i faced a similar problem when trying to compile a lot of my kde stuff.  A lot
of the qt software available wants qt-1.44 nad not qt-2. Settinga n environment
variable `QTDIR' to point to whichever qt libs the particular program requires
is generally enough. On a rh6.1 system u can find  the libs in the /usr/lib/ 
qt 1.44 and qt 2.0 should both be available on ur system. 
hope this helps ...

On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> > im having a problem with the new version of kdelibs 1.1.2-9
> the problem is that eversince i upgraded 2 rh 6.1 kxicq and caitoo rnt working on my 
> when i try 2 reinstall them.. an error occurs:
> error w/t kdelibs. couldnot start a small program.. or something.. so i tried 2 
>install the
> older kdelibs version and the softwares complied.. but kde didnt work.. so im left 2 
> btw them and kde and thats not a choice id like 2 make. so please help out..
Karan Girotra                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Department of Mechanical Engineering                  6864507 6591633
Indian Institue of Technology                                 icq #25636434 
New Delhi -110016   

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