Linux-Development-Sys Digest #316, Volume #6     Thu, 21 Jan 99 23:13:55 EST

  Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows (Gordon Scott)
  Re: silly question (Robert Ribnitz)
  Re: Can I run a DOS Device Driver in an emulator (Andreas Mohr)
  Re: Problem with I/O Access under Linux (Andreas Mohr)
  Re: Linux Sound Engine (Ross Vandegrift)
  How to tell current kernel config? ("Tim Underwood")
  2.2.0-pre[78] + ncr52c8xxx + tape = n.g. (bill davidsen)
  can't telnet to linux (eddycheung)
  Re: Autofs automounter (H. Peter Anvin)
  Re: K6-400 "kernel paging request" errors ("David R. Bergstein")
  Re: K6-400 "kernel paging request" errors ("David R. Bergstein")
  Re: 2.2.0-pre[78] + ncr52c8xxx + tape = n.g. (Remco Treffkorn)
  pre8, modules and problem with aha152x (David Ronis)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gordon Scott)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows
Date: 21 Jan 1999 09:06:13 GMT
Reply-To: Gordon Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Allen Versfeld ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: The best help I have ever had on any computer system is definitely
: MS-DOS 6.xx's 'help' command.

Yes, I liked that, too. It wouldn't scale purely in that form for a Unix,
but it might form a model for newbies. On my only 'dumb user' machine
I just built a useful homepage for them.

On my Unifix distribution, the manual can be accessed via the web browser
and the formatting is just by standard html (2.0, I think). The conversion
seems to be done by a 200line perl script (including gunzip if needed).

: I once read a decent windows .hlp file, BTW.  If you have ever installed

Yes, there are a few -- I did substitute 'rarely' for 'never' in my post
because of that.

Gordon Scott             Opinions expressed are my own.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (official)     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (backdoor)
Linux  ...............   Because I like to _get_ there today.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Ribnitz)
Subject: Re: silly question
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 20:42:02 GMT

On 01 Jan 1999 17:42:55 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adam P. Jenkins)

>ebatchelor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I am a new user to Linux.  I am an experienced MSDOS user, have written
>> many batch files to accomplish what I want to do, and can recall the
>> names of most DOS utilities I need to use.  Of course, DOS sucks, but
>> Windows cures many of the DOS shortcomings (long file names,
>> multitasking (almost), etc.).  Linux seems to incorporate the best of
>> both worlds,
>> but....
>> Why the convoluted, hard to recall, someone thought it was funny in 1975
>> utility names?  It seems to me that BASH could be easily recoded to
>> include easy to use and remember identifiers without giving up ANY
>> functionality.  I know it's part of the worship Unix thing, but it seems
>> Linux could be more user friendly with little effort...
>I think for the most part it's just different; you think what you're
>used to is more "natural", but really it's just what you learned
>first.  While unix shell command names tend to be a little shorter
>than their DOS counterparts, (if there is even a DOS counterpart),
>most of them are pretty mnemonic.
>ls     -> "list" files
>rm     -> "remove" file
>rmdir  -> remove directory
>mkdir  -> make directory
>cd     -> change directory
not to be picky, but thats cwd -> change working directory

>mv     -> "move" file
>chmod  -> "change mode" of file
>chown  -> change owner
>sh     -> shell
>csh    -> C shell
>bash   -> Bourne Again shell (OK, I admit that's being funny)
>man    -> manual
>find   -> you guessed it, find files
grep -> get regular expression,  the "find" of msdos

>I could go on, but I think you'll find the "joke" names are far
>outnumbered by the mnemonic names.  In fact the only joke names I can
>think of offhand are bash and bison.  For instance, I definitely don't
>think "del" is any more natural than "rm".  One is short for "delete"
>and one is short for "remove", both equally explainable to a newbie.
>It's only when you get someone who is already used to say, "del", that
>they have trouble with "rm".
Oh, here's the absolute joke: try rm -rf / (only worx as root) its fun

>In any case, you can use the "alias" command in bash, csh, or tcsh, to
>make DOS-like aliases for any commands that you like.
>> Just a question.
>> Ed Batchelor
>> innocent bystander
>Out of curiosity, which utility names do you find to be convoluted
>compared to their DOS counterparts?
>Adam P. Jenkins 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Mohr)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Can I run a DOS Device Driver in an emulator
Date: 21 Jan 1999 02:31:08 GMT

Norm Dresner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I have a special video card that needs to be initialized by a DOS device
> driver.  There's nothing else available (unless you count windoze).  (For
> the curious, it's a Targa+ overlay card.)

