On Fri, 16 Aug 2024 09:44:17 -0500
ira.we...@intel.com wrote:

> From: Navneet Singh <navneet.si...@intel.com>
> To support Dynamic Capacity Devices (DCD) endpoint decoders will need to
> map DC partitions (regions).  In addition to assigning the size of the
> DC partition, the decoder must assign any skip value from the previous
> decoder.  This must be done within a contiguous DPA space.
> Two complications arise with Dynamic Capacity regions which did not
> exist with Ram and PMEM partitions.  First, gaps in the DPA space can
> exist between and around the DC partitions.  Second, the Linux resource
> tree does not allow a resource to be marked across existing nodes within
> a tree.
> For clarity, below is an example of an 60GB device with 10GB of RAM,
> 10GB of PMEM and 10GB for each of 2 DC partitions.  The desired CXL
> mapping is 5GB of RAM, 5GB of PMEM, and 5GB of DC1.
>      DPA RANGE
>      (dpa_res)
> 0GB        10GB       20GB       30GB       40GB       50GB       60GB
> |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
> RAM         PMEM                  DC0                   DC1
>  (ram_res)  (pmem_res)            (dc_res[0])           (dc_res[1])
> |----------|----------|   <gap>  |----------|   <gap>  |----------|
>  RAM        PMEM                                        DC1
> |XXXXX|----|XXXXX|----|----------|----------|----------|XXXXX-----|
> 0GB   5GB  10GB  15GB 20GB       30GB       40GB       50GB       60GB
> The previous skip resource between RAM and PMEM was always a child of
> the RAM resource and fit nicely [see (S) below].  Because of this
> simplicity this skip resource reference was not stored in any CXL state.
> On release the skip range could be calculated based on the endpoint
> decoders stored values.
> Now when DC1 is being mapped 4 skip resources must be created as
> children.  One for the PMEM resource (A), two of the parent DPA resource
> (B,D), and one more child of the DC0 resource (C).
> 0GB        10GB       20GB       30GB       40GB       50GB       60GB
> |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
>                            |                     |
> |----------|----------|    |     |----------|    |     |----------|
>         |          |       |          |          |
>        (S)        (A)     (B)        (C)        (D)
>       v          v       v          v          v
> |XXXXX|----|XXXXX|----|----------|----------|----------|XXXXX-----|
>        skip       skip  skip        skip      skip
> Expand the calculation of DPA free space and enhance the logic to
> support this more complex skipping.  To track the potential of multiple
> skip resources an xarray is attached to the endpoint decoder.  The
> existing algorithm between RAM and PMEM is consolidated within the new
> one to streamline the code even though the result is the storage of a
> single skip resource in the xarray.
> Signed-off-by: Navneet Singh <navneet.si...@intel.com>
> Co-developed-by: Ira Weiny <ira.we...@intel.com>
> Signed-off-by: Ira Weiny <ira.we...@intel.com>
One query below + request to add a comment on it for when I've
again completely forgotten how this works.

Also a grumpy reviewer comment.

> +static int cxl_reserve_dpa_skip(struct cxl_endpoint_decoder *cxled,
> +                             resource_size_t base, resource_size_t skipped)
> +{
> +     struct cxl_memdev *cxlmd = cxled_to_memdev(cxled);
> +     struct cxl_port *port = cxled_to_port(cxled);
> +     struct cxl_dev_state *cxlds = cxlmd->cxlds;
> +     resource_size_t skip_base = base - skipped;
> +     struct device *dev = &port->dev;
> +     resource_size_t skip_len = 0;
> +     int rc, index;
> +

> +     index = dc_mode_to_region_index(cxled->mode);
> +     for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++) {

I'm not sure why this is <= so maybe a comment?

> +             struct resource *dcr = &cxlds->dc_res[i];
> +
> +             if (skip_base < dcr->start) {
> +                     skip_len = dcr->start - skip_base;
> +                     rc = cxl_request_skip(cxled, skip_base, skip_len);
> +                     if (rc)
> +                             return rc;
> +                     skip_base += skip_len;
> +             }
> +
> +             if (skip_base == base) {
> +                     dev_dbg(dev, "skip done DC region %d!\n", i);
> +                     break;
> +             }
> +
> +             if (resource_size(dcr) && skip_base <= dcr->end) {
> +                     if (skip_base > base) {
> +                             dev_err(dev, "Skip error DC region %d; 
> skip_base %pa; base %pa\n",
> +                                     i, &skip_base, &base);
> +                             return -ENXIO;
> +                     }
> +
> +                     skip_len = dcr->end - skip_base + 1;
> +                     rc = cxl_request_skip(cxled, skip_base, skip_len);
> +                     if (rc)
> +                             return rc;
> +                     skip_base += skip_len;
> +             }
> +     }
> +
> +     return 0;
> +}

> @@ -466,8 +588,8 @@ int cxl_dpa_set_mode(struct cxl_endpoint_decoder *cxled,
>  int cxl_dpa_alloc(struct cxl_endpoint_decoder *cxled, unsigned long long 
> size)
>  {
> -     struct cxl_memdev *cxlmd = cxled_to_memdev(cxled);
>       resource_size_t free_ram_start, free_pmem_start;
> +     struct cxl_memdev *cxlmd = cxled_to_memdev(cxled);

Patch noise.  Put it back where it was! (assuming I haven't failed to spot the 

>       struct cxl_port *port = cxled_to_port(cxled);
>       struct cxl_dev_state *cxlds = cxlmd->cxlds;
>       struct device *dev = &cxled->cxld.dev;

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