Linux-Development-Sys Digest #397, Volume #6     Fri, 12 Feb 99 22:14:23 EST

  Re: TCP port number and process (Barry Margolin)
  Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Modest next goal for Linux (James Youngman)
  kernel 2.2.1 compilation problem ("Xiaopong Tran")
  Re: Glibc compiled but fails test (James Youngman)
  Re: Kmod vs kerneld (James Youngman)
  Re: Linux on old as400 machines? (James Youngman)
  BreezeNet PRO.11 pcmcia support (Jan Fredrik Leversund)
  Re: Will 2.2.x support removable medias better? (Joe Pfeiffer)
  ATAPI  ZIP drive problem.... (Carlos Antunes dos Santos)
  Re: net-pf-  [was Re: net-pf-17 ?] (Kip Rugger)
  __clone()  and CLONE_SIGHAND (Daniel Schulz)
  Mylex RAID (dac960) fussiness about scsi drives? (BL)
  Re: Problem with autofs and local /home (H. Peter Anvin)
  LYNX Benchmarking Commands (Shark)
  glibc 2.1 ;) (Nathan Paul Simons)


From: Barry Margolin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.programmer,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.protocols.tcp-ip
Subject: Re: TCP port number and process
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 18:31:57 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
ndrianina  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello,
>  [ network dev. in C-UNIX ]
>  I'm writing an app to monitor TCP/IP connections on my computer.
>  ( Linux RH 5.2 kern 2.0.36 )
>  Now I have the TCP port number of a connection. How can I get
>(very quickly) the name of the program (executable file) using that
>connection ?
>  I think It'll be okay if I get the PID of the process using that

Use fuser.

>bonus : - Is it possible for multiple process to use the same port number
>         for multiple connections (what about setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR) ? 
>         If so, what else do I need to find the right process ? And how
>         can I do that ?

Only one process can bind a listening socket to a port at a time.  However,
if that process forks, any of the child processes can call accept() on it.
If multiple processes are waiting for a connection to come in, it will be
given to just one of them.  This is essentially the same logic as multiple
processes calling read() on the same descriptor that they inherited from a

Without SO_REUSEADDR you can't bind to a port if there are *any* processes
using that local port.  With the option, only listening sockets prevent it.

Barry Margolin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GTE Internetworking, Powered by BBN, Burlington, MA
Don't bother cc'ing followups to me.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 18:56:47 GMT

On 11 Feb 1999 18:07:12 -0800, o r c @ p e l l . p o r t l a n d . o r
. u s  (david parsons) wrote:

>In article <z%st2.374$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Paul E. Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>You can get all the Unix utilities and even run a Korn shell in NT by using
>>software such as MKS Toolkit
>>Why put up with the pain of Unix or Linux when you can have all the
>>so-called advantages and a hell of a lot friendlier user environment and a
>>hell of a lot more versatile environment.  Pearl, sed, awk, grep, vi -
>>piping, redirection - they are all there without the Nerdy Unix environment.
>    Huh?   Some people make the argument that the existance of those
>    applications is exactly why Unix is a "nerdy environment." and,
>    in any case, taking the bits that people like least about Unix
>    and combining them with the bits that people like least about
>    Windows doesn't seem like it's going to be a winner unless you're
>    a Unix developer who's being forced to use NT.

good point

>>Sorry folks - Unix and Linux are about 20 years behind times and will NEVER
>>catch up.
>    I dunno about that.  Microsoft seems to be getting fairly unsteady,
>    and unless they're rescued by being broken up, they may be about to
>    take a dive.  Unix, even if you include the window-ish branches
>    (Linux, in case you're wondering) aren't nearly as diffuse as
>    Microsoft is getting.

in addition, why , if MS is so far ahead, why does NT lack all the NEW
standards that come out ( not the ones created by microsoft of corse
but the standards created by industry).  And why does win NT 95/98
still contain 16-bit code for the 286?  and why is win still sit on
DOS.  Look at it this way,  UNIX has a 15 year head start so NT is
still trying to catch up to it's
performance/flexability/stability/ability in doing things.  Why can
UNIX serve IPX/AppleTalk/TCP/SMP and the like when NT can only be a
client to IPX serve TCP and SMP only.  NT works with windows and thats
that.  Unix/Linux works with anything you through at it.

and I still don't see the point of having a GUI for a computer that
doesn't even have a monitor/keyboard/mouse connected to it like any
self respecting server that sets in the closet  AND unix/Linux is the
king of remote administration.

