Chuck Mead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 25/06/99 00:28:55

To:   Alina Swietochowska/QA Training Ltd
Subject:  Re: A task for Corprel!

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Alina Swietochowska spewed into the bitstream:
>>I'm new to this list...  and would like to help...
>>I'm new to this list. I'm a Unix lecturer for QA Training, UK, besotted
with Linux and would like to help. I have NO idea what your plans are.

>I don't think there's a limit... in fact I want to hear what you, and
>potential vendors have to say about this... now I know thet *you*
>haven't asked for this program but...
Well, we were slow of our marks, and - unfortunately - I only heard of LPI
just a couple of months ago.
There are very few links on the web leading you to the LPI site :-(

>I'd still like to hear your views... on list... not off... okay!?!

My problem has always been a dilemma between what I think and what the
large corporates expect these
days of a training company. I always believed unix guys do not need
certification - they must be good or they wouldn't
last five minutes in the business. That applies thousand-fold to Linux. But
corporates DO expect certification.
Most of our customers come on our courses or programmes to collect various
bits of paperwork at the end of it.
The only exception has always been with Unix courses, and that is because
we always stayed as vendor independent as it is possible.
It took me years to convince people around me that UK market has matured
enough to swallow Unix being taught on Linux.
We now use Linux for all our unix courses, except for the admin.
But I believe UK corporates are by far the slowest in accepting Linux into
the mainstream of their operations.
They are light years behind the States and even the rest of Europe in that,
but where they do, they ask for certification
the way they never asked for it with straight Unix courses. Is this an
indicative of corporates covering their backs? Maybe.
Either way, the first question I usually get is: "Do you do Linux
certification", closely followed by "Which one", ie which distribution.
I had three such conversations in the  last two weeks, with three different
BIG customers (think the size of AT&T and you will not be far off :-).
The point is they all DID NOT want a distributor specific courseware and
certification, as most of the Linux used is put on and chosen by the
employees - vastly  differing. Corporates do not yet have strategic Linux
implementation plans. As soon as they agree to use it (that is still an
obstacle in itself - Linux being forbidden), the guys on the floor go and
install whatever they prefer. In fact I would say that the question within
corporates is not  if they allow *Linux* but any *OSS*. Once they do, Linux
mushrooms like nobodys business.

I personally believe very strongly that POMS General Linux I and General
Linux II is what is going to be needed mostly, and I  can't see much
demand for any of the other papers in any large volumes if at all. Too much
fragmentation, for the moment anyway. I reckon the problem
is in WHO exactly is certification aimed for. Most of the Linux users (at
least in the UK) are still either individuals or small/medium companies.
These will not want/afford to pay for the exams at all. Large corporates
can afford, but they are unlikely to use uniform distribution and follow a
single programme. I may be wrong, but I can't envisage a repeat of what
used to happen with Unix in the old days, where BIG BOSS would decide to go
for HP, Sun, IBM or any other, and all the support, training , etc was
sourced with the same provider. If it does happen, ie a company adopts one
distribution across the board, they are likely to take all the services
from the provider (including training) and will not worry too much
whether it has LPI's seal of approval.


  Chuck Mead  /  Director of Corporate Relations  /  Treasurer
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /  Linux Professional Institute  /

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