1599821..   1599823:      3:          1:
  27:     2616..    2616:          0..         0:      1:    1599824: 
  28:     2617..    2691:    1629466..   1629540:     75:          1:
  29:     2692..    2696:          0..         4:      5:    1629541: 
/mnt/btrfs-raid1/home/ghigo/data.txt: 30 extents found

Start defrag with sync
End defrag
End sync
Filesystem type is: 9123683e
File size of /mnt/btrfs-raid1/home/ghigo/data.txt is 11046912 (2697 blocks of 
4096 bytes)
 ext:     logical_offset:        physical_offset: length:   expected: flags:
   0:        0..    2696:  163503187.. 163505883:   2697:             last,eof
/mnt/btrfs-raid1/home/ghigo/data.txt: 1 extent found


gpg @keyserver.linux.it: Goffredo Baroncelli <kreijackATinwind.it>
Key fingerprint BBF5 1610 0B64 DAC6 5F7D  17B2 0EDA 9B37 8B82 E0B5

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