I have linux servers that havent ben touched/rebooted in months
happily doing their jobs as web server/file servers etc. ( even had a
quake server for a while)


From: James Youngman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Modest next goal for Linux
Date: 11 Feb 1999 21:53:35 +0000

Bill Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> IIRC, the registry alone takes 8MB RAM.

Please don't say things like that while I am trying to drink fluids.
My nose doesn't like it.

ACTUALLY reachable as @free-lunch.demon.(whitehouse)


From: "Xiaopong Tran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: kernel 2.2.1 compilation problem
Date: 12 Feb 1999 12:18:06 PST


I have RH5.2 (2.0.36) installed on my Sony VAIO 505FX
laptop, and run wonderfully, with pcmcia card support.

I recently bought a USB ethernet adapter, and from the
Linux USB site, I read that it will work with kernel 2.2
and up only. So I'm trying to upgrade my laptop
to 2.2.

I verified that all other components are up todate.
So I grabed kernel 2.2.1, but during the compilation,
I ran into this funny problem:

make all_targets
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.1/arch/i386/lib'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.2.1/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O
2 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 -mal
ign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586   -c -o checksum.o checksum.c
checksum.c:200: redefinition of `csum_partial_copy'
checksum.c:105: `csum_partial_copy' previously defined here
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:188: Fatal error: Symbol csum_partial_copy already defined.
make[2]: *** [checksum.o] Error 1
mmmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.1/arch/i386/lib'
make[1]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
mmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.1/arch/i386/lib'
make: *** [_dir_arch/i386/lib] Error 2

For some funny problem, the compiler does not seem to able to
distinguish between csum_partial_copy() and csum_partial_copyfromuser().
I did compile older kernels in this environment, and everything
was working seamlessly.

How do solve this problem?

Thanks in advance



From: James Youngman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Glibc compiled but fails test
Date: 11 Feb 1999 21:55:59 +0000

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Koslowski) writes:

> 15503  p1 S    0:00 ../elf/ --library-path ..:../math:../elf:.:../n
> Any ideas where to look for a misconfiguration?  This is a stand-alone 
> machine not connected to the net, but with a network card.  I didn't
> see an option to disable nss during configuration, but there may be
> such a possibility.  --disable-nls wasn't listed either, but didn't
> produce complaints.

Re-run ps using extra flags "www" for very wide output.  Re-run the
program which is listed above as PID 15503 under strace.

ACTUALLY reachable as @free-lunch.demon.(whitehouse)


From: James Youngman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kmod vs kerneld
Date: 11 Feb 1999 21:51:01 +0000

Scott Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I've recently upgraded my Linux system (Red Hat 5.2) to 
> kernel 2.2.1, and was wondering about the interactions between
> kerneld and kmod.  I did get and install the latest version of
> the kernel modules package (2.1.121), but the init scripts still
> fire up kerneld.  Given that kmod is supposed to do the same thing,
> is this a problem, or is kerneld essentially ignored?

I have this in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit, I can't remember if it is
original or if I added it:-

if [ -x /sbin/kerneld -a -n "$USEMODULES" ]; then
    if [ -f /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe ]; then
        # /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe indicates built-in kmod instead
        echo "/sbin/modprobe" > /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe

# I also have this in /etc/crontab:-

0-59/5 * * * * root /sbin/rmmod -a /etc/crontab

IIRC this is all covered in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/kmod.txt.

ACTUALLY reachable as @free-lunch.demon.(whitehouse)


From: James Youngman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on old as400 machines?
Date: 11 Feb 1999 21:56:48 +0000


> Hi,
> I'm looking if there is any option to reuse old as400 machines with any
> free Un*x OS. 
> Any hint/link/suggestion/etc.. will be greatly appreciated
> Thanks in advance,

There is an AS/400 port under way but I have no idea of its status.
You could help.

ACTUALLY reachable as @free-lunch.demon.(whitehouse)


From: Jan Fredrik Leversund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BreezeNet PRO.11 pcmcia support
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 00:34:46 +0100

Anyone working on such a puppy? If not, anyone interested in helping out
writing drivers for it?

