Linux-Development-Sys Digest #333, Volume #6     Tue, 26 Jan 99 18:14:12 EST

  Re: how to find size of block device like /dev/hda (Richard Jones)
  Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows (Murray Spork)
  Re: Need help with XFree (Loren Osborn)
  Re: Comparison of Swing, Qt, GTk? (Richard Krutisch)
  Re: Kernel 2.2.0-final, broadcasts, am I the only one? (Rainer Krienke)
  Re: SIGSEGV exception handler problem (Erik Kunze)
  Re: Need help with XFree (Loren Osborn)
  Re: Need help with XFree (Marco Al)
  Re: 2.2.0-final  <->  2.2.0 can't compile new kernel!! (Michael Powe)
  ide-scsi set up with 2.2.0 (David Bukowski)
  Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows (John Hasler)
  Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Need help with XFree (JP)
  Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows (Todd Ostermeier)
  Re: Mapping driver buffer to user space (Frank McGirt)
  Re: Need help with XFree ("D. Stimits")


From: Richard Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to find size of block device like /dev/hda
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 17:12:39 +0000

Harald Boegeholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I'd like to access a hard disk as directly as possible for benchmarking
: purposes. So far I have come up with the idea of using the raw device
: file, e.h. /dev/hda. How do I find out the size of the corresponding
: disk? A simple call of stat() on the device returns a size of zero :-(

Try statfs(2) or fstatfs(2) instead.


PS. You probably also want to look at hdparm(8),
    particularly the -t and -T options.

PPS. You probably also want to have a look on
     the web for a filesystem benchmark called bonnie.

-      Richard Jones. Linux contractor London and SE areas.        -
-    Very boring homepage at:      -
- You are currently the 1,991,243,100th visitor to this signature. -
-    Original message content Copyright (C) 1998 Richard Jones.    -


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Murray Spork)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 19:09:39 GMT

On 26 Jan 1999 12:40:44 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell) wrote:

>In article <78klok$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>This point have been for me something I just could never understand
>>about the Unix world.
>It has more to do with having the same person write the manual that
>wrote the program than unix vs. anything else.
>>to give a manual page for a command, that might contain n number of options,
>>yet a typical command might only use m of them at a time, where m << n,
>>yet, for the user to determine the correct m for each particular case,
>>they must read about each option, and then try to determine the subset
>>of them they need to compose to build the command.
>Who is going to decide what is 'typical'?

The author of the man page?

>>For example, look at cpio man page. If the author of cpio have given
>>few examples showing how to use cpio to backup a tree on a file system, 
>>and then how to restore the result back, and an example of how to do the 
>>same moving one or more files, and such examples, then life will be so 
>>much easier.
>What about the person who only uses cpio in -p mode to mirror
>to other directories?

OK -- but I'm sure that most unix commands follow Pareto's law -- 20%
of the options/flags etc. are used 80% of the time and 80% of the
options are only used 20% of the time.

>>Iam to this day, could never understand why would the authors of man pages
>>refuse to show examples.
>There are too many possibilities to show them all and the author of the
>program wouldn't want to omit any.  Remember, he just spent weeks
>adding an obscure function and now you want him to leave it out
>of the documentation because for you it isn't 'typical' usage.

I think that's a good description of the psychology behind why
examples are not included. Still doesn't mean that man pages wouldn't
greatly benifit from the inclusion of some examples.

>>it looks like the only reason is lack of concern for new users, and the
>>inability to put a little bit more effort in trying to make Unix a little
>>easier for others to use. it is as if they want to make it harder
>>by purpose.
>New functions are added as the need arises and they are added into the
>list of options.  Should the fact that you don't happen to need one
>of those options today mean that it shouldn't be given equal space
>in the manual? 

No -- the rest of the man pages can stay as is with every flag/
option/ syntax etc described. But a simple example of useage at the
end greatly helps. Even if the example isn't exactly the one you are
looking for -- it usually gives you a good clue as to syntax etc. I am
thinking for example of the "find" command. Until I saw somebody give
an example of its use on usenet -- I could not figure it out myself
from the man pages.

