Use this script I hacked out of various parts. fence_vi3

Ideally you point it at the VC box, as it will down a node even if it
has migrated to another esx box, but it can be pointed directly at the
ESX box just as well.

You will need the viperltoolkit installed on all your nodes.
Part of the toolkit I had to manually install - read the attached

Christoper Barry

On Thu, 2008-02-21 at 16:16 +0530, Panigrahi, Santosh Kumar wrote:
> I have saved your script (as fence_vmware) in both the virtual
> machines at /sbin directory. Now on running this script I am getting
> following compilation errors.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] sbin]# ./fence_vmware
> Can't locate VMware/ in @INC (@INC
> contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i386-linux-thread-multi 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux-thread-multi 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl 
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi 
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7/i386-linux-thread-multi 
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux-thread-multi 
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi 
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7 
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5 
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi 
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 .) at ./fence_vmware line 17.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./fence_vmware line 17.
> From the above logs it seems it is not getting package “use
> VMware::VIM2Runtime”.
> I know I am not passing the proper arguments here, but before that
> this script should be complied properly in Perl environment. I have
> installed latest VMware Perl APIs on ESX server 3.5 as well as on both
> VMs.
> Am I missing anything here? Please help me to proceed further.
> Thanks,
> Santosh
> ______________________________________________________________________
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MARY, Mathieu
> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 9:08 PM
> To: linux clustering
> Subject: RE: [Linux-cluster] help reqd. - VMware ESX 3.5 fencing
> the script i sent to you was, or it should have been this one,
> apologies if I miscopied, as I tried lots of scripts when I was
> searching for the good one at the time. 
> it uses the VMware::VIM2Runtime wich is the ESX 3.xx perl library
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> ###############################################################################
> ###############################################################################
> ##
> ##  Copyright (C) Sistina Software, Inc.  1997-2003  All rights
> reserved.
> ##  Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
> ##
> ##  This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to
> use,
> ##  modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and
> conditions
> ##  of the GNU General Public License v.2.
> ##
> ###############################################################################
> ###############################################################################
> use Getopt::Std;
> use VMware::VIM2Runtime;
> # Get the program name from $0 and strip directory names
> $_=$0;
> s/.*\///;
> my $pname = $_;
> # WARNING!! Do not add code bewteen "#BEGIN_VERSION_GENERATION" and
> # "#END_VERSION_GENERATION"  It is generated by the Makefile
> $REDHAT_COPYRIGHT=("Copyright (C) Red Hat, Inc.  2004  All rights
> reserved.");
> $BUILD_DATE="(built Thu Jun 28 07:25:05 EDT 2007)";
> sub usage
> {
>    print "Usage:\n\n";
>     print "$pname [options]\n\n";
>     print "Options:\n";
>     print "  -a <ip>          IP address or hostname of VirtualCenter
> server\n";
>     print "  -h               Usage\n";
>     print "  -n <name>        Virtual machine name to reset\n";
>                 print "  -l <string>      Login name for VirtualCenter
> server\n";
>     print "  -p <string>      Password for login\n";
>    print "  -V               version\n\n";
>     exit 0;
> }
> sub fail
> {
>   ($msg) = @_;
>   print $msg."\n" unless defined $opt_q;
>   $t->close if defined $t;
>   exit 1;
> }
> sub fail_usage
> {
>   ($msg) = @_;