> Once the initialization is done, I could throw DOS away and run CP/M-86
> (only joking).  

> I might be able to boot DOS, initialize the board, and then boot Linux, but
> that stinks, especially if I have to modify the settings.

> Is there any way that I can call (perhaps hack up a DOS-style
> load-device-driver-from-the-command-line program) the driver from a DOS
> emulator in Linux to do the job.
Either use DOSEMU with full I/O port access, or use Wine in a few months
when DOS driver will be implemented there.

Andreas Mohr


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Mohr)
Subject: Re: Problem with I/O Access under Linux
Date: 21 Jan 1999 02:34:16 GMT

Joachim Knoth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi! 
> Does anyone have an idea how i can get access to my parallel-port-card
> (Typ I/O-8255; 3x8Bit) using c or c++ (gnu/gcc)?
> I tried to used the function outw(port, value) and memcpy(...) both
> without any success :-( -> i always got an error: segmentation fault!
> I think it`s the same as under NT: No hardware access.

> Perhaps, someone can help me?!
> Thanks a lot!
Hmpf ?
Do you REALLY need that !?
If you only need standard printer io, use the standard Unix devices.
If you really need to access ports for custom things, see
for an example of how to accomplish that.

Andreas Mohr


From: Ross Vandegrift <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Sound Engine
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 17:02:38 -0500

> - For existing programs that use the OSS stuff as a character device
> (ie not mmaping it) we'd need to implement probably a kernel service
> that mixes their audio in to the shared buffer on their behalf. This
> might be a bit of a resource hog; actually, on modern processors I
> don't think it would be too bad.
> - For existing programs that mmap the DMA buffer of the OSS stuff, we
> still need either another user space application or the kernel to act
> like a sound card playing that buffer, but actually mix the stuff in
> to the shared buffer.
> - For device drivers that can't expose DMA buffers, something would
> have to copy stuff from the shared "DMA" buffer to the sound card.

Reading this, you seem to have taken the exact opposite approach as I
have.  This does bring an important concern, one that I had forgotten
about: how to handle mmap()ed access with /dev/leaf.  So, I propose a
new interface to the driver:

/dev/leaf is kept as an interface to the user-space mxing daemon.
The user-space daemon mixes still gets data piped to it through
However, mmap()ing /dev/leaf, gives a block of memory that looks like a
DMA block. (See note below on DMA)
Each block of mmap()ed memory that is handed out is handled as another
channel being played.  These are then mixed together with the charecter
interface streams, and are played to /dev/dsp by mmap()ing it.  I
imagine this could give better performance.

The above is based upon my rather extreme assumptions about DMA.  I
really have read nothing about DMA, but this is how I seem to think it
works.  A block of memory is treated as memory on the actual card, and
the card reads that memory, and handles whatever is placed there.  A
likeness would be mode 0x13 under DOS: you get a 64K block of VRAM to
write to.  Whatever you write there pops up on the screen with no
intervention.  I think my idea wil still work, if this is in fact how
DMA works.  After you write something there, like normal memory, it
stays, and is handled over and over until something writes over it.  Is
this correct?

My mixing application has been started, and my physics teacher seems
very interested.  He gave me some good ideas as to the testing of more
than two waves.  Hopefully, my time frame of a week or two will hold.  

Ross Vandegrift | Eric J. Fenderson

alt.binaries.punk: for those of us too
        punk to pay money for the music.


From: "Tim Underwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to tell current kernel config?
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 02:40:12 GMT

I want to recompile the kernel, but want to keep the same options as are
currently set in the kernel I am using now (RH 5.2 install).  How can I tell
what options the current kernel has been compiled with?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bill davidsen)
Subject: 2.2.0-pre[78] + ncr52c8xxx + tape = n.g.
Date: 22 Jan 1999 01:31:32 GMT

After 2.1.101, maybe 2.1.110 or so, the ncr53c8xx driver stopped working
for me. I have a RAID and DAT tape off it. The 7,8xx driver still
worked. I tried drivers until 2.1.125, and since I was having TokenRing
problems as well, I gave up for those machines.

I recently tried pre7, and TR works just fine, thank you all much.

lp also works, but I can't just insmod, I have to spacify the parport:
 insmod lp parport=0
which is not a bug, but an unexpected feature. If it's not a design
features then oops.

The ncr53c8xx driver works fine for my disk, and it finds the tape
drive, so I thought it was okay. On trying to write a tape, the
controller hangs, which leads to fsck on 20GB of files. Kind of slows
the test cycle.  The 7,8xx driver still works, but the 8xx driver was
faster for disk, and I'd rather use that.