>>may I am wrong on this, but I would really be interested in hearing from
>>others who wrote man pages, why did they not put some effort in putting
>I have always thought that every complex product should have two
>completely separate manuals.  One should be the 'getting started'
>tutorial that describes the minimum you need to know to make something
>work, the other should be the reference manual that shows everything
>it can do.  You might want to see the tutorial section once, then
>you never want to see it again - you'll want to know what options
>are available, not the subset someone else happened to like.  The
>solution is to have someone else write the throwaway tutorial from
>a perspective of minimal use since the programmer has to be concerned
>with all of the options and optimal use.

I think your suggestion is sound. Don't HOWTOs provide this for many
things already?

I understand that most man pages are not geared towards use by
novices. But the suggestion is that a few examples surely would not be
much extra work to the authors of man pages.

I hope that this is coming across as constructive criticism to anyone
who has authored a  man page. I don't want to appear ungrateful.  Now
that I've a couple of months experience using linux I find that I have
got the hang of reading man-pages (for the most part anyway).

But I do think examples could go a long way to helping newbies "get up
the ramp" so to speak.

How kindly would most man-page maintainers take to an email that
politely suggests the inclusion of an example in their next revision?
Maybe even give them an example of the example you are looking for?



From: Loren Osborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need help with XFree
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 10:59:04 -0800

JP wrote:
> I am trying to run XFree with my TNT AGP card. I set the Xconf for Riva
> 128 and 4MB. I run XFree, and it displays at 320x320. Argh! How do I get
> larger desktop sizes, ala 1024x768?
> I'm a newbie, so please make any advice simple to understand =)
> --
> JP

I'm not familiar with your video card (it might not be supported) but
have you tried to run XF86Setup?  (having your video-card/monitor/mouse
manuals --if any-- nearby is useful.)  Hope that helps....



From: Richard Krutisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Comparison of Swing, Qt, GTk?
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 12:39:16 +0100

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Im my opinion swing is a very powerfull api, which provides as well appropriate 

and uses already patterns in the design of it's classes.

That are very important features

Change is the only invariant, even if man can't stand it

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">

<pre>Im my opinion swing is a very powerfull api, which provides as well appropriate 

<pre>and uses already patterns in the design of it's classes.</pre>

<pre>That are very important features</pre>


Change is the only invariant, even if man can't stand it</pre>



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rainer Krienke)
Subject: Re: Kernel 2.2.0-final, broadcasts, am I the only one?
Date: 26 Jan 1999 14:30:07 GMT

Thanks for the replies. The problem is solved. The trouble was that in
the suse setup in /etc/rc.config there was a configuration that enabled
a dummy net device with the same ip adress like my real eth0 interface.
Because of this interface there were two routes for the same net on to
the eth0 interface one to the dummy0 interface. This caused the trouble. 

Configuring dummy0 down deletes the routes and solved the


Rainer Krienke                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universitaet Koblenz,    
Rechenzentrum,                     Voice: +49 261 287 - 1312
Rheinau 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany  Fax:   +49 261 287 - 1355


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Erik Kunze)
Subject: Re: SIGSEGV exception handler problem
Date: 26 Jan 1999 12:05:14 GMT


: int *a,*p;

volatile int *a,*p;

   Dipl.-Ing. Erik Kunze               Phone: +49 - 89 - 32 14 07 41
   PHILOSYS Software GmbH              Fax:   +49 - 89 - 32 14 07 12
   Edisonstr. 6                        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   D-85716 Unterschleissheim           WWW:


From: Loren Osborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need help with XFree
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 11:58:59 -0800

JP wrote:
> Loren Osborn wrote:
> > JP wrote:
> > >
> > > I am trying to run XFree with my TNT AGP card. I set the Xconf for Riva
> > > 128 and 4MB. I run XFree, and it displays at 320x320. Argh! How do I get
> > > larger desktop sizes, ala 1024x768?
> > > I'm a newbie, so please make any advice simple to understand =)
> > >
> > > --
> > > JP
> >
> > I'm not familiar with your video card (it might not be supported) but
> > have you tried to run XF86Setup?  (having your video-card/monitor/mouse
> > manuals --if any-- nearby is useful.)  Hope that helps....
> How? Seriously, is this a program in Linux? I am using RedHat 5.2.

Yes... It comes with XFree86 which is part of RedHat Linux... just login
on the
console... 'su' to 'root'.  Type 'locate XF86Setup | grep bin' (to find
out where XF86Setup is in your filesystem), then run it.

