Hi, I am trying to use the DLM userland API (libdlm3), and while I was able to do plain lock acquisitions and conversions, I am stuck trying to update and then read the lock value block.
Does anyone have working examples of this? I did look at the rhdlmbook doc, but couldn't fine one. Attached is a messy test I wrote, which fails because it looks like up-converting a lock with the LKF_VALBLK set doesn't seem to overwrite the buffer I provide for the lock value block (and with strace it looks like the kernel device returns the LVB on a down-conversion! weird). Example output below. Cheers, Jean-Marc -- saff...@gmail.com $ make D=1 gcc -D_REENTRANT -Wall -Werror -O0 -g locklvb.c -pthread -ldlm -lpthread -o locklvb $ ./locklvb dlm_kernel_version 6.0.1 create_lockspace create_lockspace: Operation not permitted open_lockspace dlm_pthread_init acquiring NL on MyLock... LOCK mode -> NL convert 0 read_lvb 0 write_lvb 0 completion ast entering loop on lock #1 count 0 LOCK mode -> PW convert 1 read_lvb 0 write_lvb 0 completion ast init lvb => 51 lvb cache => 52 LOCK mode -> CR convert 1 read_lvb 0 write_lvb 1 completion ast count 1 LOCK mode -> PW convert 1 read_lvb 1 write_lvb 0 completion ast read lvb -1 locklvb: locklvb.c:177: do_lock: Assertion `lvb_lock.val >= 0' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
/* compile with: gcc -o locklvb locklvb.c -pthread -ldlm */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <errno.h> #include <assert.h> #include <libdlm.h> #define LOG(fmt, ...) \ do { \ printf(fmt "\n", ## __VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) #define DEBUG LOG #if 1 #define MODE_LO LKM_CRMODE #define MODE_HI LKM_PWMODE #else #define MODE_LO LKM_NLMODE #define MODE_HI LKM_EXMODE #endif #define RESOURCE "MyLock" #define LOCKSPACE "default" /* state for completion ast */ static const char *resource = RESOURCE; static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; static int done = 0; static int seq = 0; /* sanity check */ static dlm_lshandle_t ls; struct lvb_desc { int valid; union { char buf[DLM_LVB_LEN]; /* 32 bytes */ long val; }; }; static struct lvb_desc lvb_cache = { .valid = false }; static const char const *mode_str(int mode) { switch(mode) { #define MAP(_m) case LKM_ ## _m ## MODE: return # _m MAP(NL); MAP(CR); MAP(CW); MAP(PR); MAP(PW); MAP(EX); #undef MAP default: return "??"; } } static void astcb(void *arg) { LOG("completion ast"); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); assert((intptr_t)arg == seq); /* sanity check */ done = 1; pthread_cond_signal(&cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } static void ast_wait(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); while (done == 0) pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex); done = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } static void do_lock(int mode, int flags, int *lockid, const struct lvb_desc *out_lvb, /* write new lvb from this */ struct lvb_desc *in_lvb) /* read lvb and save it there */ { int convert = (flags & LKF_CONVERT) != 0; struct dlm_lksb lksb = {}; struct lvb_desc lvb_lock = {}; static int written = 0; DEBUG("LOCK mode -> %s convert %d", mode_str(mode), convert); if (convert) lksb.sb_lkid = *lockid; const int read_lvb = written && convert && (mode == MODE_HI); /* up-convert */ const int write_lvb = convert && (mode == MODE_LO); /* down-convert */ assert(!