Is anyone else using this driver with a DAT (Archive Python SCSI-2 if it
matters). This is an annoyance, but I see work on this driver in
pre7->pre8, so I guess people know there are still minor problems.

One last nit, in 2.1.101 and before I was able to ftp to the tape drive,
pulling in data sets without writing them to disk. I use the ftpbackup
software, which only requires write on the tape drive and an ftp login
to do remote backups. Again, is this a choice or a surprise?

Looks pretty stable, I've been doing firewall development on it, hasn't
failed yet. Maybe 2.2.0 out before the snow melts?

  bill davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
"Too soon we grow old, and too late we grow smart" -Arthur Godfrey


Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 11:31:28 +0800
From: eddycheung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: can't telnet to linux

Recent I can't telnet to my linux using by users account which have
administrator rights, the linux also say the password is wrong. I can
only telnet as root or using those accounts in console. What's wrong
with it?

Beside, for all newly created user accounts. They also can't login to my
system even in console. How can I do?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H. Peter Anvin)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development
Subject: Re: Autofs automounter
Date: 22 Jan 1999 02:30:31 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H. Peter Anvin)

Followup to:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
By author:    Alex Smtih <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In newsgroup: comp.os.linux.development.system
> I have a working autofs configuration.  I can automount my cdrom and
> several nis automaps.  I just can not get to work.  The
> difference is that wants to create automount in the /
> directory.

Not supported, probably never will be.

    PGP: 2047/2A960705 BA 03 D3 2C 14 A8 A8 BD  1E DF FE 69 EE 35 BD 74
    See for web page and full PGP public key
        I am Bahá'í -- ask me about it or see
   "To love another person is to see the face of God." -- Les Misérables


From: "David R. Bergstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: K6-400 "kernel paging request" errors
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 21:52:38 -0500

Larry wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jan 1999 08:13:13 -0500, David R. Bergstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >If it helps at all, I am also seeing similar paging request errors under
> >linux 2.0.36 with an AMD K6-200 and 128MB RAM.  I will need to change
> >my syslog.conf to obtain a dump next time it happens (will post).
> >
> I was getting this type of error with a cyrix p166 and finally took the
> processor fan off and cleaned it and the fins and put it back together and
> VOILA, it's been working famously ever since.

That is very interesting - I did use a high quality heat sink grease
when I installed the heat sink / CPU fan unit, but that was over a year
& 1/2 ago.  I may try what you suggest.


- David

David R. Bergstein
Systems Engineer and Blues Musician
Rockville, MD
SE & Blues Musician Home Page   Heart of Blue - Playin' the Blues for


From: "David R. Bergstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: K6-400 "kernel paging request" errors
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 21:55:57 -0500

"David R. Bergstein" wrote:
> Larry wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 20 Jan 1999 08:13:13 -0500, David R. Bergstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > >If it helps at all, I am also seeing similar paging request errors under
> > >linux 2.0.36 with an AMD K6-200 and 128MB RAM.  I will need to change
> > >my syslog.conf to obtain a dump next time it happens (will post).
> > >
> > I was getting this type of error with a cyrix p166 and finally took the
> > processor fan off and cleaned it and the fins and put it back together and
> > VOILA, it's been working famously ever since.
> That is very interesting - I did use a high quality heat sink grease
> when I installed the heat sink / CPU fan unit, but that was over a year
> & 1/2 ago.  I may try what you suggest.
> Thanks,
> - David

BTW, my crash happened earlier today as expected. Here is a dump from my

Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: general protection: 0000
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: CPU:    0
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: EIP:    0010:[do_no_page+463/808]
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: eax: 00000000   ebx: 04f3b080   ecx:
 edx: f2481000
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: esi: 04f3a2b0   edi: f2481000   ebp:
 esp: 00798f58
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs:
002b   ss:
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: Process sendmail (pid: 1801, process
nr: 32, st
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: Stack: 0011b6e4 080ac39c 01693398
038c1c0c 0000
2f47 00105025 000c0000 00000000
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        00105025 00105025 0011212c
038c1c0c 0205
c458 080ac000 00000001 00112010      
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        080ab388 400a3264 080ac390
0012afc3 0169
3398 bfffe614 0010ae40 00798fbc
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: Call Trace: [do_no_page+0/808]
84/736] [do_page_fault+0/736] [sys_newfstat+79/92] [error_code+64/80]
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: Code: f3 ab 0b 55 0c 89 54 24 18 89 54
24 1c 8b
 44 24 18 0c 40 89
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:         q = 0092c04c
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e048
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:         q = 0092c04c
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e048
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:         q = 0092c04c
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e048
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:         q = 0092c04c
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e048
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:         q = 0092c04c
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e048
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)

