Hi, I bought this the other day after a lot of hassle as it's the only device I've ever seen that does everything I want... problem is their "Linux Support" which they claim is virtually non existant. After buying it I download the driver only to find it's version 0.03 (reassuring) and only supports x86 (I'm on x86_64) which left me screwed. So I still can't use it.

I was wondering if anyone is working on an actual Linux kernel driver for this? I assume it would be much easier to implement than something with no support as they provide the source to build their kernel driver with (http://www.avermedia.com/software/AVERMEDIA-Linux-A828-0.03-beta.zip - you run the script, tell it where to put it in expert mode and it downloads the source).

So, is there any chance of getting this to work or do I have just more dead hardware? :(


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