>>>>> "Sudhir" == Sudhir Gandotra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Sudhir> Dear Raj, Pl. have a look at this.

    Sudhir> Prashant Vashisht wrote:
    >>  hi sudhir,
    >> i have subscribed to the list, but please check the config
    >> files for the maordomo, bcoz in the confirmation message it
    >> doesn't send any info abou the list, or u have not configured
    >> it to do so.

It's not configured to do so right now.  If enough people feel that
there should be an intro message for the list, please let me know (or
even better, make one and send it to me :)

I see that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is subscribed to the list, I presume
that you are he.


-- Raju

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