[ numerous repeated entries snipped ]
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:         q = 0090064c
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e054
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:         q = 0090064c
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e054
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:         q = 0090064c
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e054
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:         q = 0090064c
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e054
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:         q = 0090064c
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e054
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: general protection: 0000
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: CPU:    0

Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: EIP:   
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: EFLAGS: 00010282
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: eax: 62614c73   ebx: c7e0c7e0   ecx:
 edx: c7e0c7e0
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: esi: 04f5e818   edi: 00900648   ebp:
 esp: 02ae3eb8
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs:
002b   ss:
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: Process xlock (pid: 1420, process nr:
35, stack
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: Stack: 040cfc0c 04f5e818 00000800
02ae3f28 0013
e4d8 0090064c 040cfc0c 0013f506
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        040cfc0c 00000800 00000800
00767a00 0076
7a90 00000020 00000046 00000000
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel:        00000000 00000000 0229b810
fffffff5 0229
b8d0 081241cc 00000000 00000000
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: Call Trace: [def_callback2+24/44]
+954/988] [sock_write+158/180] [sys_write+339/396] [ide_intr+77/100]
Q+42/76] [system_call+85/128]
Jan 21 16:25:36 bluesman kernel: Code: 8b 02 83 f8 01 75 67 9c 5e fa c7
02 00 00
 00 00 83 7a 4c 00
Jan 21 16:25:37 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:37 bluesman kernel:         q = 0206194c
Jan 21 16:25:37 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e03c
Jan 21 16:25:37 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:37 bluesman kernel:         q = 0206194c
Jan 21 16:25:37 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e03c
Jan 21 16:25:38 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:38 bluesman kernel:         q = 0206194c
Jan 21 16:25:38 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e03c
Jan 21 16:25:38 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:38 bluesman kernel:         q = 0206194c
Jan 21 16:25:38 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e03c
Jan 21 16:25:39 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:39 bluesman kernel:         q = 0206194c
Jan 21 16:25:39 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e03c
Jan 21 16:25:39 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:39 bluesman kernel:         q = 0206194c
Jan 21 16:25:39 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e03c
Jan 21 16:25:40 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:40 bluesman kernel:         q = 0206194c
Jan 21 16:25:40 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e03c
Jan 21 16:25:40 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)
Jan 21 16:25:40 bluesman kernel:         q = 0206194c
Jan 21 16:25:40 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e03c
Jan 21 16:25:41 bluesman kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 0013e4d8)

[ snip, many repeated entries again! ]

Jan 21 16:26:32 bluesman kernel:         q = 0206194c
Jan 21 16:26:32 bluesman kernel:        *q = 04f5e03c
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request
at virtu
al address e4448bfa
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 03218000, ^Lr3 =
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: *pde = 00000000
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: Oops: 0000
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: CPU:    0
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: EIP:    0010:[__iget+60/544]
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: EFLAGS: 00010206
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: eax: 00000342   ebx: 24448bfa   ecx:
 edx: 00000000
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: esi: 002184f8   edi: 00000000   ebp:
 esp: 0321aed0
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs:
002b   ss:
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: Process xntpd (pid: 171, process nr:
16, stackp
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: Stack: 00000000 004c4800 00000000
03426500 0016
3a60 00163a7d 0022ccdc 00002f43
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel:        00000000 03426500 00000000
00000009 02c4
8005 0012caa2 031d9b18 031d9d18
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel:        ffffffff 01c2d11c 01c3f238
00163eeb 0342
6500 07dcc005 0000000e 03426500
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: Call Trace: [do_ext2_rename+380/1456]
rename+409/1456] [lookup+222/248] [ext2_rename+87/128]
[do_rename+560/604] [sys_
rename+93/132] [system_call+85/128]
Jan 21 18:05:35 bluesman kernel: Code: 66 39 03 75 0d 8b 4c 24 1c 39 4b
04 0f 84
 fa 00 00 00 8b 5b
Jan 21 21:11:04 bluesman kernel: general protection: 0000
Jan 21 21:11:04 bluesman kernel: CPU:    0
Jan 21 21:11:04 bluesman kernel: EIP:   
Jan 21 21:11:04 bluesman kernel: EFLAGS: 00010282
Jan 21 21:11:04 bluesman kernel: eax: 435f5f65   ebx: c7e0c7e0   ecx:
 edx: c7e0c7e0
Jan 21 21:11:04 bluesman kernel: esi: 04e8831e   edi: 04e88930   ebp:
 esp: 001fec78
Jan 21 21:11:04 bluesman kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs:
0018   ss:
Jan 21 21:11:04 bluesman kernel: Process swapper (pid: 0, process nr: 0,
Jan 21 21:11:04 bluesman kernel: Stack: 04e88000 04e8831e 04372003
04372003 0019
405b 04e88934 04e8831c 04e8851c
Jan 21 21:11:04 bluesman kernel:        00000005 001fed2c 00000297
00000ffd 0000
0003 00000fff 001fed2c 0017c336
Jan 21 21:11:04 bluesman kernel:        00000046 00000000 f8fe9400
0040f398 0019
c95a 002233ac 00000001 00000006 
David R. Bergstein
Systems Engineer and Blues Musician
Rockville, MD
SE & Blues Musician Home Page   Heart of Blue - Playin' the Blues for


