Linux-Development-Sys Digest #411, Volume #6     Thu, 18 Feb 99 23:13:52 EST

  Re: Problem with autofs and local /home (Craig J Copi)
  Re: Linux and MSDOS partitions ("Jürgen Exner")
  Re: ppp problems when using 2.2.1 kernel (Clifford Kite)
  Sound Setup (LorD RoN)
  Re: How do dynamically linked binaries find their shared libraries? (Karl Heyes)
  ide cdrom :lost interrupt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  AWE32 Driver trouble (Remi BONDOIN)
  Re: Serious NFS bug in Linux 2.2.x (Solaris server) (Linus Torvalds)
  Re: 2.2.1: strange SMP (dual celeron) startup msgs (Bill Anderson)
  Re: Serious NFS bug in Linux 2.2.x (Solaris server) (Martin Recktenwald)
  About inode (Jun-young Cho)
  .name undocumented? (Ken)
  Re: No More CD Music with 2.2.1 (Douglas Jerome)
  Re: __setfpucw disappeared from glibc (Rob Komar)
  Re: Create Bootable RH 5.2 CD? (Thomas Joynt)
  Re: Wanted: Dawicontrol DC93 Driver (M. Buchenrieder)
  OpenGL for Linux and problems with kernel compatibility (AudioPCI people, also read) 
(Michael Gilfix)
  rvplayer & 2.2.1 (sschul04)
  Re: Errors with 2.2.1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: C Programming for ISA Card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  exec & fork in a system call (Marx Rajangam)
  Re: USB support (Ken)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Craig J Copi)
Subject: Re: Problem with autofs and local /home
Date: 18 Feb 1999 17:05:40 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Karl Heyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Craig J Copi wrote:

>>         So does this mean I'm stuck?  On the nfs server I have to keep the
>> home directories in /home, export them from here, and not use autofs if I
>> want to maintain similar looking directory structures across multiple
>> machines?  Is there a simple work around for this that I'm missing?  This
>> would seem like a big problem if I were using nis maps for autofs.
> A feature was added to 2.2 to help with this facility.  The dentry scheme and
> loopback (something like that!!, not the network interface) module enabled you
> to mount certain directories in other areas.  I'll have to look at the details
> but
> this is what you want.
> karl

        I see, I hadn't thought of using the loopback device.  If you come up
with something let me know.  Off hand I don't see how this would work but 
I think about it when I get a chance.

Craig J Copi                     |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Case Western Reserve University  |
Department of Physics            |  (216) 368-8831


From: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux and MSDOS partitions
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 16:32:06 -0800

Christopher wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Does anyone know if you can install and run Linux applications on a
>mounted MSDOS partition mounted and viewable from Linux?

Well, that depends on the application and how you intent to use it.
Basically if the application needs any of the features provided by a Unix FS
and which are not available in FAT (better use VFAT at least), then you are
- hardlinks (usually bash and sh are two links to the same binary)
- softlinks (often used for configuration files)
- named pipes (often used for IPC; although most times they will be created
in /tmp)
- sockets (same)
- device or character special files (rarely created or used by a program
- if the program uses any kind of user/group permissions to control access

If you really must install the program on a FAT partition, then you may want
to look at UMSDOS. UMSDOS emulates a UNIX filesystem on top of FAT.

Jürgen Exner;, UID: jurgenex
Sorry for this anti-spam inconvenience


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clifford Kite)
Subject: Re: ppp problems when using 2.2.1 kernel
Date: 16 Feb 1999 21:56:14 -0600


: I am trying to use pppd v 2.3.5 on a v2.2.1 kernel with ppp as a module.
: It gets loaded when pppd starts up as it needs to, but I get no startup
: due to the following error:

:  ifup-ppp: pppd started for ppp0 on /dev/modem at 115200
: pppd[879]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
: pppd[879]: tcgetattr: Input/output error(5)
: pppd[879]: Exit.

I've never know this to be caused by anything except another process
that is also using the IRQ for /dev/modem.  Check the IRQs with
"cat /proc/interrupts" and compare them with the modem's IRQ.

Clifford Kite                                           Not a guru. (tm)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Better is the enemy of good enough.