Best of luck,



From: Marco Al <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need help with XFree
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 21:16:42 +0100

JP wrote:

> How? Seriously, is this a program in Linux? I am using RedHat 5.2.

I dont know how its in RedHat, but with Debian the XF86Setup program is
only included with the vga16 X server package.



Subject: Re: 2.2.0-final  <->  2.2.0 can't compile new kernel!!
From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26 Jan 1999 12:14:55 -0800

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Valette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Michael> However, I did not use the same config file, I remade
    Michael> mine from scratch -- twice, to make sure that the first
    Michael> time wasn't a fluke.

    Eric> This patch fixes the problem

Thank you!


#! /usr/bin/perl # if you are [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Another Luser):
while ($line = <>){ if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/ ){ last; }
if ($line =~ m/^From: (\S+) \(([^()]*)\)/){ $from_address = $1; } }
if ($from_address =~ m/\S+NOSPAM\S+/){ $x = index($from_address, NOSPAM);
substr($from_address, $x, 6+1) = ""; printf("The real address is %s\n",
$from_address);}else { printf("No munge, just plain %s\n",$from_address);}
printf("\nBrought to you by the Truth In Mail Headers Foundation\n");

- --
                             Michael Powe
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                         Portland, Oregon USA

Version: GnuPG v0.9.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.1 and GNU Privacy Guard



From: David Bukowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ide-scsi set up with 2.2.0
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 15:13:25 -0600

Excuse me if this is no longer necessary but whatever happened to the 
hdx=ide-scsi option in 2.2.0?  I used to need it before cause I have 2
cd drives.  One reader and one RW so I had the RW set as a scsi but the
other as a ide because the cdripper programs couldn't read the cds, I
guess cause the format wasn't supported under scsi emulation.  So is there
something else I need to add here again and where or what else is a
Please respond to email at
because I usually dont have much time to check the news system here. 
Thanks in advance.

David B. Bukowski N9KPD

Computer stats:
        OS:  Slackware Linux 3.6 (kernel 2.0.36) 
        Computer:  NEC Pentium 120      RAM:  80 Meg

Webmaster of Hamfesters Amateur Radio Club homepage:


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 18:27:12 GMT

kna writes:
> Iam to this day, could never understand why would the authors of man pages
> refuse to show examples.

When I write man pages I do provide examples when appropriate.

> may I am wrong on this, but I would really be interested in hearing from
> others who wrote man pages, why did they not put some effort in putting
> examples.

How many man pages have rewritten so far?  What response did you receive
from the maintainers you submitted them to?
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill         Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin         Do not send email advertisements to this address.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows
Date: 26 Jan 1999 07:08:04 -0800

>>man pages have examples??
>>this is the main problem of man pages. %99.9 of them have no examples.
>>if people who write man pages would add examples, man pages will
>>be more unsefull.
>Hah! Beat me too it. I have seen man pages with examples -- but it is
>sadly a rare thing.


This point have been for me something I just could never understand
about the Unix world.

to give a manual page for a command, that might contain n number of options,
yet a typical command might only use m of them at a time, where m << n,
yet, for the user to determine the correct m for each particular case,
they must read about each option, and then try to determine the subset
of them they need to compose to build the command.

however, if examples were given for typical usages, the user can easily look at
the example closest to what they need to do, and model the command
accordingly. this will speed learning Unix so much, and makes it
much easier for new users to use.

For example, look at cpio man page. If the author of cpio have given
few examples showing how to use cpio to backup a tree on a file system, 
and then how to restore the result back, and an example of how to do the 
same moving one or more files, and such examples, then life will be so 
much easier.

Iam to this day, could never understand why would the authors of man pages
refuse to show examples.

it looks like the only reason is lack of concern for new users, and the
inability to put a little bit more effort in trying to make Unix a little
easier for others to use. it is as if they want to make it harder
by purpose.

may I am wrong on this, but I would really be interested in hearing from
others who wrote man pages, why did they not put some effort in putting



Subject: Re: Need help with XFree
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 15:54:30 -0600

I need to keep my computer in Win95 for today and tomorrow (it's a
dual-boot setup, and my wife needs to use excel for her work). I will, at
the first opportunity, follow Loren's instructions. I'll let you know what
happens =).

