Linux-Development-Sys Digest #176, Volume #6     Fri, 25 Dec 98 17:14:15 EST

  Re: Kernel 2.2 (Thornton Prime)
  Re: Error using mkinitrd in RedHat 5.2 kernel recompile (Geoffrey Anderson)
  Re: Santa's List ("Earl Malmrose")
  Re: Possible MS legal threats to Linux and/or OSS ("Bob Taylor")
  Re: Registry for Linux - Bad idea (Matthew Hannigan)
  Re: Full text search engine (Mike Ireton)
  Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux... (George Bonser)
  Re: How to run Windows Applications on Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Error using mkinitrd in RedHat 5.2 kernel recompile (Mache Creeger)
  Re: Santa's List (CyberOptic)
  Re: Full text search engine (John Kodis)
  Re: Santa's List ("A")
  EZ-BIOS and 2.1.132 Errors (Jeremy Kipp)
  ppp dialin (with VJ compression) problems with dev.kernel 2.1.132 (Sion Masamune)
  Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux... (Bill Davidsen)
  Re: Virtual PC (Mark Tranchant)
  Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux... (Leslie Mikesell)
  Re: Santa's List (Jim Richardson)
  Re: Santa's List (Frank Miles)


From: Thornton Prime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kernel 2.2
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 15:21:31 -0800

Andre Weinreich wrote:
> I heard that there is a new Kernel ( 2.2 ).

Not yet.

The current development kernel is 2.1.132 (as of 10AM this morning). The
current release is 2.0.36. 2.1.132 is the closest to 2.2 you'll get
(until Linus releases another kernel patch, which should be in a few
hours <grin>).



Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 14:13:35 -0800
From: Geoffrey Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Error using mkinitrd in RedHat 5.2 kernel recompile

Mache Creeger wrote:

> I recently recompiled the 2.0.36-1 kernel for RedHat 5.2.  I made some
> minor changes to the configuration file (set CONFIG_M486=y, turned off
> Everything went fine until I tried to regenerate the ramdisk (I have a
> SCSI system).  Under root I typed:
>     /sbin/mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.0.36-1x.img 2.0.36
> The error message returned was:
>     mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/loop0 as a block device
>        (maybe `insmod driver'?)
> Can't get a loopback device
> The ramdisk file was not produced.
> My /etc/conf.modules file is:
>     alias scsi_hostadapter qlogicfas
>     alias eth0 ne
>     alias eth1 ne
>     options eth0 -o ne-0 io=0x300 irq=5
>     options eth1 -o ne-1 io=0x240 irq=11
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> -- Mache Creeger

Did you disable the loopback device in the networking options of the make
menuconfig command?  If so, it will give an identical error.  I just
compile it in, and not deal with the insmod command.

Good luck.

Geoff  - Windows free for 3 months now...


From: "Earl Malmrose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Santa's List
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 22:13:11 -0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message <75uahm$8jc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Santa's making a list.  If You could have any piece of software ported
>to Linux, other than Microsoft's what would it be?

My most wanted would be something to compete with Visual C++ for basic C++
coding and source-level debugging. What's available now? What should I try


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Bob Taylor")
Subject: Re: Possible MS legal threats to Linux and/or OSS
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 00:04:18 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Marvin) writes:


> As long as Linux doesn't show signs of expanding beyond cult status, I
> don't think MS would have strategic reasons to attack it.  Even assuming
> that the practical and legal obstacles could be overcome.

This is already happened.


| Bob Taylor             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
| Like the ad says, at 300 dpi you can tell she's wearing a     |
| swimsuit. At 600 dpi you can tell it's wet. At 1200 dpi you   |
| can tell it's painted on. I suppose at 2400 dpi you can tell  |
| if the paint is giving her a rash. (So says Joshua R. Poulson)|


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Hannigan)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Registry for Linux - Bad idea
Date: 25 Dec 1998 07:42:24 GMT

In comp.os.linux.development.system Stefan Skoglund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What i want is the ability to manage a network of machines
> which is geographically diverse.
> Which will require advanced tools like tivoli or CA TNG.

Rsh.  Or ssh.



From: Mike Ireton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Full text search engine
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 23:44:16 +0000


    While not having all of the features requested, htdig does a pretty
good job just the same - I use it to index my own internal web site with
system administration documents, man pages, how-to's, and other reference
material and imagine sometimes how I ever got along without it.