Subject: Sound Setup
Date: 18 Feb 1999 17:09:25 GMT

When compiling the kernel I cannot make zImage. I get the following
error message :

a /usr/src/linux/2.0.32/arch/i386/lib/lib.a-0 vmlinux
drivers/sound/sound.a(sb_common.o): In function 'sbintr':
sb_common.o(.text+0×181): undefined reference to 'uart401intr'
drivers/sound/sound.a(sb_common.o): In function 'attach_sbmpu':
sb_common.o(.text+0×14d1): undefined reference to 'attach_uart401'
drivers/sound/sound.a(sb_common.o): In function 'probe_sbmpu':
sb_common.o(.text+0×15d6): undefined reference to 'probe_uart401'
drivers/sound/sound.a(sb_common.o): In function 'unload_sbmpu':
sb_common.o(.text+0×15e5): undefined reference to 'unload_uart401'
make: *** [vmlinux] Error 1

If anyone could help or direct me to where I may find the answers to my
problem(s) I would be very grateful.


From: Karl Heyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do dynamically linked binaries find their shared libraries?
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 17:29:48 -0500

Chris Wagner wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Dowling) writes:
> > I'm just curious.  Normally, this is the responsibility of ldconfig.  As
> > long as /etc/ contains the locations of the shared libraries,
> > then there should be no problem, or, at least, so I thought.
> >
> The order of the entries in /etc/ also matters, so it is not
> as nice as I thought it was.

Only if you have the same versioned libraries in different directories.



Subject: ide cdrom :lost interrupt
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 01:22:11 GMT

I have a PII-333 w/ 64MB RAM.  I am running a new install of RedHat 5.2 with
Mandrake and kernel 2.2.x additions.  I am trying to get my IDE-ATAPI 32x
CDROM running under kernel 2.2.x.  Currently, whenever I try to mount it I

'hdb: lost interrupt'

and it hangs the machine with the reset button being the only way out.  I
have tried moving (and jumpering) it from the master of IDE-2 to the slave of
IDE-1. But there was no change.  I tried scsi-ide emulation with no success. 
If I don't have a CD in the drive it merely fails to mount.  If I do, it
spins up the CD and leaves it spinning indefinately after it is hung.

My SCSI Ricoh CD-RW works just fine, I can mount and umount it with impunity.

I have tried 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 from and 2.2.1 from the RawHide

If anyone has a suggestion, I would like to hear it.


Joe Dennis

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Subject: AWE32 Driver trouble
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 19:44:05 +0100


I'm trying to install the AWE32 driver v0.4.3
and i have the following error message:

LINUX:/tmp/awesfx-0.4.3-pre4 # xmkmf
mv -f Makefile Makefile.bak
imake -DUseInstalled -I/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config
In file included from Imakefile.c:13:
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config/Imake.tmpl:1081: Project.tmpl: No such file or
imake: Exit code 33.

The file Project.tmpl does not exist...

Does anybody know what Project.tmpl used for ?

How to fill it ?

Thank for your help.

PS: linux version suse 5.3
    kernel 2.2.1


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Linus Torvalds)
Subject: Re: Serious NFS bug in Linux 2.2.x (Solaris server)
Date: 18 Feb 1999 19:27:35 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Oliver Stahlhut  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Data written to a SUN Solaris NFS server by a Linux 2.2.1 NFS client can
>be truncated.

It's a Solaris bug. See the attached information about official Sun bug
ID numbers etc, and just contact your Sun representative.


Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 15:36:00 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: NFS Data Corruption between Linux 2.2.0pre4 and SunOs 5.5.1

This looks like a Solaris bug.

        bug id 4071076 data over length in nfs header was written to disk

It is fixed in Solaris 7.

It appears to be patched in Solaris 2.5, 2.5.1, and 2.6, and
according to, the 5 of the 6 release/architecture
combinations of patches are free.

and search for


However, that search doesn't seem to produce the Solaris 2.5.1 sparc patch.

The x86 2.5.1 patch is 105300-02, and the README file says that
sparc patch is 105299. 105299-02 is the level that has the fix for
2.5.1 sparc. As far as I can tell, this patch isn't free.

What I'm puzzled by is that 
doesn't list 105299-02 as being available to even customers with
maintainence contracts. Engineering finished
105299-02 a year ago. I'm checking around.


From: Bill Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.2.1: strange SMP (dual celeron) startup msgs
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 20:06:24 +0000