(read_lvb && write_lvb)); DEBUG("read_lvb %d write_lvb %d", read_lvb, write_lvb); lvb_lock.val = -1; /* poison */ if (read_lvb || write_lvb) { flags |= LKF_VALBLK; lksb.sb_lvbptr = (char*)&lvb_lock.val; } if (read_lvb) assert(out_lvb == NULL); if (write_lvb) { assert(in_lvb == NULL); if (out_lvb->valid) { assert(out_lvb->val > 0); lvb_lock.val = out_lvb->val; } else { DEBUG("lvb invalidate"); flags |= LKF_IVVALBLK; } } void *ast_arg = (void*)(intptr_t)++seq; int rc = dlm_ls_lock(ls, mode, &lksb, flags, convert ? NULL : resource, convert ? 0 : strlen(resource), 0, /* parent */ astcb, ast_arg, /* ast, ast arg */ NULL, NULL); /* bast, range */ if (rc) { perror("dlm_lock"); exit(1); } ast_wait(); errno = lksb.sb_status; if (lksb.sb_status) { perror("dlm_lock post wait"); exit(1); } if (lksb.sb_flags) DEBUG("sb_flags %d", lksb.sb_flags); if ((lksb.sb_flags & DLM_SBF_VALNOTVALID) != 0) DEBUG("DLM_SBF_VALNOTVALID"); if (read_lvb || write_lvb) assert(lksb.sb_lvbptr == (char*)&lvb_lock.val); if (read_lvb) { /* "An LVB is valid when the lock manager first creates the lock resource, in response to the first lock request, before any client can assign a value to the LVB." So we never write 0 to the LVB, and always ignore 0 in the LVB. */ /* after comp ast runs, and despite poisoning, we * shouldn't see a negative here! */ DEBUG("read lvb %ld", lvb_lock.val); assert(lvb_lock.val >= 0); in_lvb->valid = ((lksb.sb_flags & DLM_SBF_VALNOTVALID) == 0) && lvb_lock.val > 0; if (in_lvb->valid) in_lvb->val = lvb_lock.val; } if (write_lvb) written = 1; *lockid = lksb.sb_lkid; } static void do_unlock(int lockid) { struct dlm_lksb lksb = {}; int rc = dlm_ls_unlock(ls, lockid, 0, &lksb, NULL); if (rc) { perror("dlm_unlock"); exit(1); } ast_wait(); errno = lksb.sb_status; if (lksb.sb_status != 0 && lksb.sb_status != EUNLOCK) { perror("dlm_unlock post wait"); exit(1); } } static int do_init(void) { int rc; uint32_t major, minor, patch; rc = dlm_kernel_version(&major, &minor, &patch); if (rc != 0) { perror("dlm_kernel_version"); return 1; } LOG("dlm_kernel_version %d.%d.%d", major, minor, patch); LOG("create_lockspace"); ls = dlm_create_lockspace(LOCKSPACE, 0777); /* requires CAP_SYSADMIN */ if (ls == NULL) { perror("create_lockspace"); if (errno != EEXIST && errno != EPERM) return 1; LOG("open_lockspace"); ls = dlm_open_lockspace(LOCKSPACE); if (ls == NULL) { perror("open_lockspace"); return 1; } } LOG("dlm_pthread_init"); rc = dlm_ls_pthread_init(ls); if(rc != 0) { perror("dlm_pthread_init"); return 1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { long count = 0; int rc; int lockid; rc = do_init(); if (rc != 0) return 1; LOG("acquiring NL on %s...", resource); do_lock(LKM_NLMODE, LKF_EXPEDITE, &lockid, NULL, NULL); LOG("entering loop on lock #%d", lockid); while (count < 10) { DEBUG("count %ld", count); struct lvb_desc const old_lvb = lvb_cache; /* up-convert and read lvb */ do_lock(MODE_HI, LKF_CONVERT, &lockid, NULL, &lvb_cache); if (old_lvb.valid != lvb_cache.valid) { LOG("lvb valid => %s", lvb_cache.valid ? "true" : "false"); if (lvb_cache.valid) LOG("lvb = %ld", lvb_cache.val); } else if (old_lvb.valid && lvb_cache.valid) { if (old_lvb.val != lvb_cache.val) LOG("lvb %ld -> %ld", old_lvb.val, lvb_cache.val); } if (!lvb_cache.valid) { lvb_cache.valid = true; lvb_cache.val = 51; LOG("init lvb => %ld", lvb_cache.val); } lvb_cache.val++; DEBUG("lvb cache => %ld", lvb_cache.val); /* down-convert and write lvb */ do_lock(MODE_LO, LKF_CONVERT, &lockid, &lvb_cache, NULL); count++; } LOG("unlock"); do_unlock(lockid); return 0; }
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