Alan Zaitchik wrote:

> Does anyone know of a full-text indexer and search engine which runs on
> Linux?
> I would need it to be able to index html files containing English
> language text, with the minimal functionality found in all such engines
> (eg filter for stop words, knowledge of stemming, support for keywords,
> etc.) but of course if there is more functionality then that's better
> (eg "incremental" indexing on the fly, ability to position to matching
> term in document, query-by-example, etc.)
> Since I am looking for something inexpensive (actually: almost-free) I
> expect recall/precision to be less than stellar. Of course it has to be
> reasonable.
> Any info appreciated. If you like reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanks,
> Alan

Mike Ireton
Network Systems Manager
Broadlink Communications


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Bonser)
Subject: Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux...
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 09:17:15 GMT

In article <75lkkb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kyler Laird) writes:
> Under UNIX, I'd just untar the files in some directory I
> own and fire up the program.  I'd expect it to write its
> settings in an rc file in my home directory.  In NT, this
> doesn't happen.  The installation will often fail because
> the app will need to write a *system* registry entry.

This is because NT EMULATES a multi-user operating system but really isn't

George Bonser

The Linux "We're never going out of business" sale at an FTP site near you!


Subject: Re: How to run Windows Applications on Linux
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 01:07:21 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On 20 Dec 98 20:58:13 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]>In article
> >>means, get the latest Wine.  However, if you just have some Windows
> >>applications that you're hoping to be able to use from X, don't bother.
> >>You can't reliably run any MS Office apps, or Quicken 98, CorelDraw,
> >
> >     Without actually trying Wine, in it's current release,
> >     on the problem this is not something you can say either
> >     positive or negative with any real certainty.
> >
> >     The only one doing any misleading is you.
> >
> I have tried the latest version and couldn't get it to run Quicken98
> or any Office apps reliably.  I did get the startup screen for Quicken
> but then it freezes up.  Some programs actually start, but usually
> crash after using them for a minute or two.  A few small programs that
> I tried actually did seem to run reliably.  While it's certainly
> impressive to have a large Windows app such as Quicken98 start at all
> under Linux, it wasn't nearly reliable enough to practically use it
> under Wine.

Have you tried WABI?  Caldera offers it via mail-order.  It isn't freeware.
Quicken is the ONLY application I still gave to run on Windows 95.  At work
I need to run Lotus Notes (for security and compliance reasons).

> Adam
> --
> Adam P. Jenkins
> ajenkins at netway dot com

Rex Ballard - Open Source Advocate, Internet Architect, MIS Director

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 10:18:38 -0800
From: Mache Creeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Error using mkinitrd in RedHat 5.2 kernel recompile

I recently recompiled the 2.0.36-1 kernel for RedHat 5.2.  I made some
minor changes to the configuration file (set CONFIG_M486=y, turned off
Everything went fine until I tried to regenerate the ramdisk (I have a
SCSI system).  Under root I typed:

    /sbin/mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.0.36-1x.img 2.0.36

The error message returned was:

    mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/loop0 as a block device
       (maybe `insmod driver'?)
Can't get a loopback device

The ramdisk file was not produced.

My /etc/conf.modules file is:

    alias scsi_hostadapter qlogicfas
    alias eth0 ne
    alias eth1 ne
    options eth0 -o ne-0 io=0x300 irq=5
    options eth1 -o ne-1 io=0x240 irq=11

Does anyone have any ideas?

-- Mache Creeger


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CyberOptic)
Subject: Re: Santa's List
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 12:25:27 +0100

I want 4 programs for Linux which could me change completely to linux in 
5 secs...

Adobe Photoshop 5
Adobe Illustrator 8
Homesite 4
And a mail program like Outlook Express 5 beta... :))

In article <75uahm$8jc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> In article <75sml7$12ec$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Miles) wrote:
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > Adam P. Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > >> Have you tried WABI?  Caldera offers it via mail-order.  It isn't freeware.
> > >> Quicken is the ONLY application I still gave to run on Windows 95.  At work
> > >> I need to run Lotus Notes (for security and compliance reasons).
> > >
> > >I couldn't find anything about WABI on Caldera's web page.  Does WABI
> > >support Win32?  Last I heard it only supported 16-bit Win3.1 apps.
> > >Please correct me if I'm wrong.  Thanks.
> >
> > WABI is no more unless you can buy it from someone other than Caldera.
> > Linux Mall used to have it.
> > It only supported the Win3.1 apps AFAIK (that's all I use it for, and no
> > you can't have it).
> I have a copy.  I've never installed it.  I can do almost everything
> (except Quicken) using available Linux applications.  Usually faster
> and cheaper than with Windows 95/NT.
> After trying to reinstall Windows 98 for a friend, I want nothing to
> do with that ugly mess.  Windows 98 made a Slackware install look
> friendly.  I think I only had to reboot 14 times.
> > Wine (notably this last version, wine-981211) is getting better but it's
> > not there yet.
> Santa's making a list.  If You could have any piece of software ported
> to Linux, other than Microsoft's what would it be?
> >     -frank
> --
> Rex Ballard - Open Source Advocate, Internet Architect, MIS Director
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Kodis)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Full text search engine
Date: 25 Dec 1998 11:50:38 GMT

Previously, Alan Zaitchik wrote:

> Does anyone know of a full-text indexer and search engine which runs
> on Linux?

