Am 07.06.2016 um 09:54 schrieb Daniel Vetter <>:

> On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 6:32 PM, Markus Heiser <> 
> wrote:
>> From: "Heiser, Markus" <>
> I'm still not sold on the vintage-kerneldoc idea. At least in my
> experience (after first converting to asciidoc and now to sphinx) this
> is a non-issue. Yes, there's the oddball misrendering, but that's no
> worse than the oddball typo.

Since *vintage* and reST mode is an option of the ".. kernel-doc:" 
directive it is compareabel. E.g 80211.html produce markup errors:

* 230 in "reST" mode
* 6 in *vintage* "kernel-doc" mode

95% of the errors caused by:

    Emphasis “*”: like *emphasis* or **emphasis strong**
    Leading “_” : is a anchor in reST markup (_foo).
    Trailing “_: is a reference in reST markup (foo_).
    interpreted text: “`”
    inline literals: “``”
    substitution references: “|”

which qouted when the parser runs in vintage "kernel-doc" mode.


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