On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 09:58:54AM +0600, Neil wrote:
> > I started getting ***unresolved symbol** error messages after recompiling my
> > 2.2.15 Kernel.
> hey anybody tried ker 2.4 -pre5????
Yes we tried kernel test 5

> i got it, and compiled it.
> but no matter what i do, i cant get it down below 720kb.
> and so the system cannot boot!!!!!
Don't panic smae here but yes it boots up

> i tried making it a bzImage, putting as many things as modules as
> possible, but still cant compile below 720.
we compiled the kernel on intel 810
using following commands
make dep;make bzImage;make modules;make modules_install
then we had successfully installed kernel 

But your results may differ from ours
> but.. i must say, it is a beautiful thing... something worth looking
> foreward 2.
> neil
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