Douglas Jerome wrote:
> BL wrote:
> >
> > Paul Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > : So what's the outcome?  Disregarding the confusing console log, does
> > : the system work?
> >
> > yes!
> >
> > :  How long does it take to do a kernel compile
> > : compared to a single cpu?  Enquiring minds...
> >
> > man, you're going to be green with envy ;-)  I beat the 2 minute build ;-)
> > and on the 2.2.1 kernel, that's impressive (I think).  it was 1:50 to build
> > "make -j2" on the dual 450 celerys.  The malaysia chips (boxed 300a) really DO
> > go to 450 (add some cooling and do the 2.2volt mod, first).
> >
> > The chips costed about $99 each (they raised the price just yesterday since
> > they knew I was coming over to buy some) ;-)  and they're in very short supply
> > (the malaysia chips, that is).  with a pair of costa rica chips (the only
> > other place that manufactures them) I was only able to clock them at 337mhz.
> > still, at that rate, I could the 2.2.1 at 2:30 or so.
> >
> > and from 1cpu to 2cpus, it was very close to 100% (like 90% or so).
> >
> > (worth mentioning that this was on a fast disk array, running hardware raid).
> >
> > --
> > AntiSpam: For email, change all 'zero' chars to letter 'o' chars.
> Hmmm...  2:30 seems mysteriously fast.  I get 3:28.89elapsed for
> a "make -j2 bzImage" with dual 333 Mhz PII and an ultrawide
> 40 Mbytes/sec SCSI disk interface.

With duals, try -j3.
I get an avg. of 3:24 with dual 300P2, 256MB ram, UWSCSI on "make -j3



From: Martin Recktenwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Serious NFS bug in Linux 2.2.x (Solaris server)
Date: 18 Feb 1999 19:38:36 +0100

Oliver Stahlhut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Data written to a SUN Solaris NFS server by a Linux 2.2.1 NFS client can
> be truncated.
> I managed to find a reproducible test for this problem:
> 1.) Get jpegsrc-6b.tar.gz
> 2.) unpack it into an arbitrary directory on the SUN server
> 3.) issue "configure; make; make check" on the sources
What are your mount options? I didn't see any NFS related problems
since mounting with "actimeo=0". (This doesn't mean there are no more
problems. Besides using this mount option I don't do any critical work on
NFS-mounted partition anymore - I lost an important file with one of the
2.1.12x kernels).



From: Jun-young Cho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: About inode
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 11:21:55 +0900

Hi all.
In Linux when we read a large file, it may be used indirect pointer to
access data.
If a block is already caching in buffer cache.
Is the block also accessed by indirect pointer?
best regards.


Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 18:32:29 -0800
Subject: .name undocumented?

I found in /usr/src/linux/Makefile that one can create a .name file, the
contents of which will be used as a suffix on the new kernel version. Is
this documented anywhere? This looks like a way to build a new
/lib/modules/xxx directory that doesn't overwrite the working one.

For example, if one creates a /usr/src/linux/.name containing the word
"experimental", then "make modules_install" should put the modules in

This is in the RH5.2 distribution. RH also supports a .rhkvmtag file in
the modules directory which is used in rc.sysinit to determine which
modules directory applies to the current kernel. Again, I could find
nothing documenting this feature.

Also, what does /boot/module-info do? This and /boot/ are set
up at boot time by the same rc.sysinit code, but I haven't found mention
of module-info in the docs for the module utilities.

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Death to Spam!)


From: Douglas Jerome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: No More CD Music with 2.2.1
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 20:04:26 -0700

Douglas Jerome wrote:
> Now I've got 2.2.1 built and running good, its not so
> good.  I lost the ability to play music CDs.  I can
> still mount filesystems on my CD drive, but music CDs
> are not recognized at all by xplaycd (or any other
> CD program).
> What do I do at kernel configuration so that I can
> play music again?  I can't find anything.
> My old kernel, 2.0.34, works fine.  I have RedHat 5.1,
> maybe its broken with 2.2.1?  Is anyone else having
> this problem?
> --
> Douglas Jerome

Ok, I think I'm understanding my problem.  I thought
it only had to do with configuring the kernel CD driver,
but now I think it has to do with the kernel sound

I have a Sound Blaster 16.  It is xmixer that acts different
between my kernels (2.0.34 works fine and 2.2.1 is broken).

Help anyone?

Douglas Jerome


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Komar)
Subject: Re: __setfpucw disappeared from glibc
Date: 16 Feb 1999 18:53:01 GMT

Tom Herman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I also have the same problem, only with __getfpucw.
: Any ideas?

Take a look at:

Rob Komar


From: Thomas Joynt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Create Bootable RH 5.2 CD?
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 14:13:23 -0800

Mark Bergsma wrote:

> Dan O'Reilly wrote:
> >
> > How does one go about creating a bootable LINUX RedHat 5.2 CD?  I have
> > an HP 7200 IDE CD burner on my PC.
> There's a program for doing just that. I don't know it's name anymore,
> but I've seen it somewhere in the Fresmeat application-index.
> (
> --
> Mark
> - Linux 2.2.1 on an i686 (266.24 BogoMIPS) -

You probably also want to make sure that your BIOS supports bootable
CD-ROMs. AFAIK, most older ones (and even some newer ones) don't. If you
aren't sure, check your motherboard documentation or the manufacturer's
website. Alternately, you can check the BIOS type and version at startup
and check the BIOS manufacturer's website for version info.

