Hi Jon, Mauro, Jani,

today I tested imgmath, it worked well, but needs an
additional dvipng installation ...

What do you think, should we document the prerequisites
on different linux distributions to build documentation
with sphinx.ext.imgmath and PDF output?

What I mean, in the meantime we have two PDF applications,
the imgmath uses "latex" (plus dvipng) and the PDF output 
uses "xetex".

I tested on a ubuntu 16.04 sandbox, so my experience is,
on a debian based system it should be enough to install 
*base*, *xetex* and *recommended* -TeX packages, the 
imgmath extensions needs an additional dvipng package::

   sudo apt-get install \
         dvipng texlive-base texlive-xetex \

Jon and Mauro made there own experience with fedora, where
the installation procedure seems much more complex.

Might it be good, to document these experiences, to preserve
your experience?

-- Markus --

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