Jan Fredrik Leversund ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Computer Consultant at BITS.
Phone: +47-55360592, Cellular: +47-90198866
Address: Strimmelen 8, 5030 LANDÅS, Norway


From: Joe Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Will 2.2.x support removable medias better?
Date: 11 Feb 1999 08:20:38 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Dowling) writes:
> Have you ever thought of using the automounter?
> I would call it *major* annoyance if my Linux PC started funny programs and
> produced silly icons just because a CD happened to be in the drive.  The
> great advantage of the automounter is that it does absolutely nothing until
> you try to make access to the CD.  Then it quietly mounts it, without a
> word, without starting silly programs and icons that pop up in the middle of
> whatever you are doing.  After a short while of not accessing the CD, it
> quietly unmounts it.  The isofs and CD support then is automagically removed
> from the kernel if you use modules and configure your system to do this.
> Perhaps the only hassle is if you want to check out several CDs in quick
> succession.  Either you wait for the time out of the automounter, or you
> unmount the CDs manually.

I'm curious as to why supermount seems to be frowned on (even gone
completely).  My experience with it in the 2.0 series was excellent;
there was never even the short wait for it to to unmount a file
system.  It handled floppies and CDs exactly as I would want:  mount
when you're using, immediately unmount when you stop.
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carlos Antunes dos Santos)
Subject: ATAPI  ZIP drive problem....
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 07:27:28 -0800

I'm trying to make my ATAPI ZIP drive work in my linux
I have used kernels 2.0.36, 2.1.132 and 2.2.1 with
ide-floppy or ide-scsi and  the problem persists....

As and example when I use kernel 2.1.132 with
ide-floppy and ide-scsi
as modules I get when I boot:

 kernel: PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
 kernel: PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs
 kernel:     ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007, BIOS
settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
 kernel:     ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS
settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio
 kernel: hda: ST33221A, ATA DISK drive
 kernel: hdb: Hewlett-Packard CD-Writer Plus 8100,
 kernel: hdc: SAMSUNG SW0434A (4.3GB), ATA DISK drive
 kernel: hdd: IOMEGA ZIP 100 ATAPI Floppy, ATAPI FLOPPY
 kernel: ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
 kernel: ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15

later doing an modprobe ide-floppy results in:

hdd: The drive reports both 100663296 and 100646912
bytes as its capacity
 hdd: hdd1 hdd2 hdd3 hdd4

when I try the ide-scsi module the message is:

 hdd:<3>ide-scsi: hdd: unsupported command in request
queue (0)
end_request: I/O error, dev 16:40 (hdd), sector 0
 unable to read partition table
scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI
scsi : 1 host.
  Vendor: IOMEGA    Model: ZIP 100           Rev: 13.A
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI
revision: 00
Detected scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0,
id 0, lun 0
SCSI device sda: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors=
196576 [95 MB] [0.1 GB]
sda: Write Protect is off
 sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4

In both cases note the 4 partions reported....  but the
ZIP disks are brand new from IOMEGA.
When I use fdisk it reports 4 partitions with lost of
errors and when I try to mount the disks it says there
is no msdos filesystem in the disk.

Any help is welcome...
C.A. Santos

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kip Rugger)
Subject: Re: net-pf-  [was Re: net-pf-17 ?]
Date: 12 Feb 1999 17:10:46 -0600

>I don't think that it is modprobe that is deciding to
>look for net-pf-; I've looked in the source for the sys_socket
>call and it has a sprintf(buf,"net-pf-%d",....) line. So

-  ifconfig does socket(AF_IPX, ...) which expands to socket(4, ...)

-  kernel cannot find protocol 4, so launches "modprobe net-pf-4"

-  modprobe looks in /etc/conf.modules to get module name associated with

   case 1:  modprobe finds "alias net-pf-4 ipx"
            modprobe will load the ipx stack and exit
            Or will fail to find ipx and print the annoying
            modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-4

   case 2:  modprobe finds "alias net-pf-4 off"
            modprobe does nothing

   case 3:  modprobe does not find "alias net-pf-4 ..."
            modprobe uses a builtin default, "alias net-pf-4 ipx"
            and proceeds as in case 1

-  kernel checks again to see if protocol 4 is present, and either
   calls the module to handle it or returns an error to the original
   socket(4, ...) call.

>Where is this file that you mention wherein the aliases are kept ?


It is optional, so create it and add aliases as required.
See man modprobe.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel Schulz)
Subject: __clone()  and CLONE_SIGHAND
Date: 11 Feb 1999 16:20:45 GMT

        Hi everyone!!

I tried to modify the linuxthreads library. To install a
thread that runs independent from all other pthread_created
threads i use the __clone call directly without using the 
flag CLONE_SIGHAND. If the thread receives a signal, the 
special signal handler is called, but the execution does'nt
continue -> the thread exits. What's my mistake.