From: Remco Treffkorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.2.0-pre[78] + ncr52c8xxx + tape = n.g.
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 19:34:58 -0800

bill davidsen wrote:
> I recently tried pre7, and TR works just fine, thank you all much.
> The ncr53c8xx driver works fine for my disk, and it finds the tape
> drive, so I thought it was okay. On trying to write a tape, the
> controller hangs, which leads to fsck on 20GB of files. Kind of slows
> the test cycle.  The 7,8xx driver still works, but the 8xx driver was
> faster for disk, and I'd rather use that.
> Is anyone else using this driver with a DAT (Archive Python SCSI-2 if it
> matters). This is an annoyance, but I see work on this driver in
> pre7->pre8, so I guess people know there are still minor problems.

Well, maybe that explains my problem.
2.1.131 SMP

  Vendor: EXABYTE  Model: EXB-85058SQANXR1 Rev: 07J0
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 02

This is a 7/14 Gig 8mm tape I love.

The upper byte of my wide SCSI bus is a tiny bit unstable.
Once in a blue moon there is a read error from the wide drive.
That normally goes unnoticed, because it is recoverable.
It invariably happens during a backup, since that takes hours.
When it happens then the driver resets the scsi bus (kind of).
The tape was still executing a command though. After it is over,
the read from the hd is completed, but the drive now returns
status to the controller. Why the scsi reset did not cancel
the command, or the tape fw is buggy I don't know.
Anyway, the st tape driver gets all upset about the goings on,
and kills the backup with an i/o error.

This was bad enuff, but the last time I tried the drivers must
have gotten into a war, there was lots of SCSI activity, but the
system totally unresponsive -> reset :-(

My take on things is that the error case in the drivers is not
well handled.

Any more anecdotes?


Remco Treffkorn (RT445)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (408) 685-1201
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (408) 461-6061
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (408) 461-0500


From: David Ronis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: pre8, modules and problem with aha152x
Date: 21 Jan 1999 04:06:48 GMT

I've been running 2.2.0-pre8 on a 586 for a few days.  Today I tried
installing an adaptec aha1520B scsi card in order to try using a
scanner supposedly supported by sane.  The card can be run as a pnp
card, and it and the scanner (a umax) are recongised at boot time.  I
use isapnp to configure the card, basically to use irq 9, ioport
0x340, and this seems to work.  Unfortunately nothing indicates that
the card is really seen.

I configured all the scsi support as modules in the kernel and have
added the single line:

alias scsi_hostadapter aha152x

to /etc/modules.txt.  Sane has a tool that searches for scsi
scanners--it doesn't find one, and afterwards lsmod shows sg and
scsi_mod as installed, but not aha15x.  dmesg gives: scsi : 0 hosts.

Clearly I've not configured something right--shouldn't I have to tell
aha152x about the scsi card?  I looked at the source code, and it
suggests giving LILO some flags that sound like what I'm missing,
however, after trying these nothing changed.  I also tried adding a
line to modules.conf like

options aha152x 0x340,9

but this simply caused the find-scanner program to hang.

Finally, here's what cat /proc/interrupts and ioports gives:

  0:     411947          XT-PIC  timer
  1:          2          XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
  4:          2          XT-PIC  serial
 10:      22881          XT-PIC  WD8013
 13:          1          XT-PIC  fpu
 14:      49112          XT-PIC  ide0
 15:         36          XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:          0


0000-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
0170-0177 : ide1
01f0-01f7 : ide0
02f8-02ff : serial(auto)
0300-031f : WD8013
0376-0376 : ide1
03c0-03df : vga+
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f8-03ff : serial(auto)

Any help would be most appreciated

David Ronis



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