Linux-Development-Sys Digest #623, Volume #8     Tue, 10 Apr 01 01:13:11 EDT

  Re: DEV TCP/IP C++ (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: Need your recommendation for a full-featured text editor (Skybuck)
  Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist? (George Round)
  Re: DEV TCP/IP C++ ("Joseph A. Knapka")
  Re: how to modify dynamic lib ? (Frank Ranner)
  Re: Need your recommendation for a full-featured text editor (Goldhammer)
  Re: Suppressing Redhat bootup output (John Thompson)
  Re: Suppressing Redhat bootup output ("Johnny A. Solbu")
  Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Need your recommendation for a full-featured text editor (Thore B. Karlsen)
  Re: Suppressing Redhat bootup output (Joe Pfeiffer)
  Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist? (Hartmann Schaffer)
  Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist? (Robert Lynch)
  Key Masks for Alt Gr continued... ("David Allen")
  Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: DEV TCP/IP C++
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 22:21:07 GMT

In article <9asr81$kj8$02$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dirk Riebesell wrote:
>Are there any URL/HOWTO/Documentation about TCP/IP function for C++ under
>Under Win it documentet by ..DN, but for Linux I haven't found yet anything.
C++ does not know anything about TCP and IP, so there're no C++
specific functions.

You may use the BSD socket functions or one of the many libraries
available, but any documentation then is library specific of course.


\ Real name     : Juergen Heinzl                \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Skybuck)
Subject: Re: Need your recommendation for a full-featured text editor
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 22:41:02 GMT

Let me just say I love textpad 4.

Once you go textpad you love it I am sure.

Whoooo that rimes...

I will fill in your enquery.

>My actual requirements are:
>Must haves:
>1.     Syntax highlighting (with color and or font) for HTML and Java 


>2.     Robust cut and paste including row, AND column AND block

I think row only.

>3.     Split and join functions based on margin or specified column

What the f... ?

>4.     Ability to intelligently remove prefix characters (i.e. ">") and
>re-format text to new margins keeping paragraphs intact (i.e. fixing
>forwarded email text)

Wooo thanks to you I learned something !!1

Textpad 4 does have reformat  coooool !!!

vvvvvery very very very very handy !

Hmm unfortunetaly it is not realy my style :(   :P

But better something than nothing for realy bad code.

Like those fucking pdf's ! bahahaha.

Try to do copy & paste with those bitches. bahaha.

You layout will be fucked up real bad.

You can also download tabout ( little plug-in tool for textpad4 )
to removing leading spaces.

>5.     Ability to edit multiple files side-by-side

No problem if you realy want to.

>6.     Ability to compare files and synchronize multiple similar files
>flagging differences

Euh ?

>7.     Robust search and replace capabilities (ideally supporting
>regular expressions)

Search and replace included.

>8.     Line numbering

Absolutely !

>9.     Column numbering

Let me check. Yep !

>10.    Auto-completion (based on customizable template)of common
>programming statements 

Hmm interesting idea maybe textpad has a plugin ?

>11.    Ability to preview HTML pages (including Java applets) easily

nope. But you can run java applications.

jdk1.3 Java applet viewer don't work no more or something  ?

>12.    HTML toolbar (I know I should know all the tags but I just cannot
>remember them all)


>13.    Can be used as a replacement for Notepad (so it must be
>relatively quick and have a small footprint)

Absolutely ! That's what's great about it ! Just love it !

>14.    Highlights URL and e-mail addresses and launches browser or email
>client in a separate window when clicked

nope. who needs it. that could be very annoying.

>15.    Ability to change case for entire selected text


Upper Case, Lower Case, Invert Case, Capitalize Case oh yeah !!!,
Sentence Case.

Now if it could only detect words like this:

greetingsfromskybuck and turn it into


That would be superb.

now it just does this:

Now It Just Does This If You Choose Capitalize.

>16.    Auto indent based on user-defined templates for each programming


>17.    Auto alignment (I.e. if I want a set of lines with the "=" sign
>or decimal point or comma aligned on multiple rows)

Huh ? Euhm ? It does align... not exactly know what you mean.

>18.    Undo capability


>Nice to haves:
>1. Syntax highlighting for Perl, C/C++, and SQL.  Also, extensibility
>for other programming languages based on easily customized syntax

Yep... totaly !

>2. Ability to use FTP

are you nuts ? 

>3. Spell checker

who needs it ? I believe it can be done with textpad 

>4. Ability to compile from within the editor

Absolutely !!! are you kidding me ?