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

                       The mind and the sword are one-
                    if the mind is right, the sword is right.


From: Todd Ostermeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 16:06:57 -0600

On 25 Jan 1999, Gordon Scott wrote:

: Hm, files (on x86s anyway) are limited to 2Gb -- memory might also be.
: I don't think it'll be *too* long before a 64bit system addresses that --
: there are already a few protests at the 2Gb file limit.

This is probably way off topic, but why is that?  32 bit pointers w/
signed magnitude?  (effectively, 31 bits of addressable memory space)

I'm assuming here that we're talking about 32-bit x86 architectures.


Todd Ostermeier                           
ICQ UIN: 2253928                            


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank McGirt)
Subject: Re: Mapping driver buffer to user space
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 22:12:25 GMT

Thanks, Rob.  I'll take a look.


On 20 Jan 1999 11:22:08 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert
Kaiser) wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank McGirt) writes:
>> I am developing a driver for RH 5.2 for a PCI-based adapter which
>> supports DMA.  I have allocated a driver buffer using __get_dma_pages
>> and I would like to map this buffer to user space so as to be directly
>> accessible by a user process.
>> Has anyone seen any sample code to do this??   I would appreciate any
>> hints and/or help.
>I'm not sure this is possible with the standard kernel. What I have
>done in a similar situation is to have the user process allocate the
>buffer (e.g. malloc(), static data or whatever) and let the device
>driver DMA to that buffer directly. This worked fine, but it required
>a kernel patch which I've made available at
>Robert Kaiser                    email: rkaiser AT sysgo DOT de
>Carl-Zeiss-Str. 41
>D-55129 Mainz / Germany


Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 15:06:23 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need help with XFree

JP wrote:
> I am trying to run XFree with my TNT AGP card. I set the Xconf for Riva
> 128 and 4MB. I run XFree, and it displays at 320x320. Argh! How do I get
> larger desktop sizes, ala 1024x768?
> I'm a newbie, so please make any advice simple to understand =)
> --
> JP

This isn't a complete answer, but here is some generic info if you end up manually 
editing for your

Virtual screen/screen size is set in /etc/XF86Config

Your file will have a section for graphics device (your video card), a section for 
monitor, and a
section for screen (a combination of the above). It is towards the end of the file the 
section appears (each for a given server), and has lines similar to:

Modes   "1024x768" "640x480" "320x320"
Virtual  1024 768

Those are the lines that set your possible modes, at a given color depth, more or less 
attempting to
use the first mode. If more than one is listed, and they work, you can use 
control-alt-[keypad + or
-] to switch between them. There may be more than one Subsection "Display", each with 
a different
color depth, and only the modes for that depth will apply to the latter. If there are 
conflicts, a
mode will simply be rejected and unavailable. If there is a "Virtual" line and it 
isn't big enough
something will be needs to be at least as large as the largest mode. Way 
up in the
Monitor section you'll see various "modeline" entries. Those modelines must match the 
abilities of
the graphics device and monitor abilities (e.g., dot clock in range of the graphics 
card, or hsync
within the horizontal sync range of the monitor), or that mode will be unavailable.

I suggest you start (assuming you edit manually) by commenting out any Screen sections 
that use a
server you don't use, and within the Screen section for the server you do use, comment 
out all but
one Display subsection, and play with Modes and Virtual entries. If you have only one 
mode listed,
and it doesn't show up, you know you have something missing or otherwise conflicting, 
so keep trying
1 entry at a time till it works. Eventually, you can add all of the working entries in 
that you are
interested in. Try this at each color depth. DON'T mess with monitor or clock settings 
that you
don't know for sure, because using a parameter beyond the monitor's ability can 
instantly destroy
it. Find a README file with specs, or a monitor manual, or the web site of the monitor 
to find data on it. Once you have those things all working, you may want to look at 
the utility
xvidtune, which can generate modeline entries that are custom tuned to your taste 
(such as improving
screen placement or size). Use the modelines it indicates in editing XF86Config 
modeline entries.
Comment out anything not used with a #

Uncomment each color depth as you test them; temporarily comment out the prior working 
ones while
testing. Restart X after each modification of /etc/XF86Config



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End of Linux-Development-System Digest

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