Canul Podkopayeva wrote:

> In no less than 5 months I will be graduating and
> moving on to college. I plan to study computer
> engineering. I know that I *will* be able to skip some
> courses, especially if it has to deal with
> programming.

It depends upon the nature of the course. Being able to program won't
necessarily get you all that far on a Computer Science degree course;
I don't know about Computer Engineering.

> I would like to know how database programming stands
> though. Can someone tell me a real world database
> program that would be needed? I want to test what I
> know.

The database course that I did (BSc Comp Sci) covered topics such as
relational algebra, query optimisation, normal forms
(1st/2nd/3rd/Boyce-Codd normal forms) and normalisation, SQL, etc.

Hopefully you should get a syllabus and a reading list, which would
give you a better idea of what you will cover.

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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