>5. Keystroke save/execute (i.e. macro capability)

Yep... I never use macro's. 

You probably won't need them with textpad it's simple fast menus and


You forgot something !!! :)

Textpad has the ability to save and open workspaces...
very very very cool ! 

I don't realy use it because I don't need it yet !

But if you have lot's of files that you need to work with
simultainesly than workspaces rule !

You ll just have to see what I mean and then you ll understand...

It's reeeeeeeeaaaaaaal easy ! :)

It's been a pleasure.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.misc
From: George Round <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist?
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 18:34:20 -0500

Hash: SHA1

On 9 Apr 2001, Hermann Samso wrote:

>       I am searching for a Linux emulator for Linux. Does such
>       a beast exist? I think this could be useful for System
>       developement, without needing to have more than 1 powerful
>       computer for programming and testing.

You are probably looking for User mode LInux:
It uses a file on the host system as its root device.  I have used it to
try out quite a few distributions with out having to re-install every

For public key to verify this message:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



From: "Joseph A. Knapka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DEV TCP/IP C++
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 23:19:33 GMT

Juergen Heinzl wrote:
> In article <9asr81$kj8$02$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dirk Riebesell wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Are there any URL/HOWTO/Documentation about TCP/IP function for C++ under
> >Linux.
> >Under Win it documentet by ..DN, but for Linux I haven't found yet anything.
> [-]
> C++ does not know anything about TCP and IP, so there're no C++
> specific functions.
> You may use the BSD socket functions or one of the many libraries
> available, but any documentation then is library specific of course.

Though if you are looking for a library to encapsulate the C
TCP/IP library in a nice C++ interface, you might want to look
at the ACE project <> .


-- Joe
> Ta',
> Juergen
> --
> \ Real name     : Juergen Heinzl                \       no flames      /
>  \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /

-- Joe Knapka
"It was just a maddened crocodile hidden in a flower bed. It could
 have happened to anyone." -- Pratchett
// Linux MM Documentation in progress:
* Evolution is an "unproven theory" in the same sense that gravity is. *


From: Frank Ranner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to modify dynamic lib ?
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 09:33:04 +1000

Markus Fischer wrote:
> I would like to replace a function in a dynamic lib.
> assumed I have a file and nm
> shows me the functions in the library.
> how can I compile and add/replace the function in
> the original dynamic library ?
I'm not sure of the exact mechanism, but I believe you can use
LD_PRELOAD to force
load a library, before any of the standard libraries. By pre-loading a
library with
routines of the same name, your program will link to those entries
rather than the
ones in the subsequently loaded ones.

>From the GCC howto:

LD_PRELOAD can be set to a file containing `overriding' function
definitions. For example, if you were testing memory allocation
strategies, and
     wanted to replace `malloc', you could write your replacement
routine, compile it into malloc.o and then 

          $ LD_PRELOAD=malloc.o; export LD_PRELOAD
          $ some_test_program

> pointers welcome
> thanks,
> robert arctor wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > Could somebody please post how to permanently change the PATH environment
> > variable.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Rob
Regards, Frank Ranner


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Goldhammer)
Subject: Re: Need your recommendation for a full-featured text editor
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 01:06:51 GMT

On 09 Apr 2001 11:45:18 -0500, 
Greg Copeland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Didn't read all of your requiremnets, but EMACS is THE editor.  Like it
>or not, it what all other editors try to be.  

Vi does not try to be Emacs.

Don't think you are. Know you are.


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Suppressing Redhat bootup output
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 16:45:31 -0500

Paul Haley wrote:

> I'm running Redhat 6.2 and would like to suppress the output on bootup, such
> as "Loading cron.....  [OK]", etc.  All I want is to have lilo say "loading
> linux" and then give me a login prompt, though of course I still want all
> the programs/processes to run, I just don't want them to output to the
> screen.  I checked out the init scripts and nothing jumped out at me.

Why would you want to do this?  The only reason you need to
reboot is when you change hardware or your kernel, and then you
want to see those messages to make sure things are working as




Subject: Re: DEV TCP/IP C++
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 01:15:01 GMT

"Dirk Riebesell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Are there any URL/HOWTO/Documentation about TCP/IP function for C++
> under Linux.

The usual set of functions are implemented as C libraries, and are
certainly usable from C++ applications.

There are periodically announcements on
comp.os.linux.development.system concerning C++ libraries that provide
"smarter wrappers" for these sorts of things; none appear to have
become so vastly popular as to be a defacto standard.

