Michel Verbraak wrote:
> On juli 20th there was some conversation going on about the Twinhan
> Sat-CI 1034 v1.2 card.
> The conversation was about that there is not yet support for this card
> in linux dvb but Manu Abraham said it would take probably some weeks.
> Is there any repository allready available with some work for this card
> or is no one yet working on it.

Work is going on. This device is a bit different from other frontends
(It is a DC receiver and lot of strange things it brings along).
Repository is not available yet. It is not only the frontend that is
different for this card, but the PCI bridge and everything is completely

> I have such a card and would like to help to develop the driver. I am
> not a driver developer but I do have programming experience and am
> willing to do testing.

Have couple of cards here CA and FTA types, work still in progress.
Current status is that PCI bridge is done and work is going on with the
frontends. Lot of new cards, with the same PCI bridge.


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