Depending on your requirements, you might investigate the glimpse and
id-utils packages.

-- John Kodis.


Subject: Re: Santa's List
Date: 25 Dec 1998 13:41:42 GMT

: Santa's making a list.  If You could have any piece of software ported
: to Linux, other than Microsoft's what would it be?

:>      -frank

Quicken.  I know there are thing that have *similar* functionality, but something
that has all of it doesn't seem to exist yet.

- A


From: Jeremy Kipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EZ-BIOS and 2.1.132 Errors
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 16:39:24 +0000

    I have a 10GB Maxtor 2500 plus using EZ-BIOS  and Linux 2.0.36.  It
works great.
    I just tried to use the development kernel and I get the error:

    Kernel Panicing: cannot access the root partition.

I've gone through the install procedure three times now (this is not a
case of RTFD)   I suspect that the development kernel cannot
interoperate with EZ-BIOS as the 2.0.36 can.  However, I find that hard
to believe.  Does the development kernel offer support for EZ-BIOS?  Is
there another answer?

Jeremy Kipp


From: Sion Masamune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ppp dialin (with VJ compression) problems with dev.kernel 2.1.132
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 19:09:30 +0100

Hi there,

i dunno if this is a stupid question, but howcome the vj-compression
doesn't work with
dev. kernel 2.1.132 ?
2.0.36 works fine, but whenever i try to dail-in to my isp i get the
following errors:

Dec 25 01:55:44 nomad modprobe: can't locate module ppp-compress-21
Dec 25 01:55:44 nomad modprobe: can't locate module ppp-compress-26
Dec 25 01:55:44 nomad modprobe: can't locate module ppp-compress-24

in my messages log.

I found a possible cause, if i compile ppp in module form slhc.o isn't
made, and it seems to me that this module holds the VJ compression

I'm running egcs 1.1.1, libc5, pppd 2.3.4
the latest modultils and modules packages form's dev kernel
I've tried the ac2 patch but my kernel doesnt want to compile after the

Please help, i've noticed a very nice speed increase in my system,
boot-up is not as fast as with 2.0.36
but starting up X , logging in and booting up Window Maker + apps is
about 2.4 times as fast!
(busmastering & PCI DMA is the cause I think)
I'd like to run but if i can't connect to the web, whell whats
the use of it then ;)

Thanx for the time and merry X-mazz!

    Sion Masamune

P.S. remove the obvious from my e-mail address to reply


From: Bill Davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux...
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 14:10:20 -0500

Mischa Sandberg wrote:

> The kernel could do this cleanly, if it had a facility like MPE/3000
> did: "setuid" dynamic link libraries. Think of it as classes whose
> implementations have specific (system) access rights.

I haven't used MULTICS in a (long) while, but it seems to me that this
concept originated there. I think we used to be able to do something
which acted like setuid on individual library routines. Remember that
everything was memory mapped, so segment descriptors were like many
shared libraries.

Neat stuff in MULTICS. Wish I had gpl/1 to use for some things.

bill davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
Doing interesting things with little computers since 1979.


From: Mark Tranchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Virtual PC
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 13:00:20 +0000

Yes, it exists. It is apparently *really* slow, but you can set up and
boot win95 on it. I seem to remember reading that it'd even boot Linux
on Linux...