>   print STDERR $msg."\n" if $msg;
>   print STDERR "Please use '-h' for usage.\n";
>   exit 1;
> }
> sub version
> {
>   print "$pname $FENCE_RELEASE_NAME $BUILD_DATE\n";
>   exit 0;
> }
> if (@ARGV > 0) {
>     getopts("a:hn:l:p:V") || fail_usage ;
>     usage if defined $opt_h;
>     version if defined $opt_V;
>     fail_usage "Unknown parameter." if (@ARGV > 0);
>     fail_usage "No '-a' flag specified." unless defined $opt_a;
>                 fail_usage "No '-l' flag specified." unless defined
> $opt_l;
>     fail_usage "No '-p' flag specified." unless defined $opt_p;
>     fail_usage "No '-n' flag specified." unless defined $opt_n;
> } else {
>     get_options_stdin();
>     fail "failed: no IP/host address for the VirtualCenter." unless
> defined $opt_a;
>                 fail "failed: no login name provided." unless defined
> $opt_l;
>     fail "failed: no password provided." unless defined $opt_p;
>     fail "failed: no VM name specified." unless defined $opt_n;
> }
> #
> # Set up and log in
> #
> Vim::login(service_url=>"https://$opt_a/sdk/vimService";,
> user_name=>"$opt_l", password=>"$opt_p");
> #
> # Do the command
> #
> my $vm_view = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => 'VirtualMachine',
> filter => {name => $opt_n});
> if (!$vm_view)
> {
>         fail "Virtual Machine name not found.";
> }
> $vm_view->ResetVM();
> Vim::logout();
> print "success: VM: $opt_n reset.\n";
> exit 0;
> sub get_options_stdin
> {
>     my $opt;
>     my $line = 0;
>     while( defined($in = <>) )
>     {
>         $_ = $in;
>         chomp;
>         # strip leading and trailing whitespace
>         s/^\s*//;
>         s/\s*$//;
>         # skip comments
>         next if /^#/;
>         $line+=1;
>         $opt=$_;
>         next unless $opt;
>         ($name,$val)=split /\s*=\s*/, $opt;
>        if ( $name eq "" ) {
>            print("parse error: illegal name in option $line\n");
>            exit 2;
>         }
>         # DO NOTHING -- this field is used by fenced
>         elsif ($name eq "agent" ) { }
>         elsif ($name eq "login" ) {
>             $opt_l = $val;
>         }
>         elsif ($name eq "ipaddr" )
>         {
>             $opt_a = $val;
>         }
>         elsif ($name eq "name" ) { }
>         elsif ($name eq "passwd" )
>         {
>             $opt_p = $val;
>         }
>         elsif ($name eq "port" )
>         {
>             $opt_n = $val;
>         }
>     }
> }
> Regards,
> Mathieu
> ______________________________________________________________________
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Panigrahi,
> Santosh Kumar
> Envoyé : mercredi 20 février 2008 14:01
> À : linux clustering
> Objet : RE: [Linux-cluster] help reqd. - VMware ESX 3.5 fencing
> Hi,
> I am facing some issues on trying to fence a node using “fence_vmware”
> Perl script. This script is attached in this mail.
> I have a single standalone physical machine installed with VMware ESX
> 3.5. On top of this I have created 2 VMs with guest OS as Rhel5.1 AP.
> In both the VMs I have installed VMware Perl APIs. I have kept
> “fence_vmware” script at /sbin directory on both the VMs. My
> cluster.conf file is also attached in this mail. I have not configured
> any service becoz I want only to test VMware fencing agent here.
> Through conga on trying to fence a node, I am getting following errors
> in my /var/log/messages.
> Feb 18 21:12:24 p2pv6 fence_node[5723]: agent "fence_vmware" reports:
> Global symbol "$RELEASE_VERSION" requires explicit package name
> at /sbin/fence_vmware line 102. Global symbol "$BUILD_DATE" requires
> explicit package name at /sbin/fence_vmware line 102. Global symbol
> "$REDHAT_COPYRIGHT" requires explicit package name at
> Feb 18 21:12:24 p2pv6 fence_node[5723]: agent "fence_vmware"
> reports: /sbin/fence_vmware line 103. Global symbol
> "$REDHAT_COPYRIGHT" requires explicit package name
> at /sbin/fence_vmware line 103. Global symbol "$opt_ZZv" requires
> explicit package name at /sbin/fence_vmware line 267. Global symbol
> "$pwd_script_out" requires
> Feb 18 21:12:24 p2pv6 fence_node[5723]: agent "fence_vmware" reports:
> explicit package name at /sbin/fence_vmware line 300. Global symbol