You might want to look at a CORBA implementation; TAO is a C++ ORB
that has, underlying it, the ACE C++ network programming toolkit.  For
"lightweight" work, ACE may be nicely suitable; for "heavierweight"
needs, TAO provides additional functionality.
(reverse (concatenate 'string "ac.notelrac.teneerf@" "454aa"))
"The program is manufactured by Quantel, a Silicon Valley company
located in Clearwater, Florida."


From: "Johnny A. Solbu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Suppressing Redhat bootup output
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 03:49:01 +0200

> The only reason you need to reboot is when you change hardware or your =

Why does "every" Linux user assume that the hole
world leaves their computers powered on at all times???

A significant number of Linux users do NOT leave their=20
computers powered ON when they are done computing.
Also a significant number of Linux users does not run a server
or have a 24/7 connection. They don't even have a LAN.

So shutting down their boxes is as natural as eating every day.

Solbu -
Remove _SPAMBLOCK_ for email
PGP key ID: 0xFA687324


Subject: Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist?
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 03:13:40 GMT

"Norm Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hermann Samso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:9at3ri$gc3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > I am searching for a Linux emulator for Linux. Does such
> > a beast exist? I think this could be useful for System
> > developement, without needing to have more than 1 powerful
> > computer for programming and testing.

> Let's see.  I can buy a cheap PC clone on which I can run Linux --
> in a networked environment so I don't even need anything more than
> the OS itself -- for about $600US.  At even a bargain basement
> (costing) rate of $50US hour, that's only 12 hours of programmer
> time.  Considering the complexity of Linux, you'd have to expend
> thousands of hours to get something that might -- just might --
> provide a moderately faithful emulation of exactly one version of
> Linux.  Just one version!  To get three versions, you'd probably
> have to double that.  And who's going to do the program maintenance
> every time a new kernel version comes out?  You?  Probably not.  You
> wouldn't have enough time to understand all of the differences from
> the last version in time to get it coded before you'd have to start
> working on the next new kernel version.

The _big_ value of this is not in being able to have one fewer PCs
hanging around.  [Although IBM would be more than happy to sell you a
System 390 system on the basis of being able to set up hundreds or
thousands of virtual Linux machines...  They could probably keep a
junior VP paid based on just one such sale...]

The _real_ value to this would be in being able to have (let's say)
one VC opened on an editor, and another open on the kernel debugger,
running a "subservient kernel."

And better still, a recompile of the kernel, reboot, retry, and
recompile can all take place with copies sitting in cache, without
disturbing the development tool session, without _really_ rebooting.
(reverse (concatenate 'string "ac.notelrac.teneerf@" "454aa"))
A Plateau is the highest form of flattery.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thore B. Karlsen)
Subject: Re: Need your recommendation for a full-featured text editor
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 04:06:19 GMT

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 01:06:51 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Goldhammer) wrote:

>>Didn't read all of your requiremnets, but EMACS is THE editor.  Like it
>>or not, it what all other editors try to be.  

>Vi does not try to be Emacs.

And thank heavens for that.

"By the time we've finished with him, he won't know whether
he's Number Six or the cube root of infinity!"


From: Joe Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Suppressing Redhat bootup output
Date: 09 Apr 2001 21:52:48 -0600

"Johnny A. Solbu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> A significant number of Linux users do NOT leave their=20
> computers powered ON when they are done computing.
> Also a significant number of Linux users does not run a server
> or have a 24/7 connection. They don't even have a LAN.
> So shutting down their boxes is as natural as eating every day.

Dunno...  it seems to me that the population of users who are running
systems that go up/down as you describe, but who don't have machines
that do APM, should be getting fairly small by now.  The only machine
I've got that gets ``powered down'' on a regular basis is my laptop,
and it justs gets suspended/restored (except for upgrades and failures
to watch the batery level once in a while!).  Not many reboots...

And even if we accept that a machine goes down at night and comes up
in the morning, I'm pretty much at a loss to understand somebody not
wanting to see the messages.  The general concept of not wanting
information escapes me...