Subject: Mylex RAID (dac960) fussiness about scsi drives?
Date: 11 Feb 1999 16:46:39 GMT
Reply-To: no.spambots.please

The list of 'supported' drives from mylex is very small.  I went to my local
computer store (usually has a good stock of a variety of drives) and I found
no matches there at all with the recommended drive list ;-(  so I picked up a
pair of ibm ultra2 drives (68pin) hoping that their implementation would be
good enough.

I've had some problems with the raid system - it mostly works but I've had
some hangs on mass file copies, such as:

        % find . -print | cpio -pv /part1

copying from an ide (udma, really) drive to the raid set.  it gets anywhere
between 30% and 60% thru (as seen via a 'df') and then hangs.  I can't sync or
even reboot - I have to hard crash the machine.  when it reboots and the mylex
bios does its sanity scan, all is well.  even the forced 'consistency check'
in the mylex bios passes.

kernel is raid-patched 2.0.36.

so my first question is, what kinds of failure modes have folks seen by NOT
using the 'blessed disk guide' from mylex?

AntiSpam: For email, change all 'zero' chars to letter 'o' chars.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H. Peter Anvin)
Subject: Re: Problem with autofs and local /home
Date: 13 Feb 1999 02:38:22 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H. Peter Anvin)

Followup to:  <7a2iea$igs$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
By author:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Craig J Copi)
In newsgroup: comp.os.linux.development.system
> I am using the latest autofs with kernel 2.2.1.  The users home directory
> actually lives in /export/home by I use autofs to "mount" this in /home
> (/export/home is then nfs exported and autofs on clients map them to /home
> also).  On external clients it works great.  On local clients it makes a
> symbolic as it should so 
> /home/test -> /export/home/test
> Now I do the following
> root> cd /home/test
> root> pwd
> /home/test
> This is good.
> root> su - test
> test> pwd
> /export/home/test
> This is bad!  This breaks scripts (or GNU queue) that do things like
> rsh remotehost "cd `pwd`; ./runbinary_in_this_dir"
> I don't know why the two cases above are giving different results.
> Any help would be appreciated.

"pwd" is a bash built-in, so it knows how you got there.  "su", or "rsh"
don't have that information.

"Linux is a very complete and sophisticated operating system.  There
are, and will be, large numbers of applications available for it."
    -- Paul Maritz, Group Vice President for Platforms And Applications,
       Microsoft Corporation [Reference at:]


Subject: LYNX Benchmarking Commands
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:10:47 -0600


I am new to the Lynx OS.

I am going to be implementing and bench marking a Moto MPC8260
PowerQUICCII microprocessor, VME bus, and 100BaseTX running Lynx OS.

Can someone tell if there are commands that can benchmark CPU
utilization, all types of I/O, MIPS, and anything else related to bench

Is there free source code that can be compiled?

Thanks in advance.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nathan Paul Simons)
Subject: glibc 2.1 ;)
Date: 13 Feb 1999 02:50:18 GMT

        This isn't a question, or a request for help - it is a warning.
glibc 2.1 is a bit dangerous, and until they clear up a few licensing 
issues, it should be avoided (or at least dealt with very carefully).

        Now, in case you haven't heard, glibc 2.1 has been pulled due to
licensing problems and won't be available for a while.  Even so, I
managed to get a copy of it before they took it down.  I also managed
to get a src.rpm compiled (of my own creation) and let me tell you, it
breaks a few things.

        1)  Netscape - kinda weird.  Netscape won't connect to any 
        external sites anymore, but works with loopback.

        2)  StarOffice - They knew that this would have problems,
        it just plain won't run.  But then again, StarOffice has other
        problems . . .

        3)  RPM - How's this for a way to screw yerself over:  make a
        src rpm of a library, compile the src rpm, then install/upgrade
        it.  Find out you want to remove it because it breaks a few things,
        but you can't remove it because rpm, even though it is a static
        executable, depends on certain libraries - the ones you just 
        replaced.  My backup of rpm-2.5.5.tar.gz is compiling as I
        type . . . 
        The exact error was something like "Bad owner/group" and the only
        reason I knew it was the library (besides the fact that I just
        upgraded it) was that I did an strace to find out that certain
        library files it was looking for weren't missing exactly, just
        the version numbers had changed
        (/lib/ -> /lib/

        Needles to say, I'm not waiting out to find out what else it broke,
and I wouldn't recommend that anyone else try this anytime soon, especially
because of the licensing problems.  Ah, it's done compiling.  Time to
'rpm -U --force glibc-2.0.7.i386.rpm'.

Nathan Paul Simons                | "After three days without
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |  programming, life becomes     |  meaningless."



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