On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 11:06:32AM -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
> First computer/file system:
> (from the photo):
> [   136.259984] BTRFS critical (device nvme0n1p8): corrupt leaf: root=257
> block=31259951104 slot=9 ino=3244515, name hash mismatch with key, have
> 0x00000000F22F547D expect 0x0000000092294C62
> This is not obviously a bit flip. I'm not sure what's going on here.

Not a bitflip in the hash itself, but it's produced by hashing a file
name, and if that had a bitflip then the hashes would differ. We've seen
a that already, there could be traces of the bogus filename in logs.

> Second computer/file system:
> [30177.298027] BTRFS critical (device nvme0n1p8): corrupt leaf: root=791
> block=57084067840 slot=64 ino=1537855, name hash mismatch with key, have
> 0x00000000a461adfd expect 0x00000000a461adf5

Yes that's a bitflip in the hash,

bin(0x00000000a461adfd^0x00000000a461adf5) = 0b1000

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