On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 16:37 +0200, Jonas Jonsson wrote:

> I'm about to buy either a MSI MegaSky 580 or a Twinhan DTV Alpha (VP-7045A)
> How well does these "cards" work?
> Has anyone some advice on which "card" I should buy, or should I look at
> something else?

There are two versions of the Megasky to my knowledge: one based on the
m9206 chip and another based on the gl861 chip. I myself have got one
based on the gl861 chip. I think this is the one that you get when you
buy one nowdays.  The driver in the repository doesn't work for me yet.
Others and I are working to get the driver to work. But it can take some
time before a reliable driver will be available.

I don't know about the Twinhan DTV Alpha's driver status.

I would recommend you go with a "card" that is well supported.


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