
On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 04:53:37PM -0400, Waiman Long wrote:
> ASAIK for v2, when cpuset.cpus is empty, cpuset.effective_cpus will show
> all the cpus available from the parent. It is a different behavior from
> v1. So do we still need a cpuset.cpus_available?

Heh, you're right.  Let's forget about available and do
cpuset.cpus.effective.  The primary reason for suggesting that was
because of the similarity with cgroup.controllers and
cgroup.subtree_control; however, they're that way because
subtree_control is delegatable.  For a normal resource knob like
cpuset.cpus, the knob is owned by the parent and what's interesting to
the parent is its effective set that it's distributing from.


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