As an aside, the one thing I really miss from RedHat (I switched to
Debian a while ago) is the bootup procedure.  I prefer having the
rcX.d scripts linked to subdirectories of /etc/init.d, and the green
[OK] was really reassuring.  That's a pretty minor loss, compared to
the ease in upgrades, though.  Yes, I've read about RPM upgrade systems
that have come out recently that are described as being as nice as
dselect.  Last fall, dselect and the difficulty of keeping the various
RPM variants provided me with a compelling reason to switch to
Debian.  RPM will have to improve to the point that there is a
compelling reason to change before I switch back.  Maybe kernel
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hartmann Schaffer)
Subject: Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist?
Date: 10 Apr 2001 00:15:47 -0400

In article <ETuA6.139266$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>"Norm Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hermann Samso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> news:9at3ri$gc3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> > I am searching for a Linux emulator for Linux. Does such
>> > a beast exist? I think this could be useful for System
>> > developement, without needing to have more than 1 powerful
>> > computer for programming and testing.

i remember having seen an announcement some time last summer or fall for
something exactly like that (i think the announcement specifically
mentioned its use for kernel development), but i can't remember project
name or url.  check out freshmeat and sourcefourge



From: Robert Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist?
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 21:38:56 -0700

Hartmann Schaffer wrote:
> In article <ETuA6.139266$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >"Norm Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Hermann Samso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> news:9at3ri$gc3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> > I am searching for a Linux emulator for Linux. Does such
> >> > a beast exist? I think this could be useful for System
> >> > developement, without needing to have more than 1 powerful
> >> > computer for programming and testing.
> i remember having seen an announcement some time last summer or fall for
> something exactly like that (i think the announcement specifically
> mentioned its use for kernel development), but i can't remember project
> name or url.  check out freshmeat and sourcefourge
> hs


Examining VMware

for a possible answer(?)

HTH. Bob L.
Robert Lynch     Berkeley CA USA    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "David Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Key Masks for Alt Gr continued...
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 04:46:45 GMT

A while back I posted about different masks used in X for the state field
in XEvent structures.  I'm working on a keyboard program that sends events
to other windows using this.  (

The Alt Gr keys still can't be persuaded to work.  I remap a keycode from 
XK_Alt_R to XK_Mode_switch, and then try to find the appropriate mask for
the key.  I use XGetModifierMapping() to find out which slot the modifier is
in first.  I have to move it often, because XK_Alt_L and XK_Alt_R's keycodes
are often in the same slot since they're really the same modifier.  So I
wrote some code that moves XK_Mode_switch to a different slot and deletes 
it out of the old slot when it gets remapped. 

Per the XGetModifierMapping() page, it seems that if a modifier's keycode
is in the first slot (if map is an XModifierKeymap structure, then the
keycode is between map->modifiermap[0] and
map->modifiermap[map->max_keypermod]) then it seems the Mask that I should
use for the state field is ShiftMask.  That's all I can read into this

       The modifiermap member of the XModifierKeymap structure
       contains 8 sets of max_keypermod KeyCodes, one for each
       modifier in the order Shift, Lock, Control, Mod1, Mod2,
       Mod3, Mod4, and Mod5.

I take this to mean that if a keycode is in slot 0, use ShiftMask, slot
1 use LockMask, slot 2 use ControlMask, etc.

This isn't correct though, since the result doesn't work.  Plus, it would
seem odd to me to be able to assign XK_Shift_L/XK_Shift_R to Mod1Mask and
end up using ShiftMask for your alt key.  (You could do it that way if I'm
understanding this right)

So my core problem is just this:  Given the keycode or keysym of a modifier
key, I want to know which mask that I should logical OR the state field of an
XEvent structure to simulate that modifier key being pressed when the event
happened.  (The XEvent is pretty much only KeyPressEvent and KeyReleaseEvent)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

David Allen
"Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with 
the ideal never goes unpunished." 
- Goethe


Subject: Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist?
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 05:02:41 GMT

Robert Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hartmann Schaffer wrote:
> > 
> > In article <ETuA6.139266$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >"Norm Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >> Hermann Samso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > >> news:9at3ri$gc3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > >> > I am searching for a Linux emulator for Linux. Does such
> > >> > a beast exist? I think this could be useful for System
> > >> > developement, without needing to have more than 1 powerful
> > >> > computer for programming and testing.
> > 
> > i remember having seen an announcement some time last summer or fall for
> > something exactly like that (i think the announcement specifically
> > mentioned its use for kernel development), but i can't remember project
> > name or url.  check out freshmeat and sourcefourge
> > 
> > hs
> See:
> Examining VMware
> <>
> for a possible answer(?)

<"> is what I actually had in

User Mode Linux is free software; no licensing fees required.  It
permits experimenting not only with the kernel that you're running in
user mode, but also allows experimenting with the virtualization
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "")
When ever in doubt consult a song. --JT Fletcher 



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End of Linux-Development-System Digest

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