It is called bochs, and can be found at


Philippe Rochat wrote:
> Does it exist on Linux something similar to Virtual PC (On Mac OS) ?
> With such a sys, it would be possible to install Linux everywhere, and then
> install win or NT on top of it if really needed by users ... it would also
> provide a smooth way to migrate from monopolistic world to freedom !
> On x86 architecture the performances shouldn't be affected by a probably really
> small overhead. On other hardware, an additional layer would be needed and more
> CPU consuming ...
> Anyone has heard then about something like this or such a project ?
> Ph.R.
> P.S: One of the weakness of PC world is that it's supposed to preserve existing
> investment made in industry ... therefore, it cannot so easily move to other
> standards without loosing marketshares. This means that the
> de-commoditizing recommandation made in halloween documents
> ( is not so easy to implements.
> Trying to lure opensoftwares, would probably also betray win3.11 customers
> (This  could be seen as positive, forcing customers to buy upgrades, but cannot
> be made too brutally). Open software worl, could then take advantage of these
> frozen paleolithics commoditized basements (commoditized elements is maybe not
> the right world for in fact primitive developments ;-), by incorporating them.
> --
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Philippe Rochat,                                EPFL   DI-LBD
> Database Laboratory                             CH-1015 LAUSANNE
> Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)    tel:++41 21 693 52 53
> Beep-EPFL: 181 4644                             fax:++41 21 693 51 95
> Private: Grammont, 9 1007 LAUSANNE              tel:++41 21 617 03 05


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux...
Date: 24 Dec 1998 09:16:58 -0600

In article <75rqqs$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Kyler Laird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Is samba usable over modem lines?  
>It's much more reasonable than NFS.
>>Ssh does its own port redirection,
>>so what is the advantage of the above over:
>> ssh -C -L137:remote:137 -L139:remote:139 remote
>>then running the smb client against your local host and being transparently
>>passed to the remote?
>no need to authenticate again

Oh, the clients I use do this transparently so I wouldn't have considered
it an issue.

  Les Mikesell


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Richardson)
Subject: Re: Santa's List
Date: 25 Dec 1998 21:48:12 GMT

On Fri, 25 Dec 1998 00:16:44 -0600, 
 Rich Grise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sayeth...:

>> Santa's making a list.  If You could have any piece of software ported
>> to Linux, other than Microsoft's what would it be?
>> --
>> Rex Ballard - Open Source Advocate, Internet Architect, MIS Director
>Dear Santa, what I want for Solstice is:
>For the process of customizing emacs, and of configuring sendmail, to be
>comprehensible to a mortal human being.

emacs is easy. Lisp is good!

sendmail is of course, enough to make your eyebrows bleed.

Seriously tho' emacs is pretty simple to configure, the on board help, will
er, help, and the ORA emacs book does a good job too.

>Rich Grise
>(No need to putz around with my e-mail - I have a "DELETE" button!)

Jim Richardson
        Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
        Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Miles)
Subject: Re: Santa's List
Date: 25 Dec 1998 22:02:15 GMT

In article <75uahm$8jc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <75sml7$12ec$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Miles) wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> Adam P. Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> >> Have you tried WABI?  Caldera offers it via mail-order.  It isn't freeware.
>> >> Quicken is the ONLY application I still gave to run on Windows 95.  At work
>> >> I need to run Lotus Notes (for security and compliance reasons).
>> >
>> >I couldn't find anything about WABI on Caldera's web page.  Does WABI
>> >support Win32?  Last I heard it only supported 16-bit Win3.1 apps.
>> >Please correct me if I'm wrong.  Thanks.
>> WABI is no more unless you can buy it from someone other than Caldera.
>> Linux Mall used to have it.
>> It only supported the Win3.1 apps AFAIK (that's all I use it for, and no
>> you can't have it).
>I have a copy.  I've never installed it.  I can do almost everything
>(except Quicken) using available Linux applications.  Usually faster
>and cheaper than with Windows 95/NT.
>After trying to reinstall Windows 98 for a friend, I want nothing to
>do with that ugly mess.  Windows 98 made a Slackware install look
>friendly.  I think I only had to reboot 14 times.
>> Wine (notably this last version, wine-981211) is getting better but it's
>> not there yet.
>Santa's making a list.  If You could have any piece of software ported
>to Linux, other than Microsoft's what would it be?

Mostly it's incidental stuff for my kid.  "Edutainment" stuff, encyclopedias,
maybe some mapping (e.g. topographical) stuff for the old man.

There's also some financial stuff that's not quite there yet for linux.  Most
importantly, some mechanical CAD package.  VariCAD is almost there, but
lacks a few critical features yet.  I would put some electrical CAD
stuff as first on my list, but I hope that gEDA will be adequate very
soon -- it's making great progress.

Actually my biggest need for WABI is for compatibility with the stuff
others send me (and expect my response in the same format).  I use Applix
(and like it) for my own stuff, but the filters aren't good enough
for what I do.  That was my experience with StarOffice as well, though
it was much (unacceptably) slower on my hardware.




The service address, to which questions about the list itself and requests
to be added to or deleted from it should be directed, is:

    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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End of Linux-Development-System Digest

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