On Tue, Mar 01, 2016 at 04:50:31PM +0100, Karl-Philipp Richter wrote:
> Hi,
> I invoked `vgchange --clustered y [name]` and accepted the warning that
> the volume group might become inaccessible by mistaking inaccessible
> with unavailable for other cluster nodes. Since `clvm` doesn't work on
> Ubuntu 15.10 and building from source is
> painful<ref>http://askubuntu.com/questions/740615/how-to-get-clvmd-running-on-ubuntu-15-10</ref>
> I seem to have no chance to ever access the clustered volume group. Is
> there any solution to make the volume group accessible again?

vgchange -cn --config global/locking_type=0 vgname

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