Linux-Development-Sys Digest #752, Volume #8     Sun, 27 May 01 13:13:11 EDT

  Re: Help!! ("Karl Heyes")
  Re: ext2 limitations (Juha Laiho)
  linux smp/RT development question. (khz)
  Re: linux smp/RT development question. ("Norm Dresner")
  Re: g++ => byte alignment ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Please read... ("psy")
  AD : Multichannel OD Test Cards For Sale £25 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Lilo question ("Hugin")


From: "Karl Heyes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help!!
Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 18:31:50 +0100

In article <MRQP6.4450$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "psy"

> As a Linux newbee, I installed RedHat 7.1 successfully even though I am
> having some darn problems (which is normal when you don't master a new
> OS!!).
> Here there are.
> 1- When booting, it is said that "Bringing up interface etho" is
> unsuccessful.  What does this mean and what should I do??

The eth0 interface is your first network card, presumably he one that talks
to your cable modem (see point 2).   For some reason your system is
configured to have a network card but the driver thats loading is not
detecting or setting up the card correctly.   An example of this is if the
card is setup for DHCP and there is no DHCP server available.  Is the IP
number known before hand.

>  2- I have a cable
> modem.  However, on KDE, I was not able to find where I could setup my
> internet!!  It talked about internet ISDN, regular modem (dial up), etc. but
> nothing on cable modem.  Consequently, I cannot use internet...

relating to point 1

> 3- When I put a cd on my cd-rom hardware, it works fine but I cannot re-open
> the door anymore!!  I pressed the exit button many times, without any
> success...  What did I do wrong?

If something is accessing the CD drive, that includes an application that is
sitting in any of the directories on the CD, then the drive will not eject.
Shutdown any applications that are accessing the drive.

> Finally, is it normal that when I want to open an application, it takes
> around 7 seconds to open it?  It seems to be quite slow...  (example, when I
> pressed mouse config, a blank screen appears for 7 seconds before I get any
> opportunity to make a change...)

What application are we talking about,  some are heavy weight like netscape.
It could be a name resolution problem.   Are you referring to a DNS that you
cannot get to?,  what is in your /etc/hosts file?



From: Juha Laiho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ext2 limitations
Date: 26 May 2001 09:16:42 GMT

"Jason Kusar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>Does anyone know what the maximum number of entries is on an ext2 partition?

What do you mean by "entries"?

If you mean filesystem objects (files, directories, ..), then it's inode
count accessible with either "df -i" (fs-independent) or "tune2fs -l"
(for ext2 filesystems).

Each object will consume one inode (but a single inode an have multiple
names on the file system, f.ex. a directory has a minimum of two names;
from a parent directory, it's called with the name of the directory, and
from within the directory itself, it's called with '.'. If this directory
has subdirectories, then the directory can also be called by name '..' in
each of the subdirectories -- and still the directory uses just the one
inode. Similarly for hard-linked files -- but each symbolic link will
need its own inode.

If you mean something else, please explain.
Wolf  a.k.a.  Juha Laiho     Espoo, Finland
(GC 3.0) GIT d- s+: a C++ UH++++ UL++++$ P++@ L+++ E(-) W+$@ N++ !K w !O
         !M V PS(+) PE Y+ PGP(+) t- 5 !X R !tv b+ !DI D G e+ h--- r+++ y+++
"...cancel my subscription to the resurrection!" (Jim Morrison)


Subject: linux smp/RT development question.
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 01:40:04 +0200

Hi everybody,

this is at the moment a totally theoretical thing.
it is a question concerning a linux-smp-system
(dual intel PIII) and kernel >=2.4.x . in addition
it also includes some realtime problems.

but here is my question:

does anybody know whether it is possible or not to
have one special process running uninteruptable on
one predefined cpu in an environment like the above.

uninteruptable means that it is not even concerned in scheduling
and that the cpu it is running on does not make any
interrupt handling like timer or i/o. (it doesn't ever enter kernel
this must all be done by the second cpu where a 'normal'
linux system shall be running.

additionally shall the process (running on the predefijned cpu)
be able to react itself on interrupts (e.g.on the parallel port) and
shall write data to
ram where the data should be postprocessed by another process running
in the 'normal' linux on the other cpu.