I remember reading a webpage that had detailed instructions on how to do
make an iso image in RockRidge (Joliet [win9x's filesystem] handles
fileneames and permissions differently) format while in Windows or Linux;
it's definitely less complicated in Linux (uses "dd"). But I can't seem to
find it again. :( It's also possible to find an iso image of the CD on the
web (I used Mandrake's distrobution mirrored at It does take quite
awhile to download 580 MB (180 min at 550kb/sec avg.), but much less
complicated or prone to error.


-- Tom


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Wanted: Dawicontrol DC93 Driver
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 17:20:31 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Wick) writes:


>i think this type of scsi-isa is worth to be supported by linux. 
>It uses a type 
>of NCR-Chip and it is very cheap.

Isn't this one supported with the tmscsim.c driver already ?

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
   Note: If you want me to send you email, don't mungle your address.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Gilfix)
Subject: OpenGL for Linux and problems with kernel compatibility (AudioPCI people, 
also read)
Date: 19 Feb 1999 01:01:28 GMT

        Here's what's up: I've been trying to explore the possiblities of 
installing OpenGL for my 3Dfx card on my machine but encountered several 
difficulties: Unfortunately, it's not compatible with my kernel: I've had to 
run v2.2.1 so that I can have the drivers for my sound card (An audioPCI 
card). But, it seems that pci specifications for the new kernel have been 
changed. That presents problems with 3Dfx which relies on certain pci calls. I 
tried changing the code but still had problems. So here's what I'm wondering: 
Will 3Dfx ever be included as part of the Linux kernel? Everybody pretty much 
has a 3D card these days and it would open new graphic possibilities up to 
Linux. Also, how can I somehow get a more stable kernel running.. say 2.0.36 
but also get the AudioPCI (I've searched for the drivers but with no luck). I 
figure that's the only way I'll get OpenGL up and running on my system...
        Would be nice if the next kernel release was a little more 


From: sschul04 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: rvplayer & 2.2.1
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 04:44:36 +0000

I don't know if anyone else has had problems with getting rvplyer5.0 to
work after upgrading to 2.1.x or 2.2.x, but there is a small hack to get
it to work.  I spent a while trying to figure it out and just found a
page explaining it.  Here it is for anyone who may need it:


Subject: Re: Errors with 2.2.1
Date: 17 Feb 1999 16:23:51 GMT

Brian J King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Since switching to the 2.2.1 kernel I've noticed that now I will
> ocassionally get kernel error messages spitting out /dev/tty1, which is my

check your klog, syslogd daemon versions. I think you need to upgrade, if not
check the man pages for syslogd.conf  and these daemons.



Subject: Re: C Programming for ISA Card
Date: 17 Feb 1999 16:20:41 GMT

In comp.os.linux.development.system Rick Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an ISA Industrial Digital I/O card, caple of driving up to 64
> Can anyone provide programming examples, documentation or other advise that
> may be of benefit to me?

        take a look at my program, IO256Control. Its a network server
that i've programmed, fully configurable...
        You can find it on any
        I programmed it about an year ago tough...It seems that the server
to be compiled with the new glibc must have -lcrypt, but you can get a patch
by Ken for this on my homepage

                                        Nuno Sucena


From: Marx Rajangam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: exec & fork in a system call
Date: 18 Feb 1999 05:38:08 GMT


  I am trying to use execve() and fork() in a system call. 
 I am trying to call sys_fork and sys_exec in my system call. 
 But both these expect a pointer struct to be passed to them. 
  struct pt_regs * regs 

  that is defined in ptrace.h. I dont know how to fill the structure 
 with the values. All the fields  in this struct are register fields. 

  I would appreciate if someone could direct me in a proper direction. 

  BTW, I am trying to fork and exec in a system call so that I can 
 execute a binary(vi/emacs) by calling it from the system call. 

 Thanks for the help. 
Marx Rajangam
Fisher 227, CS Dept,
Michigan Tech. Univ. 


Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 18:54:11 -0800
Subject: Re: USB support

Thomas Joynt wrote:
> Christian Uhde wrote:
> > is there any support for usb interfaces ?
> The quick answer is no, no in a stable release. You might be able to
> find a patch somewhere. Getting USB support in the kernel is a priority,
> but it wasn't ready in time for the 2.2 code "freeze".
> Check an intro to what's new in 2.2 at
> for more info.

Here's a link to the current Linux USB development:

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Death to Spam!)



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