> "$pwd_script_out" requires explicit package name at /sbin/fence_vmware
> line 301. Global symbol "$pwd_script_out" requires explicit package
> name at /sbin/fence_vmware line 302. Global symb
> Feb 18 21:12:24 p2pv6 fence_node[5723]: agent "fence_vmware" reports:
> ol "$pwd_script_out" requires explicit package name
> at /sbin/fence_vmware line 303. Global symbol "$pwd_script_out"
> requires explicit package name at /sbin/fence_vmware line 322. Global
> symbol "$pwd_script_out" requires explicit package name at /sbin/fenc
> Feb 18 21:12:24 p2pv6 fence_node[5723]: agent "fence_vmware" reports:
> e_vmware line 323. Global symbol "$pwd_script_out" requires explicit
> package name at /sbin/fence_vmware line 324. Global symbol
> "$pwd_script_out" requires explicit package name at /sbin/fence_vmware
> line 325. Bareword "version" not allowed while "strict s
> Feb 18 21:12:24 p2pv6 fence_node[5723]: agent "fence_vmware" reports:
> ubs" in use at /sbin/fence_vmware line 291. Execution
> of /sbin/fence_vmware aborted due to compilation errors.
> Feb 18 21:12:24 p2pv6 fence_node[5723]: Fence of ""
> was unsuccessful
> My initial guess is this fencing agent script can only be run with old
> VMware Perl APIs. Please correct me. Is there any way to run this
> script in my current environment?
> If anyone is having a working script for VMware ESX 3.5 server, please
> pass it.
> Thanks,
> Santosh
> ______________________________________________________________________
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MARY, Mathieu
> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 6:39 PM
> To: linux clustering
> Subject: RE: [Linux-cluster] help reqd. - VMware ESX 3.5 fencing
> VC is the virtual center server, i understood from your mail that
> you’re using virtual infrastructure, but you question points out the
> fact that you maybe are using standalone ESX server ?
> in our configuration we use an ESX farm of 4 servers managed by the VC
> server where we connect with the VI client
> <fencedevice name="your_fence_method" agent="fence_vi3"
> ipaddr="yourserver_ip" port="your_vm_name" login="xxx"
> passwd="yyyyy"/>
> though I don’t know if it works on standalone server, maybe you would
> have ton install the VMI perlmodules described inside the script to
> you ESX 3.5 server
> ______________________________________________________________________
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Panigrahi,
> Santosh Kumar
> Envoyé : jeudi 14 février 2008 13:50
> À : linux clustering
> Objet : RE: [Linux-cluster] help reqd. - VMware ESX 3.5 fencing
> Thanks Marry for the script. I will test and let you know. By the way
> what’s this VC server? Is it the system where I am running my VI
> client?
> Can you please elaborate little more on this configuration like where
> I will keep this script, what will I mention in my cluster.conf file
> and etc.
> Thanks,
> Santosh  
> ______________________________________________________________________
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MARY, Mathieu
> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 5:59 PM
> To: linux clustering
> Subject: RE: [Linux-cluster] help reqd. - VMware ESX 3.5 fencing
> hello,
> i’m using this script for VI 3 and  ESX3.02 i guess it would work for
> you too, cannot remember where I found it though J
> note that you have to send the restart request to your VC server and
> not to the ESX server
> ______________________________________________________________________
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Panigrahi,
> Santosh Kumar
> Envoyé : jeudi 14 février 2008 12:37
> À :
> Objet : [Linux-cluster] help reqd. - VMware ESX 3.5 fencing
> Hi,
> Does anybody have configured fencing in VMware ESX 3.5 environment? I
> appreciate any help.
> I have got some info from
>  .
> This script given here is for VMware server. Any idea whether it will
> work for ESX 3.5 server or not?
> My system configurations are as follows.
> Host machine    : Unisys ES7000-one with host OS as VMware ESX 3.5
> Guest Machines: Guest OS as Rhel5.1 AP
> I am connecting to host machine using VMware VI 3.0.
> Thanks,
> Santosh
> --
> Linux-cluster mailing list

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