Andrew Burgess wrote:
> kernel: 2.6.22-rt9
> I had to rmmod the dvb stuff, load lgdt330x manually, then reload dvb
> Then everything was fine

Some more detail would be better...  what do you mean, "reload dvb" ?  Please 
show us exactly what commands you ran.

> I've booted 2.6.22 before without this problem, maybe it was different
> because the dvico was warm, usually I power cycle everything

Can you provide a step-by-step on exactly how to reproduce this problem?

> Hope this is the correct list
> Andrew

It's the correct list.  :-)

> Sep  1 07:47:06 cichlid kernel: dvb-usb: found a 'DViCO FusionHDTV5 USB Gold' 
> in warm state.
> Sep  1 07:47:06 cichlid kernel: dvb-usb: will pass the complete MPEG2 
> transport stream to the software demuxer.
> Sep  1 07:47:06 cichlid kernel: DVB: registering new adapter (DViCO 
> FusionHDTV5 USB Gold).
>>>>>> Sep  1 07:47:07 cichlid kernel: DVB: Unable to find symbol 
>>>>>> lgdt330x_attach() <<<<<<<<<<<<
> Sep  1 07:47:07 cichlid kernel: dvb-usb: no frontend was attached by 'DViCO 
> FusionHDTV5 USB Gold'
> Sep  1 07:47:07 cichlid kernel: input: IR-receiver inside an USB DVB receiver 
> as /class/input/input3
> Sep  1 07:47:07 cichlid kernel: dvb-usb: schedule remote query interval to 
> 100 msecs.
> Sep  1 07:47:07 cichlid kernel: dvb-usb: DViCO FusionHDTV5 USB Gold 
> successfully initialized and connected.
> Sep  1 07:47:07 cichlid kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver 
> dvb_usb_cxusb



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