En/na P. van Gaans ha escrit:

What, top-posting? Wikipedia is helpful.. I didn't know, I prefer top-posting, saves scrollingtime. In fact I was wondering why you were bottom-posting. I'm used to forums, not to mailinglists. On forums you decide yourself if you want to see everything top or bottomposted.. Seriously I didn't know it was a crime!

See sig. This is a mailing list, not a forum

So I understand I have to change the 0 into a 1 and change state->strong to temp? Not remove the # for if? If that's all correct I guess it didn't really help.

If you're following the mailing list, see Thomas Pinz's reply to my message.

Maybe you just get what you pay for then.. On other receivers I get signals from 60 kilometers away, on the afatach vitually nothing (closest transmitter is 27 kilometer). Are you supposed to tape the antenna to the transmitter?

I live ~6km to the transmitting tower, and I cannot get at least one mux (the rest are mostly fine though). But, in my case, it's the same under windows.

But wait.. *looks at laptop*, suddenly the afatech stick reads the channels from Wavre, Belgium. That's over 80 kilometers away and a pretty weak transmitter. The much stronger signal from Schoten (35 kilometers or so) is blissfully ignored. The image contains some blocks but it's better than the radio I had earlier.

Strange stuff..



A: Because it destroys the flow of the conversation
Q: Why is it bad?
A: No, it's bad.
Q: Should I top post in replies to mailing lists?

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