On Tue, Oct 03, 2023 at 09:33:34AM -0600, Jonathan Corbet wrote:

> I was hoping to see some more comments on this; it is a fairly
> significant change in the expectations we put on our reviewers.  Oh
> well, I've applied it.  I wonder if we should add a note saying to look
> at the maintainer profile for the subsystem in question for more
> specific guidance?  Of course, it would be good to have more of those...

It's the sort of thing that's going to vary quite a lot with things like
the point in the release cycle as well (as the existing text already
gestures towards) plus the complexity of the change, I'm not sure that
setting explicit QoS guarantees is going to work out well.  The list of
variables gets long and complicated, and the more explicit things are
the more likely someone is to be disappointed.

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