Hmm... I've never used this, or heard of it, but I suppose I could bug 
my father into installing it. ;)

Mouse input, well, Lynx can do too, with/without xterm.  Combine Lynx
with zgv, and you can view graphics to boot.

-- Shiv JM

>>>>> "karangirotra" == karangirotra  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    karangirotra> I have also missed
    karangirotra> most of the thread, but have u ever tried using w3m
    karangirotra> - a text mode webbrowser which supports frames and
    karangirotra> tables. It even supports secure communication. It
    karangirotra> has almost as small as lynx and also supports most
    karangirotra> of lynx like keybindings. if run from an xterm it
    karangirotra> even supports mouse input to follow links. I have
    karangirotra> been using it for quite some time now and it has
    karangirotra> great performance.

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