i know that there have to be modifications in kernel sources
like modifying the runqueue, perhaps do_fork() and maybe writing a
kernel-module for parallel and ram i/o but that would be ok.

the process (on one distinct cpu) itself wouldn't behave like classical
RT-Processes where
it is more important to garantue a dedicated maximum amount of time
to react on special events. this seems impossible for linux processes
(even scheduled RR or FIFO) because the kernel might be in
a via CLI blocked section where the kernel can't do anything until it
STI and returns from interrupt.

that's why the process shall run forever on one cpu to be able to react
at any time to special events.

so if anybody has ideas or comments or
even other strategies to achieve this i would be very glad to here them.

it does not have to be too technical oriented stuff but more
your opinion on that. (i don't even know how much cli-sti section are
in 2.4.x kernels)

thanks and greetings from,


From: "Norm Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux smp/RT development question.
Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 23:58:57 GMT

khz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi everybody,
> this is at the moment a totally theoretical thing.
> it is a question concerning a linux-smp-system
> (dual intel PIII) and kernel >=2.4.x . in addition
> it also includes some realtime problems.
> but here is my question:
> does anybody know whether it is possible or not to
> have one special process running uninteruptable on
> one predefined cpu in an environment like the above.

Using Real-Time Linux (RTL), you can easily create an interruptible task.
Once it gains control of a CPU, the only possible thing that can dislodge it
would be a higher-priority task.  That should give you exactly what you


Subject: Re: g++ => byte alignment
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 12:18:43 +0200

Patrick Rust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I want to compile the following with byte-alignment

> typedef struct XYZ
> {
>   char X;
>   short Y;
>   long Z;
> }

> How can I do this.

Change your definition to:

typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) XYZ

and you will get byte alignment.



From: "psy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please read...
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 10:49:52 -0400


Since I am new to Linux, please be patient with me.  I have had problems
with Linux recognizing my two ethernet cards since I got the message "failed
to bringing up interface eth0".

My first ethernet card is a D-Link DFE-530tx + PCI adapter and my second one
is a Realtek rtl8139(A) pci fast ethernet.

What I did is the following: I went on D-Link website (through windows) and
downloaded a driver for Linux which is an executable (I installed it on a
floppy disk).  Happy with that, I went back on Linux, KDE, double clicked on
a: drive and double clicked on the file.  Then, nothing happened...  Back to
square one!!

In a previous message I got some advise such as "activate driver with
"kudzu"", etc.  Now, since I know nothing about Linux, how do I activate
that?  And how can I install this D-Link driver?

Also, when I double clicked on "linux config" I got this message "couldn't
execute /usr/bin/kdesu"/sbin/linuxconf" Please install the linuxconf
package".  I have with me 5 cds.  The first two is intall, the third one is
called "source", the fourth one is "powertools" and 5th one is
"documentation".  I have to confess that I went through the documentation
but was quite hard to understand...

Again, many thanks for your patience.  I sincerely appreciate your help...

Visitez mon site Web!!


Subject: AD : Multichannel OD Test Cards For Sale £25
Date: 27 May 2001 16:21:18 GMT

email for info


From: "Hugin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Lilo question
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 18:56:57 +0200


My bios is set to boot in this sequence : "A,C,SCSI"
If I install Lilo on drive C, is there a way I can
make Lilo continue the boot-sequence? Eg. When
I start Lilo, it displays the different Linux-startups.
Can I then make Lilo quit(?), and make it continue
on the booting sequence set by BIOS (eg. SCSI)?

My possible solution: I think (actually know) A is
assigned 0x80. So I guess C is assigned 0x81
and SCSI 0x82. How can I append a line to
lilo.conf to make it boot the 0x82 device? I've
tried this line:

disk=/dev/sda bios-0x82

but with no luck. My problem is that linux don't
support my SCSI controller, an thus lilo cant see
the device I wish to boot from. Thus it's impossible
to run lilo, as it won't install the new lilo.conf version...


BTW: If anyone wonders why, I posted earlier on
the same problem under the title: "WinNT boot
and Lilo boot" )Windows is on the SCSI array.)



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