Am 30.01.19 um 09:59 schrieb Nicola Contu:
> Hello,
> I've setup a cluster using pacemaker and corosync for HA using HAProxy.
> Two resources : Haproxy and a floating IP.
> They are running on Centos7 on vmware.
> The strange thing that happens sometime is that the floating IP won't be 
> pingable from outside the LAN.
> So for example, a server on the same LAN can ping it but me from my laptop 
> can't.
> The resource is still active and up on the proxy owning the resource.
> Attached the log of corosync.
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks

It seems to be a network problem. What is the arp cache on the router
when this happens?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
Guardinistr. 63
81375 München

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